The person with the longest hair in my family is _______________ length.

The person with the longest hair in my family is ___________ length.

  • Ear

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Neck

    Votes: 10 1.1%
  • Chin

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Shoulder

    Votes: 127 14.0%
  • Armpit

    Votes: 166 18.3%
  • Bra Strap

    Votes: 192 21.2%
  • Mid Back

    Votes: 156 17.2%
  • Waist

    Votes: 148 16.4%
  • Tail Bone

    Votes: 72 8.0%
  • Beyond Tail Bone

    Votes: 31 3.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
All right ladies, it's Friday and a cold, snowy 19 degrees...(Denver weather of course!)

Let's have some fun!

All we have to do is fill in the blank. I guess this is a play on the "genes vs. care" theory in terms of how long we can expect our hair to grow.

If YOU have the longest hair in your family, has it always been that way?

OK - I would say that the person with the longest hair in my family is me. My hair effortlessly grows between a full SL ---> APL. I have been the one with the longest hair in my family for the longest, but my sister (who has NEVER had long hair) is gaining on me since LHCF!

ETA: I am expecting to grow my hair to MBL.

Your turn!
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My 10 year old daughter has the longest hair in my immediate family. When lightly straightened it reaches to her waist.
Hey sister :grin:

The person with the longest hair in my family is probably my father's youngest sister who's hair is APL when stretched.

I probably have the longest hair in the family, even after my cut. Honestly, all of my father's sisters have healthy looking hair because their mother was a cosmetologist, but I never seen them with hair longer than shoulder length/armpit length.

ETA: I don't know about any of the kids in my family. I don't see them but I don't think their hair is long either, maybe 1.
The person with the longest hair in my family is my great aunt its at her waist. Although most of the women in my family (dads side) have pretty lenghty hair...unless they've cut it. My dad always jokes with me and says that if it wasn't for the length of my hair when I was younger he'd swear I wasn't his child. I don't have that "good grade" of hair not bad but not like his and my moms is pretty decent too....I don't know what happened:nono:.
My greatgrandmother had waistlength hair.
My grandmother burnt her hair off, and is 50% bald.
My mother has slightly below shoulder length dreadlocks.

I suspect I'll have the longest hair in the family, as moms keeps hers trimmed.
my sister. she had the longest, most beautifulest mid back hair for most of my life, but she cut it into a bob.
Don't you love the Denver snow?

My cousins. She's 14 maybe and my uncle said its MBL. She lives in Vegas.
But for those of us in Denver, I guess its me. My mom and aunt both prefer short styles. When my mom was growing her hair out, it never got past barely grazing her shoulder and she gets her hair done faithfully every week.

ETA: They all (my Grandpa and Uncle included) had past shoulder length when they were rockin curls :lachen:).
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My eldest sister. Right now her hair is close to APL.

All of us have always had shorter hair (SL or above). I don't think any of us ever TRIED to grow our hair. We all pretty much kept short cuts.
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I think the person witht he longest hair in my family is me. Mine is about apl now. I've always had the longest hair, especially when i was younger and had mbl hair. My mom has always liked the look of long hair, annd always took care of my hair so it wasn't a choice.
my grandmother has the longest hair in my family.

she was past BSL
but my cousin (who is a hairstylist)
cut her down to about APL some months ago
i think now it's inching it's way back to BSL
"The Person with the longest hair in my family is... ME actually!" :lol:

I'm sorry...I just couldn't resist! :lachen:

But *ahem*...seriously-speaking, at this moment I do have the longest hair in my family. I'm a little longer than shoulder-length. But before the LHCF, I think my sister had a wee bit longer and probably thicker hair than I did.

My mom usually keeps her hair short, so I'm not exactly sure how long her hair can grow. And back in high school and college she wore an Afro so.... :ohwell:

But I think the LHCF has definitely helped me in my hair length and acheivements. I've seen my hair surpass friends hair who always used to brag about how "long" their hair was, and would always like to show off. Well...guess what?? Now that my hair is longer than theirs, and is thriving...all of a sudden they don't bring up the "hair topic" anymore. Hmm....gee, wonder what changed? :D
i do!!!!!!!! it is cuz it is apl... No one else is that length but me... No one really takes care of their hair either....
In my immediate family (dh and the kids) dh and oldest dd have the longest. They're both bra strap when stretched. Dd may even be MBL

In my other family (mom, sisters, aunts, uncles) the person with the longest hair is my youngest sister, whose hair is about APL. It used to be bra strap, but she doesn't take care of it :ohwell:
oh snap i voted for the wrong length. I just remembered my cousin in New Jersey. she has APL natural hair. she's always had long hair. the rest of her family is relaxed.
The person with the longest hair in my family is me. The pic in my avatar is from July, but I'm almost BSL now. I say I probably have about 1/2" more to go, but that's before my trim in Jan. After that I'll probably be 1" to 1-1/2" to go before I'm BSL (I want nice ends when I get there :grin:). It's hard to say, depending on if my stylists is having one of those SHS days :ohwell:. I hope not :nono:. I'll decide whether she's in a good mood that day before asking for a trim :lachen:.
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I voted mid-back for my cousins in Cali,but they all actually have hair between mid back and waist length.
But I think the LHCF has definitely helped me in my hair length and acheivements. I've seen my hair surpass friends hair who always used to brag about how "long" their hair was, and would always like to show off. Well...guess what?? Now that my hair is longer than theirs, and is thriving...all of a sudden they don't bring up the "hair topic" anymore. Hmm....gee, wonder what changed? :D

:lachen:this whole paragraph had me laughing cause i can so relate. Do we have the same friends? Now all of a sudden they wanna start "seriously" taking care of their hair so it can get longer. The whole time i'm thinking with a smirk on my face: "well well well, i wonder what brought this on".
Two of my adult daughters have BSL hair. One takes great care of her hair and the other just yanks it up in a wet ponytail on top of her head everyday. Go figure...
As of right now since I gave my Mom a trim, my Dad (4zzzzzzzz). If I was to give my Dad a blow out he would be APL...mind you he's like 60 something and it's gray. He used to wear a fro and blow that mug out every Saturday after a that he's older he's let it go...I looked at his ponytail(*sigh*) like "Damn Daddy you got a lot of hair, your hair is longer than mine." My mom wants to cut it, I want to cut it but :ohwell: the LHCF in me wants to cultivate and grow. My mom spray his hair with Surge seals with Olive Oil and just puts it in a ponytail or braids it up. Damn shame! :look:
two of my cousins ( a mother and daughter) always had the longest hair in my family, I think they were at bsl. However, they have since cut their hair and are about apl layered, which means I now have the longest hair (below apl 1 inch away from bsl) in my family whoo hoo!
I'm pretty sure, at waist length, I have the longest hair in my family. When me and my cousins were children, we all had pretty much the same length hair, which was fairly long. Then the relaxers came in on the scene and with the lack of knowledge on how to use them properly, everything changed. Most of my family members are shoulder length or above. My mother has short hair by choice though. She doesn't use relaxers and she takes pretty good care of her hair. She just doesn't have a desire for long hair.
I can tell you who has the shortest and that would be me. Most of the women in my family have long hair and the longest being a cousin with waist length. My other cousins are BSL and my mother is a little past APL. I think the hair gene skipped me although my daughter has BSL when stretched.
My mother has the longest hair right now, which is BSL (she keeps trimming!!!) When I was a girl my hair was BSL, mom's was BSL and my older sis had tail had never been cut until she was a senior in high school.
My mom's sister on her dad's side has tail bone length, it may be longer. She wears it in a bun. But we have not seen her in years/nor were we close to her. If you ask other members of my family they will say it's me.

ETA: since I was a child.
there aren't that many women in my family, but my cousin has the longest. I think she is APL. I had a aunt who died before I was born. I pics she was Waist length.
I will probably be the longest when I get to BSL and since no one really listens to me about hair care I will probably always be the longest after that