The person with the longest hair in my family is _______________ length.

The person with the longest hair in my family is ___________ length.

  • Ear

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Neck

    Votes: 10 1.1%
  • Chin

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Shoulder

    Votes: 127 14.0%
  • Armpit

    Votes: 166 18.3%
  • Bra Strap

    Votes: 192 21.2%
  • Mid Back

    Votes: 156 17.2%
  • Waist

    Votes: 148 16.4%
  • Tail Bone

    Votes: 72 8.0%
  • Beyond Tail Bone

    Votes: 31 3.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
^^^wow isnt' she lucky...

On my dad's side of the family i can't think of anyone who has hair longer than SL... i've never considered this before tho....

On my ma's side of the fam it's very common to have WL... they are all white tho w/ levels 2-3 hair... my mom had WL 3b hair for a long time but it's short now

so maybe i'll be somewhere in the middle... my goal is BSL anyway
The person with the longest hair in my family is ME. Always has been. Wether I was shoulderlenght or waistlength.
I have the longest hair in my fam, being BSL...I have a little 2nd cousin who I haven't seen in almost 5 years w/BSL hair too.

On my hubby side of the fam, his sister has very beautiful waist length hair.
I haven't met everyone, I have only met a few of my mothers sisters and cousins and none of my father's brothers and sisters.

The one aunt that I do know has waist length 4a natural hair that she blowdries all the time, never flat irons. Her hair is so thick and healthy.

My mom had brastrap length 2c/3a natural hair, and they look nothing alike! I mean they don't even look like they could be related.
My grandmother currently has APL thick, thick hair. She relaxes bone straight and it's still thicker than my new growth. When I was growing up her hair was always BSL but she cut it this year.

I'll catch up with her soon enough!
Various aunts and cousins on both sides of my family have waist and tailbone length hair. In my immediate family, I have the longest hair at mid-back.
Right now I don't have any family members or even friends IRL that have longer hair than me :D

My old great-aunt used to have tailbone length, red hair, but she is dead now. My mom's hair grew very quickly when she was younger. I think the longest her hair was must have been around waist length.
my cousin has waistlength hair, even from when we were younger.

oh and my mum's cousin's hair is a bit longer i think... her hair is in dreads
My great grandmother's hair is somewhere between waist and tail bone length. My younger cousin has waist length hair. The majority of my aunts and one of my cousins have hair between APL and BSL. All of these people are on my moms side.
my mom. she had a thick WL braid but she cut it to BSL. But its still the longest. Most ppl in my fam wear their hair in short cuts
I want to say my mom, she has BSL hair and my father had somewhere near APL before he cut it years ago...
"The Person with the longest hair in my family is... ME actually!" :lol:

I'm sorry...I just couldn't resist! :lachen:

But *ahem*...seriously-speaking, at this moment I do have the longest hair in my family. I'm a little longer than shoulder-length. But before the LHCF, I think my sister had a wee bit longer and probably thicker hair than I did.

My mom usually keeps her hair short, so I'm not exactly sure how long her hair can grow. And back in high school and college she wore an Afro so.... :ohwell:

But I think the LHCF has definitely helped me in my hair length and acheivements. I've seen my hair surpass friends hair who always used to brag about how "long" their hair was, and would always like to show off. Well...guess what?? Now that my hair is longer than theirs, and is thriving...all of a sudden they don't bring up the "hair topic" anymore. Hmm....gee, wonder what changed? :D

:lachen::lachen: I love stories like this!
I think a lot of women in my hair could go to great lengths and have before but if they even wear it long, they keep it around APL, BSL and midback.

I still have great-aunts who have tailbone-length hair. They wear big buns all the time.
I remember seeing pictures of my mom when she was a teenager. She had the biggest beehives I had ever seen. When it was hanging down it was at least BSL. That was when she was natural and only got her hair pressed.
my younger sister has dreadlocks about an inch or 2 past APL.
so if her hair was straightened, it'd prolly be about BSL... ooh i hate her! (kidding)
Me, a little past brastrap, approaching midback. Only one of my sisters comes close to being second, at probably armpit. (She wears those "hard" updos all the time, so I'm not totally sure of her current length.)

Ironically, as a child growing up, I was the one who was teased about having neck length, scraggly, dry 4b, "bad hair." Now, I'm asked for hair advice.:ohwell:

This is some great inspiration, prospurr! Keep it growing, girl! :grin:
Ummm.. The person with the longest hair in my (immediate) family is me right now. My hair is sholder length. My sister likes to experiment with her hair although it grows very rapidly! Her hair in the past has reached APL!! But on my dad's side most of the women have either SL or APL hair!!
On my fathers side- My aunt has hip length hair so I have her beat by a few inches :grin:. My great grandmother has waist length hair.

On my mother side- My grandmother used to have almost classic length hair, but now it's cut to shoulder length.

So I have the longest hair now, but I haven't always.
Looking at my immediate family, which i consider, my mother, her brothers and sisters, and parents...none of us has had long hair. the longest all of us has gotten was right above shoulder length growing up with it pressed out. after a brief stint w/ a relaxer in the eighties, my mom has been natural since 91 and her hair was pushing armpit with dreads. Without them, who knows how long her hair was, bc we all have 4b hair with maxium shrinkage and she hasn't pressed or straightened it since 91- its always dreads, twists, puffs, braids,etc. she will dread it up, then cut it, then grow back out, etc. But other than that, we pretty much stay short. :ohwell:
My first cousin Brenda has Midback length hair and doesnt ever care for it. I just continues to grow and look healthly.:perplexed
I am the person with the longest hair in my family. Most of it is at waist-length.

It has definitely not always been this way. Back when I was relaxing, my hair never got longer than 3-5 inches, with the back always being completely broken off. At that time, my father's second oldest sister had the longest hair, with her hair at bra-strap length.
in my immediate family me (bsl)
married into the family is my sister in law
she just cut from tailbone to apl a few months ago
she has done that quite a few times
My little sis....Her hair is midback almost to her waist. She think she is all that! I will catch up to her one day.