The orginal Fine hair thread 2013

My hair got braided into a beehive yesterday to make wigging it a bit more easier. And give my hair a break. I only left a little leave out. I applied my NJoy oil and KeraVada brahmi in pumpkin spice. Has anyone done a beehive? How long does it lasts b4 having to redo?






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i dont understand Why after airdrying , my hair feels dry the next day. i co washed yesterday ( decided to go back co washing) , air dried, when 90% dry i added spray moisture, oil, and ic fantatia serum that softenes and seals my hair so well. it all felt soft. but today.... feels kinda dry. when i used blow dryers with these same steps , my hair was smoother and less dry. :-/ i dont get it! im waiting for my order to arrive ( giovanni leave in) ive never used a leave in. î hope it helps. 5 years natural ( almost 6) and im still here lost! and stuck at bsb. this is just fustrating and discouraging :-(
Has anyone had any luck with applying JBCO to the scalp on a consistent basis and gained thicker strands or thicker density?
I have fine hair, low porosity hair and always air dry.

After I shampoo my hair and condition it, I lightly pull my strands apart to make sure my strands are not sticking together and air dry it in two big braids. I do not add anything (re no moisturisers or oils) while my hair is braided or sopping wet nor do I use a comb.

When my hair dries sufficiently the next day, I take it out of the braids and gently finger comb, and use my bone comb too and oil my scalp. When ever my bone comb meets a snag, I stop and use my fingers. I do this gently.

I break may hair into four parts and I braid those four parts. I put my moisturisers on top of the four braids, roll the braids around and tuck them into the hair. I use kinky curly knot today and I do not use a lot just enough to get the entire braid moisturized, followed by palmer's keratin olive oil leave in. I found that my moisturizing on top of my braids and not moisturizing my hair out or from the root was better for my skin and also didn't leave my hair as greasy and I didn't need to use so much product.

The following day I repeat the same thing. I never sleep with my hair loose and my braids are always tucked in. If I am going out I will unravel the braids and make a bun, if not, I tie my hair with a silk scarf and wear a chic cap.

I used to co wash, my hair never accepted shampoos, but my hair started getting stronger and I now shampoo and condition weekly. I use keracare detangling sulfate free shampoo and alternate with ORS creamy aloe shampoo. I use mild protein treatments and deep conditioning treatments. I do not use heat when I do these treatments. My hair used to always come out in the comb or even when I finger combed now rarely, I think this is now because I no longer use glycerin leave in products and I make sure all of my shampoo and conditioner is completely rinsed out. And I used to do a lot of dustings after I would braid and moisturize where I could see the strings but as my hair gets stronger I do a dust like once to twice a week as opposed to every day.

I almost never wear my hair out. My hair is always in a bun (but not tight) or in a nice hair scarf with a fly hat. People tell me that they like my hair off my face so buns and scarves work for me.

I do straighten my hair on special occasions and when I do, mouths are agape and not because it is especially long but because I always keep my hair up or out of sight. I love to see peoples faces and defy the stereotypes that African women have damaged hair and damaged hair lines.

When I get my hair blown out (never flat ironed), I never do it after a shampoo when my hair is sopping wet. My hair must be sufficiently dried in my two big braids. When it is getting blown out I do not put all these moisturisers in my hair just some good heat protectant. But at night just a bit of oil and I braid it up for the night to give my hair a bit of wave. Normally after wearing my hair out, I will just do loose and messy buns for the week and then it is back to the same routine again.

Almond Eyes
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Has anyone had any luck with applying JBCO to the scalp on a consistent basis and gained thicker strands or thicker density?

Short answer is...YES LAWD!!
I just lightly flat ironed my hair last night with JBCO (no heat protectant). It puts a nice coating on my strands and when the flat iron hits it...shiny, silky city :lol: But not weighed down at all, nice, thicker and bouncy.

Back on the subject...i did this all last month and massaged my scalp in circular motion every night. Only applied the JBCO 2-3 times a week though. I got some noticeable thickness and good growth too on my relaxed ends. See LC pic in the 2014 apl challenge thread

I LOVE this HHJ!!
almond eyes
Ceramide oils (safflower oil) made my hair stop tangling and sticking together after a wash. Thats a dead give away for high porosity hair, though

I LOVE this HHJ!!
I did a henna and indigo with black tea and lemon yesterday and today my hair looks SO MUCH BETTER. The lil while lady here with gorgeous hair asked what I used to get it to look this way. My grays are covered and I only left it on for 2 hours.
I'm going to be doing another hendigo in a month or so. Probably won't do one until December when I do my LC.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Thanks for this thread! After reading and trial and error I realized I was doing too much to my hair. Now I wash, condition and let it dry in braids or blow dry it. Daily I mist my hair with a oil and water mix. After 3 or 4 days I must with a water based leave in and use only oil and water until wash day. My hair is soft, not dry at all, and had a natural sheen. For my fine hair less product is more.
I am so sick of my hair. Natural, texlaxed, relaxed. It doesn't seem to matter. I think I wore wigs too much and I'm used to my head with full hair. Just having a pity party.
I chelated with ORG shampoo, dc'd with MT. I didn't do a moisturizing dc cause i don't have any. I let airdry 80% adied a little kids organics moisturizer with a little castor and grapeseed added. I mean single size to 4 sections of my CB fine, thin texlaxed hair. It feels weird.
I bun most days with added hair. When i take my bun down, i wasn't my hair to be touchable soft but not greasy. I feel like a newbie.
Can somebody help a little? My ends we thin but I'm regularly trimming so it feels better.
U didn't have a lot of money so I want to know if i should invest in better tools like steamer, seamless combs, etc. or better products like shampoo, DC, leave ins, oils? Is my kiss too simple.
I want a perfect regimen right now. I want to snap my fingers and have longer, thicker, touchable hair, darn it. And I'm ready and willing to do anything reasonable. Finally surrendered and asking for help even at the thought of sounding dumb.
I don't even remember how the moisture/ protein thing works anymore for many current hair. I do SO much research and it just didn't seem to matter. I'm not cutting again which is what i usually do. That would be giving up right now.

ETA: I just found the relaxed hair thread. Yay.
I know one thing. Y'all ain't too tolerant of self pity. :)
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Has anyone had any luck with applying JBCO to the scalp on a consistent basis and gained thicker strands or thicker density?

i just received my bottle and planning to use it.

ive already used normal castor oil for my edges. worked great they came back and got my hairline back well
I am so sick of my hair. Natural, texlaxed, relaxed. It doesn't seem to matter. I think I wore wigs too much and I'm used to my head with full hair. Just having a pity party.
I chelated with ORG shampoo, dc'd with MT. I didn't do a moisturizing dc cause i don't have any. I let airdry 80% adied a little kids organics moisturizer with a little castor and grapeseed added. I mean single size to 4 sections of my CB fine, thin texlaxed hair. It feels weird.
I bun most days with added hair. When i take my bun down, i wasn't my hair to be touchable soft but not greasy. I feel like a newbie.
Can somebody help a little? My ends we thin but I'm regularly trimming so it feels better.
U didn't have a lot of money so I want to know if i should invest in better tools like steamer, seamless combs, etc. or better products like shampoo, DC, leave ins, oils? Is my kiss too simple.
I want a perfect regimen right now. I want to snap my fingers and have longer, thicker, touchable hair, darn it. And I'm ready and willing to do anything reasonable. Finally surrendered and asking for help even at the thought of sounding dumb.
I don't even remember how the moisture/ protein thing works anymore for many current hair. I do SO much research and it just didn't seem to matter. I'm not cutting again which is what i usually do. That would be giving up right now.

ETA: I just found the relaxed hair thread. Yay.
I know one thing. Y'all ain't too tolerant of self pity. :)

Hey girl no worries we all have self pity every now and then. I was already in bed when you posted....but anyway definitely add moisture dc to your regimen. Okay I see you are relaxed hence finding the relaxed hair thread and they have tons of info and advice for you. You may be in protein overload since you are using protein dc and no moisture. Lay off the protein and use moisture until you restore it then go back to protein and moisture. Have you tried Giovanni 50:50 balancing conditioner? It has both so may be helpful and won't break the pockets. Keep trimming as you are doing. Make sure your buns aren't too tight which could explain the thinning of the ends.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I am so sick of my hair. Natural, texlaxed, relaxed. It doesn't seem to matter. I think I wore wigs too much and I'm used to my head with full hair. Just having a pity party. I chelated with ORG shampoo, dc'd with MT. I didn't do a moisturizing dc cause i don't have any. I let airdry 80% adied a little kids organics moisturizer with a little castor and grapeseed added. I mean single size to 4 sections of my CB fine, thin texlaxed hair. It feels weird. I bun most days with added hair. When i take my bun down, i wasn't my hair to be touchable soft but not greasy. I feel like a newbie. Can somebody help a little? My ends we thin but I'm regularly trimming so it feels better. U didn't have a lot of money so I want to know if i should invest in better tools like steamer, seamless combs, etc. or better products like shampoo, DC, leave ins, oils? Is my kiss too simple. I want a perfect regimen right now. I want to snap my fingers and have longer, thicker, touchable hair, darn it. And I'm ready and willing to do anything reasonable. Finally surrendered and asking for help even at the thought of sounding dumb. I don't even remember how the moisture/ protein thing works anymore for many current hair. I do SO much research and it just didn't seem to matter. I'm not cutting again which is what i usually do. That would be giving up right now. ETA: I just found the relaxed hair thread. Yay. I know one thing. Y'all ain't too tolerant of self pity. :)

please dont abuse the bunning like i did( i lost my crown length il trying to grow back) :-(

use moisture like mentionned above.
why not try pre poo with oils before washing? give it a try.

massage your scalp everyday, use oils too but like 3-4 days a week.

i hope you find a solution . your hair will do great. just a matter of time, trial and error. and.... patience :-) hard for me!
@almond eyes
Ceramide oils (safflower oil) made my hair stop tangling and sticking together after a wash. Thats a dead give away for high porosity hair, though

I LOVE this HHJ!!

Tell me more about this hair tangling and sticking together after a wash, please. My hair almost looks like wild dred locs after a wash...well not really but yeah, a little...
please dont abuse the bunning like i did( i lost my crown length il trying to grow back) :-(

use moisture like mentionned above.
why not try pre poo with oils before washing? give it a try.

massage your scalp everyday, use oils too but like 3-4 days a week.

i hope you find a solution . your hair will do great. just a matter of time, trial and error. and.... patience :-) hard for me!

So funny. I was reading this advice and going, hmm that could work for me. And it WAS for me. Lol.

I'm back in love with my hair since a fenugreek prepoo followed by cowash. I allowed to dry completely, then spritzed with a tiny amount of water, sealed with a tiny amount of grape seed oil followed by a tiny amount of oil moisturizer from my relaxed that is packed with petroleum. I put it in two French braids. Woke up with a banging, flowy, touchable braid out that I let flow. I sorry hair. :(
I agree I love prepoo before shampoo. That's better than cowashes for me. I use Jane carter shampoo too which has sulfates and my hair likes it.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Tell me more about this hair tangling and sticking together after a wash, please. My hair almost looks like wild dred locs after a wash...well not really but yeah, a little...
Jobwright Hey Girl!! :wave: Yep, my hair used to tangle up something fierce!! Esp, later into my stretch. I found out I am high porosity but not from doing the sink or swim method. That didnt work bc I had been doing henna, which coats the hair shaft and temp seals in cracks and causes it to keep floating. When I held a shed strand under the light and ran my finger up the shaft of it toward the root, I could see and feel the bumps or cracks along the shaft. Moisture easily escapes thru these cracks and the strands cant easily slip past each other. They tangle together, curl up and form knots.

The solution is to seal the cuticles. Here are some things that will do the job:

-rose water
-henna glosses
-protein DCs with keratin high on the list
-silicone leave in products
ETA: sealing with ceramide oils

I LOVE this HHJ!!
OMG! I am having this issue :sad: coolsista-paris What are you doing to protective style? Also, has anyone successfully thickened their hair?

hi. this issue is hard to deal with! i even cut my crown very short( ear léngth) when the rest is bsb. im so pissed of all this that im planning to relax and bon cut/ pixie cut. i was gonna cut again anyway .....

im going to crochet braid friday. hope it turns out well.
So funny. I was reading this advice and going, hmm that could work for me. And it WAS for me. Lol. I'm back in love with my hair since a fenugreek prepoo followed by cowash. I allowed to dry completely, then spritzed with a tiny amount of water, sealed with a tiny amount of grape seed oil followed by a tiny amount of oil moisturizer from my relaxed that is packed with petroleum. I put it in two French braids. Woke up with a banging, flowy, touchable braid out that I let flow. I sorry hair. :(

yup it was for you!

happy you found a solution and it seems things are better. lucky you.

im gonna have to be patient :-(
So funny. I was reading this advice and going, hmm that could work for me. And it WAS for me. Lol.

I'm back in love with my hair since a fenugreek prepoo followed by cowash. I allowed to dry completely, then spritzed with a tiny amount of water, sealed with a tiny amount of grape seed oil followed by a tiny amount of oil moisturizer from my relaxed that is packed with petroleum. I put it in two French braids. Woke up with a banging, flowy, touchable braid out that I let flow. I sorry hair. :(

What's a fenugreek prepoo?
hey i found a relaxed fine hair lady on yt:

her journey from sl to mbl. nice progress

my hair was like hers when i was relaxed (but never went past sl because i NEVER used protein,nor moisturize it,nor ps it).... i was a disaster to my hair!

il documenting now. im gonna go back relaxed i guess in december.
hey i found a relaxed fine hair lady on yt: her journey from sl to mbl. nice progress my hair was like hers when i was relaxed (but never went past sl because i NEVER used protein,nor moisturize it,nor ps it).... i was a disaster to my hair! il documenting now. im gonna go back relaxed i guess in december.

It is possible with proper care and nutrition. My hair is finer than most people I know and I was able to go from NL to just a few inches above BSL. I've had to trim off a lot of over processed ends to make my hair stronger so that it can reach greater lengths. I am transitioning to texlaxed.

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Okay so here's my starting pic and also proof my hair probably only grows 1/2in or less per month. I've done two trims since my last hendigo treatment on August 3rd and from the pic of my roots I only have a little over an inch of growth for 2 1/2 months :-( sad yes I know. Anyway this way I can accurately see if inversion is helping me. I cropped the pic for a closer look.




Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
It is possible with proper care and nutrition. My hair is finer than most people I know and I was able to go from NL to just a few inches above BSL. I've had to trim off a lot of over processed ends to make my hair stronger so that it can reach greater lengths. I am transitioning to texlaxed. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

so yes, it is possible. you are another example.

i think î´ll have to go bone straight for the short hair style. when i start letting it grow, i will texlax .

i wonder if texlaxed hair will force me to use heat to make hair straight. ( im hoping to avoid heat if relaxed/texlaxed).

maybe rolletdeting? im bad at that. need more practice
so yes, it is possible. you are another example.

i think î´ll have to go bone straight for the short hair style. when i start letting it grow, i will texlax .

i wonder if texlaxed hair will force me to use heat to make hair straight. ( im hoping to avoid heat if relaxed/texlaxed).

maybe rolletdeting? im bad at that. need more practice

I am texlaxed with fine hair and use Caruso steam rollers which have changed the game for me! They are so simple and quick to use and allow me to keep heat to a bare minimum. Sometimes I may flat iron on very large sections on the absolute lowest setting if I need a little more straightness. I love how much more volume I have from texlaxing and Caruso rollers. I also henna. My hair seems so much fuller now.
Bought some shea moisture products CVS had a bogo free on this brand. I purchased 3 yucca & aloe thickening milks, 3 coconut & hibiscus curl milk, and 2 anti breakage mask.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF