The Payback


My 13yr old Men
I just got off the phone with my bff. She gave her heart to a man for 2.5 years and he cheated. Of course he wont admit to it but EVERYONE ELSE knows he did it. She is ready to let him go (well she says she wants 1 last night with him) but she wants to do something to get even. She not willing to sleep with anyone to get even. They work together and he cheated on her with another coworker so she fells hella stupid oh and in those 2.5 years she has given him lots of money thinking she was being his ride or die. I love her to pieces but she wouldn't listen to me from the jump.

If yall have any suggestions let me know.
Best revenge is success, in other words, moving the hell on without looking back.

I just got off the phone with my bff. She gave her heart to a man for 2.5 years and he cheated. Of course he wont admit to it but EVERYONE ELSE knows he did it. She is ready to let him go (well she says she wants 1 last night with him) but she wants to do something to get even. She not willing to sleep with anyone to get even. They work together and he cheated on her with another coworker so she fells hella stupid oh and in those 2.5 years she has given him lots of money thinking she was being his ride or die. I love her to pieces but she wouldn't listen to me from the jump.

If yall have any suggestions let me know.

Based on this statement I don't think she is going to break up with him...not permanently at least.

If she knows he cheated and still sleeps with him, I hope she protects herself.
She is going through it. We were up most of the night as she just cried. He did a number on her. I don't know what she is going to do and I don't think she does either. She needs to find happiness within herself and I cant help her with that.

I will try to keep yall posted
I promise cutting him off cold turkey and starting to invest in herself will result in a better life for her. He will end up completely miserable. If she keeps in contact with him, or follows him on social media she will never (and I mean NEVER) be able to rid herself completely of him. 2.5 years is a short time, she doesn't need to prolong the inenvitable by continuing with him.

Unless she wants to salvage the relationship of course
@frogkisses - is a good one to ask cause chyle from that petty thread she got down, lol. Let me find that thread because in my head I put @frogkisses and that other poster in the same scary not to be messed with petty category, lol. @LimitedEdition

Eta: poster
Being completely unavailable and cutting someone off is the best way to setup petty business. They will never expect it lol
Go to work smile, be happy, say good morning to him in the most sincerest nicest voice. He will be soooo confused and bewildered he won't know what to do. Then when he starts to talk to you as if we can get back to being the way they were say, how is (insert the girl name here)? but say it nicely and with actual concern. That will make him go bonkers. Because HE will start to think that YOU never liked him. LOL
She needs to leave him alone and move on and forget this revenge mess. She is not ready and may get shamed and feel worse. I say this because of this "sleep with him one last time business." I have a friend like this. So...first im wondering if the relationship is all she thought it was, because if she was lending him money and being ride or die, observation of that is that it sounds one sided. WHICH MEANS that she is going to think of all this silly revenge stuff and it won't hurt him, but she's still wasting all this energy on him. And if she wants to sleep with him again, he WILL sleep with her. And that will hurt her feelings and make her look dumb because he will probably then remind her that she said things were over. And then he will take his butt to work and be happy and sleazy and still sleep with the next one. I'm just saying...she REALLY needs to move on and let vengeance come from the Lord. It's not that I don't think he was dishonest to her, but it sounds one sided and like he may be unbothered by revenge antics. That'll hurt.
I promise cutting him off cold turkey and starting to invest in herself will result in a better life for her. He will end up completely miserable. If she keeps in contact with him, or follows him on social media she will never (and I mean NEVER) be able to rid herself completely of him. 2.5 years is a short time, she doesn't need to prolong the inenvitable by continuing with him.

Unless she wants to salvage the relationship of course

All of THIS. It works. Trust me.
Break up with him and don't even tell him. Cold turkey. No call no conversation. If they dont have to talk at work better. If they do only speak of work. If he brings up their relationship blank stare and walk away as if he lost his mind. Do not answer calls texts or email. Just leave him floating as you move on. Invest in Herself. Shoot send herself flowers from anonymous. Look the best ahe has ever look in her life.. smile laugh and move on. Best revenge without being petty and embarassing herself.
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In order to pull petty stuff, you have to have a particular mindset. Your friend does not sound like she has it.
Right petty means planning. Logical planning, not emotional planning. She needs to heal herself and cut all ties. If he did her dirty then she needs to start playing dirty with a clean mind. Or she needs to rely on someone with a clear mind. If she goes cold turkey then in 3-4 months she will be ready.
Right petty means planning. Logical planning, not emotional planning. She needs to heal herself and cut all ties. If he did her dirty then she needs to start playing dirty with a clean mind. Or she needs to rely on someone with a clear mind. If she goes cold turkey then in 3-4 months she will be ready.

You guys serve revenge ice cold! :rofl:
She needs to get her money back. If he doesn't want her then the 'revenge' may not bother him unless it's really severe but then she doesn't sound like she's ready to go hard.