The orginal Fine hair thread 2013

I’m still trying to make a decision of if I should relax, texlax, hot comb, protein treatment (design essentials), or any other way to wear my hair straight.
My hair does better with straight hair (I retain more) + for work it is better too (yeah they are very strict where I am its getting on my nerves).
Thing is, as a fine haired lady, will I manage to get to the long lenthgs I would love?

I thought for a moment, why not relax and cut short, then from there grow it out ….but im between apl and bsl so that is hard to decide.

I need some advice and I’d love to see beautiful heads of fine ladies that wear there hair straight.

I don’t get it, as a little girl my hair seemed thick in pictures (maybe I just didn’t know I had fine hair?). But they used to hot comb my hair and it was the best it had been in my entire life !!

Jobwright shared already. i want more please mooooore :-)

Please share your straight hair advice/reggies my ladies.
Even naturals that only wear straight I need your advice too !

I would say try the designer essential first before relaxing.
I use Soft&Beautiful Just for Me texture softener. Its a kids relaxer and Im very happy with it. My hair is super fine and Im transitioning from bone straight to texturized. I only keep this in for 13 minutes and it just leaves me a little texture.

Ive heard good things about those three Design Essentials strengthening therapy system products too. The transitioning mousse looks like it would be good for me. I saw a few YT vid demos and it looks good. I would only use this if I could buy the product myself. Too expensive to go to a salon :no no:

I think I am a little past SL but if I were APL or BSL, there is no way I would cut my hair. I hope you don't either
I’m still trying to make a decision of if I should relax, texlax, hot comb, protein treatment (design essentials), or any other way to wear my hair straight.
My hair does better with straight hair (I retain more) + for work it is better too (yeah they are very strict where I am its getting on my nerves).
Thing is, as a fine haired lady, will I manage to get to the long lenthgs I would love?

I thought for a moment, why not relax and cut short, then from there grow it out ….but im between apl and bsl so that is hard to decide.

I need some advice and I’d love to see beautiful heads of fine ladies that wear there hair straight.

I don’t get it, as a little girl my hair seemed thick in pictures (maybe I just didn’t know I had fine hair?). But they used to hot comb my hair and it was the best it had been in my entire life !!

@Jobwright shared already. i want more please mooooore :-)

Please share your straight hair advice/reggies my ladies.
Even naturals that only wear straight I need your advice too !

Over the last several weeks, I've been considering the same thing - whether to relax or do a BKT alternative treatment - because the longer my hair gets, the more it looks like a ponytail full of limp, overcooked noodles.
I would say try the designer essential first before relaxing.

Ive also Been thinking of design essentials. I dont know if it lasts llong. Also its not easy to find on Paris (its new hère and many dont évén know its existence,à part hair addicts on boards Like us) . Will Try my best to find à salon(Im on a wedding saturday) i néed to look fast if possible for friday. If not i will roller set and flat iron for the occasion. Let me look for a salon
I don’t get it, as a little girl my hair seemed thick in pictures (maybe I just didn’t know I had fine hair?). But they used to hot comb my hair and it was the best it had been in my entire life !!
coolsista-paris, you might be ok with heat if your hair was good with it as a child and it hasn't changed its mind about the hot comb. lol.

This time last year I was in a low-heat flat iron phase. I did NOT try to go for bone straight. The heat was @250oF or lower just enough to loosen my kinks to avoid SSK.
It's a year later and there's been no long term damage to my hair.

If you get a heat appliance, I recommend getting one where you can see the heat on a digital reader so as not to burn off your coils.
I use Soft&Beautiful Just for Me texture softener. Its a kids relaxer and Im very happy with it. My hair is super fine and Im transitioning from bone straight to texturized. I only keep this in for 13 minutes and it just leaves me a little texture.

Ive heard good things about those three Design Essentials strengthening therapy system products too. The transitioning mousse looks like it would be good for me. I saw a few YT vid demos and it looks good. I would only use this if I could buy the product myself. Too expensive to go to a salon :no no:

I think I am a little past SL but if I were APL or BSL, there is no way I would cut my hair. I hope you don't either

Yeah i know its crazy if i cut. I do fêel like having à short style but i Will Think of maybe à weave for that and stop thinking about taking those scissors. I wish i could say what some havé said "its only hair it grows back"... BUT that is somethíng à fine haired lady Will never say (rétention is daŕn difficult With fine hair )! How much does the design esséntials cost at à salon near you? Hère ive heard 100€ ! I dont feel like pâying that but if it is worthy maybe once for a Try ( oúch ! 100€)
Over the last several weeks, I've been considering the same thing - whether to relax or do a BKT alternative treatment - because the longer my hair gets, the more it looks like a ponytail full of limp, overcooked noodles.

The overcooked noodles got me laughing lol ! Oh my. Maybe you too should look into design essentials . my hair was easier to deal With Sven short . Its nos longer,i like that but i dont feel it and the hair tangles easîy. complicated. If u do find more ideaS please share ;-)
coolsista-paris, you might be ok with heat if your hair was good with it as a child and it hasn't changed its mind about the hot comb. lol.

This time last year I was in a low-heat flat iron phase. I did NOT try to go for bone straight. The heat was @250oF or lower just enough to loosen my kinks to avoid SSK.
It's a year later and there's been no long term damage to my hair.

If you get a heat appliance, I recommend getting one where you can see the heat on a digital reader so as not to burn off your coils.

Hot combs were scary though. Especially for my ears. But i had long hair. Why doesnt it all Côme back....
I may bun my hair the rest of the week until I get my braids put in. I'm already prepared...I did my hendigo already and I've dc'd and I'm just waiting to get them installed. My hope is to keep them in until October. We shall see.


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Love this thread!
My fine hair rebukes twist/braid extensions (they slice right through my hair). So I'm done with those. Forever.
I had to get over the hype and put the Denman AWAY, even after removing several rows (it snagged, snapped and created ssks no matter how much conditioner i used).
Finger detangling is far too tedious and wide tooth combs aren't always thorough enough. (I love my Goody brush though).
I don't too much mind the frizz. It's just sooo delicate :ohwell:
Love this thread!
My fine hair rebukes twist/braid extensions (they slice right through my hair). So I'm done with those. Forever.
I had to get over the hype and put the Denman AWAY, even after removing several rows (it snagged, snapped and created ssks no matter how much conditioner i used).
Finger detangling is far too tedious and wide tooth combs aren't always thorough enough. (I love my Goody brush though).
I don't too much mind the frizz. It's just sooo delicate :ohwell:

I'm sorry for the double post.
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Love this thread!
My fine hair rebukes twist/braid extensions (they slice right through my hair). So I'm done with those. Forever.
I had to get over the hype and put the Denman AWAY, even after removing several rows (it snagged, snapped and created ssks no matter how much conditioner i used).
Finger detangling is far too tedious and wide tooth combs aren't always thorough enough. (I love my Goody brush though).
I don't too much mind the frizz. It's just sooo delicate :ohwell:

Finger detangling is extremely tedious, but it's the best method for my hair. I get the least amount of breakage with finger detangling.

I only use the comb after my hair is covered with conditioner.

I finger detangle with oil on dry hair.
Thanks to this board, I've learned to coat my hair with oil overnight and detangle in the morning. It has helped with retaining my ends and reducing me breaking my hair.
More on moisture

Last night, I coated my roots and strands with a little aloe vera gel on each section (Lily of the Desert brand). I didn't even seal with oil. Then I baggied and put a winter hat on top for about 30 minutes (Im texturized). I have also mixed AVGel with coconut milk and oil as a protein dc with nice results.

When I took off the baggie, my hair was damp and soooo soft from root to ends. I then put on my bonnet and went to sleep. My hair dried soft, detangled and ready to style. It was so hot out yesterday and I sweated alot. My hair was dry and puffy and practically standing on top of my head when I got home! The avg really fixed me up!

I got the idea from the following articles:
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Finger detangling is extremely tedious, but it's the best method for my hair. I get the least amount of breakage with finger detangling.

I only use the comb after my hair is covered with conditioner.

I finger detangle with oil on dry hair.

I tried so hard to devote myself to finger detangling. My hair "spider webs" like another poster mentioned... Worse after texturizing, I'm guessing since the curls clump less...? Using my fingers at this point creates anxiety for me and does more harm than good. I don't get any breakage with careful use of my favorite brush/comb + loads of conditioner.

Also jealous that you can detangle dry! And with oil??? Coating my dry hair in oil gives me straw... Like protein overload :(

Proverbs 31:30
mshoneyfly... no I haven't used any of those products. I'm trying to incorporate more protein in my regimen. I have used a few reconstructors but I really did not see any difference. "(Affirm, Joico and Aphogee 2 min which I just started using).

Have you tried the hydratherma line?

Her products are formulated to balance protein/moisture...

My fine hair has really thrived using the entire line.
I'm dcing right now with HQ honey pineapple but may do avyurdic (sp?) condition b4 doing a moisturizing cowash.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
@NefertariBlu my hair is like yours and HATES shampoo. I also use clays. I will also use Ayurvedic powders. However, because my hair is highly porous (like yours) I HAVE TO heavy seal with thick butters and even grease in the winter to retain any moisture. Only way outta that is to clarify. I've found 2 ways to use chelating and clarifying shampoos recently with success (otherwise I have a dry strawlike mess). Either I:

-Prepoo with SM Purification Masque or a cheap conditioner like V05 leave it on for a few. Dilute the shampoo, 1-2 tsps in a 16oz cup of warm water, and froth it up. I then pour it over the conditioner on my head. It cuts through the condish just enough and my hair is not stripped.

-No pre-poo and a lesser dilution of 1 tsp or less if its going straight onto my hair. Now, there's not much suds this way but it STILL comes out clean.

Doing the dilutions made me realize how OVERLY strong these shampoos are. They work on a teaspoon or two! Ridiculous.

I agree with the ACV rinses too. Same dilution but @Nonie is the resident expert on ACV rinses. They make the hair smoother and curled styles more defined.

ETA: I have a TWA still, but obviously if your hair is longer you might need to use a teaspoon or more shampoo in the dilution.

I have used your advice. I pre poo vith evoo put a tea spoon of shampoo in water, then either protein treat or DC. Then l seal with a weak dilution of acv. I do this now and l love it. As long as the sulphate shampoo is diluted its ok. Not dry or stripping.

I am sticking to this. DarkJoy
I have used your advice. I pre poo vith evoo put a tea spoon of shampoo in water, then either protein treat or DC. Then l seal with a weak dilution of acv. I do this now and l love it. As long as the sulphate shampoo is diluted its ok. Not dry or stripping.

I am sticking to this. @DarkJoy
Glad it worked for you!

please let us know how you feel about design essentials if you try it. I want to try a low heat reggie for the fall semester (like once every 4 to 6 weeks at 325F)

i was so motivated and wanted to do it sooo much.

Called the salon and asked the price : between 120 and 150 € (she said it depends on thickness and length).....

thats between 160 $ and 200$ !!!!!! NO WAY ! i dont want to pay all that :spinning:

i hope i can try it out myslef one day....
how can you find out what the density of your hair is?

What I have done is part my hair and take a close up pic of your roots when the hair is moisturized. I have fine strands and I believe I am low density.



The first pic is about 12 weeks post and the 2nd pic is just after a fresh texturizer. See how the parts look really wide and you can see a lot of scalp? My sister's roots overlap so much that you can barely see her parts. You really have to hold the hair down to see her scalp.
What I have done is part my hair and take a close up pic of your roots when the hair is moisturized. I have fine strands and I believe I am low density.

The first pic is about 12 weeks post and the 2nd pic is just after a fresh texturizer. See how the parts look really wide and you can see a lot of scalp? My sister's roots overlap so much that you can barely see her parts. You really have to hold the hair down to see her scalp.

My hair/scalp is the same exact way, that's the nature of fine low density hair.

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IDK. The edges can be misleading but mine look pretty much the same thickness. You have those soft 3 curls but its hard to tell from that pic bc everyones hair is more delicate on the edges. I have more of a type 4 coily texture. Seeing the hair parted would be more conclusive. I just took that pic one time bc I wanted to see my NG up close.
I'm sitting with my hendigo in. This is my 4th application so far. I'm liking it so yeah its a keeper.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
How much indigo and henna do you add to your mix? Do you add any conditioner to yours? I have some that I took out the freezer. I might use it tonight but I really prefer more of the dark red that comes with henna and hibiscus. I really just wanna do the grays around my edges and I don't wanna waste it.