The orginal Fine hair thread 2013


My hair seems to be in good shape these days. I have a ton of new hairs on my edges, seeing some thickness (including my ends) and my NG is tame even at 10 weeks post. That ceramide oil is really making a big difference in my hair. Also I have found that doing a protein treatment (Keratin) after my ayurvedic treatments moisturizes and gets rid of the tangles and knots.

Ive been wearing my hair out all week and just doing 4 big pin curls at night to maintain my curls and body. Tomorrow is wash day. I will be doing my garlic oil, hair trigger and fenugreek paste prepoo. I will follow with a tea rinse and protein DC.

How are all you fine haired ladies doing??
Ok, I realize that I am super late on the Denman. I don't know what I was doing without it for so long. Breakage has dropped for me, and since I have laid off the heat, my waves are coming back in.

I am currently grazing BSL but I want to cut some lead hairs that I have. I am trying to use the Chicoro philosophy, but it sure gets hard!

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I've spent the last few weeks incorporating tips from this thread into my regimen and I've noticed a difference in my hair already. It's not breaking as much, seems a little thicker and my new growth is soft and easy to manage.

I've started doing glosses with sukesh powder 1-2 x a week when I cowash and also started doing hot oil treatments biweekly or so. I trimmed 1/4-1/2" and now plan to do this every 8 weeks, especially since I want to slowly trim off my texlaxed ends. I heavy seal with castor oil and shea butter instead of just coconut/argan/EVOO. The rest of my reggie is pretty much the same but I pay closer attention to my protein/moisture balance and adjust with a protein and/or moisture DC when needed. I'm so glad I found this thread.

ETA oh yeah I'm getting braid extensions this weekend before I go on vacation for 3 weeks. I'm afraid they might break my thin ends but I've had a growth spurt and have a lot of new growth already that I don't want to deal with while I'm away. Hoping to keep them in until Nov if I can keep my hair moisturized properly.
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I tried fenugreek for the first time yesterday. I used methi (fenugreek) seeds which I soaked overnight then ground to make a paste. Even though I didn't let it dry before I washed it out, it was a real mess and hard to rinse/get rid of the little husks. Are you using seeds or powder? If powder, where are you getting it from? Thanks!
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I use the powder.
After rinsing I do a quick conditioner rinse and 99.9% of the particles are removed.
eta: I get the powder from the Indian market locally

I tried fenugreek for the first time yesterday. I used methi (fenugreek) seeds which I soaked overnight then ground to make a paste. Even though I didn't let it dry before I washed it out, it was a real mess and hard to rinse/get rid of the little rusks. Are you using seeds or powder? If powder, where are you getting it from? Thanks!

Sorry to hear about your rinsing nightmare. I have the seeds too so its a little more work. After soaking o/n the mix should be watery. I kept the top on the pot so it wouldn't evaporate too much. This is how it should be when you put it in the blender. I used one of those stick blenders (emulsion?). I blended a little and it turned fluffy, creamy looking (i did add more warm water bc I used way too many seeds).

Then added coconut oil, more blending and it was even more smooth. The oil helps it rinse out better. Did you add oil?? I also added conditioner, other oils, other powders and EOs too.

Heres a few pics of my last mix on Sunday:



I prepood with it using a plastic cap and shampooed out with a sulfate this time and there was nothing left in my hair. Your next try will be better Im sure. When I use up all the seeds I will get the powder next :/

I LOVE this HHJ!!

Thanks so much for the explanation and the visual. I see that my first issue was that I didn't use enough water for my o/n soak because my seeds had absorbed all the water and were slightly bigger, but still dry. I did add some coconut oil when I mixed it but it was still stiff and looked nothing like your luscious looking mixture. I also added EVCO directly to my hair before applying the mixture. Hopefully next time will be better.
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Thanks so much for the explanation and the visual. I see that my first issue was that I didn't use enough water for my o/n soak because my seeds had absorbed all the water and were slightly bigger, but still dry. I did add some coconut oil when I mixed it but it was still stiff and looked nothing like your luscious looking mixture. I also added EVCO directly to my hair before applying the mixture. Hopefully next time will be better.

@cynd, you might want to consider getting some cheese cloth and strain the fenugreek mix before applying to your hair. That is what I do and have no residue left behind in my hair at all.

ETA - If you want to you can also use a knee high stocking for straining the fenugreek mixture.
@cynd, you might want to consider getting some cheese cloth and strain the fenugreek mix before applying to your hair. That is what I do and have no residue left behind in my hair at all.

ETA - If you want to you can also use a knee high stocking for straining the fenugreek mixture.

Thank you soooo much @Aggie!! It's 3 days later and I'm still picking little husks out of my hair. :nono: I'll adjust my mix and get some cheese cloth before I use it next time.
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Hey, ladies! Long time no see :wave:

I recently made it to hip length but chopped my hair to about mbl. I've been trying to slowly get rid of the layers for a couple of years but I got sick of how thin my hair looked, especially since the layers made it seem even thinner. My hair looks so much thicker now! Never underestimate a good cut yall.
Used Betonite clay, olive oil, acv and aloe vera juice on my hair last night and after I rinsed it out, my hair looked more full than usual and i had lots more definition, especially after just having straightened my hair.
Its been a while since I posted in this thread. Here is my update for my fairy fine hair. I've actually gained some thickness over the last 18 months or so! Breakage has been less than average all year and I'm looking forward to seeing whatever length gains I've made this year with my end of the year flat iron sessions. I rarely take pics anymore but as a devout member of this community I'd be wrong if I ain't put something together for the end of the year so....soon come!
I feel like I'm doing all the right things but my hair is at a stand still. Even with my trims I feel like my hair just isn't retaining well. Actually the part of my hair I feel like this is my previously colored section in the front/crown that I colored a year ago. The rest of my hair is doing just okay except that part. I can't wait for it to grow out some more so I can take that part off. I need a growth spurt!!!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I feel like I'm doing all the right things but my hair is at a stand still. Even with my trims I feel like my hair just isn't retaining well. Actually the part of my hair I feel like this is my previously colored section in the front/crown that I colored a year ago. The rest of my hair is doing just okay except that part. I can't wait for it to grow out some more so I can take that part off. I need a growth spurt!!! HPG Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

Awww HPG!
Dont feel bad :big hug: the crown is a problem for most everyone. You just gotta let it do its thing. Are you massaging the scalp in a circular motion? That might help to jumpstart that crown area. I think thats one of the things thats really helping me. Any growth aides??

You have such soft hair that doesn't need relaxing so its hard to tell when you have retained length. Relaxed people always have the NG as a measurement. But you ARE growing and retaining :yep:

I LOVE this HHJ!!
I feel like I'm doing all the right things but my hair is at a stand still. Even with my trims I feel like my hair just isn't retaining well. Actually the part of my hair I feel like this is my previously colored section in the front/crown that I colored a year ago. The rest of my hair is doing just okay except that part. I can't wait for it to grow out some more so I can take that part off. I need a growth spurt!!!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

i have big trouble with the crown area. it has broken to almost ear length , when the rest id apl and bsb. i cut it really short 3 weeks ago while flat ironing. i felt sad but i needed it. either that or i was gonna chop everything back to twa.

so now my ponytail is thinner but .... thats that.

i dont know what went Wrong causing that breakage at almost roots!

i also need to buy castor oil and massage my edges.... wearing a bun everyday at work is killing my edges. i know they fill in well when i massage every night ( i did this already)
i have big trouble with the crown area. it has broken to almost ear length , when the rest id apl and bsb. i cut it really short 3 weeks ago while flat ironing. i felt sad but i needed it. either that or i was gonna chop everything back to twa.

so now my ponytail is thinner but .... thats that.

i dont know what went Wrong causing that breakage at almost roots!

i also need to buy castor oil and massage my edges.... wearing a bun everyday at work is killing my edges. i know they fill in well when i massage every night ( i did this already)


I did cut my hair a good 4 inches in August, just to make it look thicker! i suffered severe post partum nearly 3 years ago and some hair took over a year to start growing back, and with the rest being long, my twist out was looking sad, so decided to cut a bit to balance! the crown is my problem area as well.
Awww HPG!
Dont feel bad :big hug: the crown is a problem for most everyone. You just gotta let it do its thing. Are you massaging the scalp in a circular motion? That might help to jumpstart that crown area. I think thats one of the things thats really helping me. Any growth aides??

You have such soft hair that doesn't need relaxing so its hard to tell when you have retained length. Relaxed people always have the NG as a measurement. But you ARE growing and retaining :yep:

I LOVE this HHJ!!

Thanks girl...
Yeah I massage or do the inversion when I apply my oil at night. I think I'm just comparing myself to all these beautiful heads around here and on YT thinking why is it taking me a year and a day to get an inch lol.

ETA- I don't take any aids even though I do have biotin. I may start taking them again.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
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i have big trouble with the crown area. it has broken to almost ear length , when the rest id apl and bsb. i cut it really short 3 weeks ago while flat ironing. i felt sad but i needed it. either that or i was gonna chop everything back to twa.

so now my ponytail is thinner but .... thats that.

i dont know what went Wrong causing that breakage at almost roots!

i also need to buy castor oil and massage my edges.... wearing a bun everyday at work is killing my edges. i know they fill in well when i massage every night ( i did this already)

That's where my crown is right at my ear. I did invest in some ayurvedic oils for the hair and scalp from KeraVada so I'm hoping this will help me.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
That's where my crown is right at my ear. I did invest in some ayurvedic oils for the hair and scalp from KeraVada so I'm hoping this will help me.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

My crown is shorter, too! What is that?! The texture is also completely different from the rest of my head. :-/

I plan to try daily massage as well.

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I, too, have crown issues.

I just relaxed today at home and got a trim at Great Clips. The woman who trimmed it separated the crown from the rest of my hair to make sure that part got trimmed, too. I love freshly relaxed and trimmed hair. I used Linange Shea butter relaxer and as usual it's done me good.
For more crown control, i will leave the texturizer on certain parts of my crown for a few extra minutes before rinsing. Im just beginning to see that I need to do this

I LOVE this HHJ!!
My crown is shorter, too! What is that?! The texture is also completely different from the rest of my head. :-/

I plan to try daily massage as well.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

same here. totally different texture and the only area causing trouble! and breaks easily!

im planning on buying jamaican castor oil + my maxi hair vitamins. i will massage every night, to the edges too.

i really dont know how to fix the big mess of this crown :-/
oh i wanted to share about the product i tried today. i usually use apoghee 2 min (usually before shampoo as a pre poo, to lazy for dozens of steps for hair wash).
i tried loreal product. its also a reconstructor. i did it after the shampoo.( i also pre pood with olive oil).
the product is great. my hair was strong, not dry, and it has lots lots lots of slip, its soft. it has ceramide too.
it cost me about 3 or 4 euros. bought it in a grocery store. my hair came out nice and strong.


i still wash in sections and i no longer use hair clips( they use to slip while washing). i have found that using bag/ kitchen clips is so much easier and do not move! :


are cheap too :-)
for those with crown problems ( breakage) check out this blog:

i need to : stop wearing buns ( that are a must at work) :-/
i have to concentrate more to reach every part of my crown. make sure i reach it well when i moisturize every day...
im planning on buying jojoba oil + peppermint essential oil , massage every day and using the oils like 3 times a week.

deep conditionning !!!!! i dont really dc. they say use heat. i need to stop being lazy!! i have a heat cap and everything i need to make my hair better... im so busy and tired that i dont do much to my hair.

girls lets get out crowns to thrive!!