The person with the longest hair in my family is _______________ length.

The person with the longest hair in my family is ___________ length.

  • Ear

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Neck

    Votes: 10 1.1%
  • Chin

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Shoulder

    Votes: 127 14.0%
  • Armpit

    Votes: 166 18.3%
  • Bra Strap

    Votes: 192 21.2%
  • Mid Back

    Votes: 156 17.2%
  • Waist

    Votes: 148 16.4%
  • Tail Bone

    Votes: 72 8.0%
  • Beyond Tail Bone

    Votes: 31 3.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Same here! Why is that? I thought older people would have a more difficult time with hair and nail growing. Must be something special in that there Centrum Silver. :lachen:

That and their diet. Most eat totally different from us nowadays. I know many who are absolutely repulsed by even a hamburger in a public place.

BTW, the person with the longest hair in my immediate family is my mother. At last sew-in, her hair was about an inch from bra strap. I sew it for her because if I did it would look like a hot mess. She says she can't remember it being that long since she was a child. I stretch her relaxers to about twice a year which is much better for her fine 4b hair. Prior to my BC, it was me who was the very length that she is now. I am currently in a sew-in so I do not know my length right now. I will take it down before the week is up to re-do. I usually leave them in about three months at a time.
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My maternal grandmothers hair is/was waistlength for the longest time until it began to thin (She's 78) and she cut it to shoulder length layered to make it look more full. My aunts/cousin's hair has always been mid back and my mothers hovers around apl. My paternal grandmother's hair is apl...was (God rest her soul.)

I have natural 4a hair and I am hoping to get to BSL stretched.
The person w/ the longest hair in my family would I've been loc'ed for almost 12 years, and my 4a/4b hair was waist-length untill I trimmed a couple of inches off about a month ago, now it's mid-back length.
Me. Almost BSL.

The other women in my fam(mom, sis, cousins, aunts, grammies) have shoulder-length and shorter hair. Some voluntarily. Some involuntarily (have a cousin who wears weave 24/7 365 days of the year to make her hair look BSL).
My first cousin's 9 year-old son has tailbone length hair. She has been growing it since birth.
Great thread!

My sister and 2 of my cousins are armpit length, so I voted APL. I have 2 other cousins that used to be bra strap length when they were younger, but when they got older they cut their hair and they wear it in short natural styles now.
I have plethora of cousins with bra strap or longer (mainly older but the younger ones are catching up and I tend to find that the one thing they all have is common is no relaxer). They simply, wash, hot comb and bun it up. My younger cousin being the exception (as far as bunning is concerned).

My mom was between apl and bsl when i was younger until she let folks start meddling in her hair.
This is an INSPIRING thread because for all of those who said you had the longest hair in your families, I'm sure when you started your hair journey, everyone told you your hair would never get long because of your genes. Wonderful proof of dispelling myths!

And my great grandmother (she's passed now) had the longest hair it was waist length, everyone else including myself is shoulder length. I'm determined to be like my great grandmother just because everyone thinks I can't!
This is an INSPIRING thread because for all of those who said you had the longest hair in your families, I'm sure when you started your hair journey, everyone told you your hair would never get long because of your genes. Wonderful proof of dispelling myths!

Yes, that was the myth--especially for my wonderfully nappy 4b hair! I guess to some, only folks with "good" (special emphasis on the quote marks) 2a/b or 3a/b hair supposedly had the kind that grows, lol. But for my hair, it really suffered with relaxers--because of the overprocessing, I was always "coaxing" it to grow, and it never got past shoulder length without being very thin & straggly. To each her own, but I realized that it would continue to suffer if I kept going against my natural kinky texture & trying to make it bone straight. Plus, I started to wonder WHY I was burning my scalp out regularly--to try & look like who?

The funny thing is, I never got compliments from brothas on my hair when it was relaxed--now they fall over themselves to say, "Nice locs/dreads"!:grin:
The person with the longest hair is me. I think the other women are capable of growing their hair out long, but they keep it cut for the most part.
Up until last week it was my mother with midback.
she chopped to shoulder length and now i'm the longest with BSL
My grandmother. When she died her hair was APL, however... up until the day she got married her hair was Waist Length. My grandma was really funny.

My grandpa told her one day that she "betta not eva cut her haih uff!" Because it was so pretty and that he would never marry her if she did.... And just to be defiant, she chopped it all off on the night before her wedding. :lachen:

Ever since then she always kept it between BSL and APL I don't ever remember it being longer than that.... But I guess HER mother always kept her hair to her waist.
Mine is and was my great aunt who was waist length, she took alot from the indian side. Actually I have a cousin who is past tail-bone dreaded. I have other aunts cousins and sisters as well as myself who are either past APL or MBL. I guess alot would consider my growth genetic. But I've gone through stages where I know that care is just as if not more important.
I have the longest hair in my family - currently armpit length. But my Mom will surpass me soon with her locks!

Yes it's always been that way, except before I was born and my Grandma was still young. I always hear stories that she had waist length hair. =)
Most of the women in my family choose to have their hair short. My one aunt who is natural is the only one who lets her hair grow and that is only because when she twists it, it shrinks up all the way to shoulder length so it seems like a short style. (They live in hot weather) The longest would have to be my grandma for a short period of time when she was too busy to cut it. It was bra-strap/ mid-back.
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all of my father's aunts, none are alive now, had hair that was pass knee or ankle length. my dad said when he was younger, they rarely did anything special with their hair. they just would apply castor oil daily and let the sun do its thing. don't I wish!!:spinning:
My mom has the longest hair (for now :grin:). She's grazing BSL. her hair is healthy and shiny and I'm like "I'm going to catch up to you!" :drunk:
I remember one of my aunts had long waist length hair. She always kept it in a braid or two braids and she rarely let it out. My other aunts had long hair when younger but as they got older they kept it short. My cousin HAD hair to her butt when she was younger but cut it a few years ago and now she keeps it shoulder or slightly longer.
I have the longest hair. I've had a cousins with midback and waistlength hair though when they were younger, one still has midback hair. My sister is bra-strap.
My cousin... she is always between tail bone and waist length (braided ponytail or pigtails) it seems since she was born:yep:!!! I remember asking her what she used on her hair and she would simply reply "the pink luster's oil and a brush".
Of course when I tried that my hair was a hot mess...:violin: