The orginal Fine hair thread 2013

[USER=103105]coolsista-paris[/USER];18201417 said:
oh. no matter what these split ends will keep appearing then. :-(

oh right so cutting is not the solution .

ive heard some say that the spit ender gave thèm trouble.

im gonna check out.what that thing is. i dont even have à clue of what lol.

:huh: What do you mean cutting is not the solution? What is the alternative? Waiting for your hair to break off? The solution is cutting off a lot now, then dusting sooner than you have been doing so you never get to where you are now.
Yes, split ends happen no matter what. Waiting to cut them only when you see them is too late. Dusting ALL strands regularly is how to retain length. I don't even protective style, seal or moisturize my fine strands. The only way I am able to retain is to dust before splits have become visible. That way I can afford to take off a tiny bit and still succeed in leaving fine strands.

coolsista-paris, maybe waiting 10-12 weeks to dust is waiting too long. I dust every 8 weeks and so only cut 1/4 inch. When I waited 16 weeks, 2 whole inches of my hair ends were thinned out from damage. I cut the entire thinned out end. If I had only dusted, the remaining 1.75 inches would have broken off anyway. If you see ONE split end, do you think it is realistic to think that is all you have damaged? Splits start off so tiny and fall away like dust. Those that hang on for you to see a fork have been around for weeks growing to that size. Why even give them a chance to get that big? Wouldn't stronger strands have a better fighting chance?

If I were you, I would get a good trim then dust sooner than you have been doing. Holding onto ends that are damaged will get you nowhere. Ask virtuenow, she had to sacrifice length for health and is now back to where she was. Healthy hair will gain length. Damaged hair, if not cut deliberately by you, will rip off on its own and leave more ruggedy ends. Why else do you think that those who never used to dust early saw progress when they started to do it sooner? There are some fine-haired unicorns that don't dust and have long hair, but usually, it's the coarse hairs that can get away with that. Fine hair splits so easily so prevention of the splits getting so big that breakage is apparent is a good idea.

thanks à lot! im afraid of stylists so i might ask hubby to trim tonight ( :-) pray it goes well). hé did my bc anyway lol.

then after that i will dust every 8 weeks. it seems à lot when we say 8 weeks ,but with your explaination, yeah its normal.

i hope this will help me.

thanks a lot for all this advice. ;-)
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[USER=374645]JosieLynn[/USER];18201389 said:

Well I get knots but they're not to the point where i need to cut them out, I just notice that when I am detangling the hair will get caught around itself alot and usually i just single it out and rub the knot out with some oil. And I do everything in sections because when I first BC my hair was too short to curl on itself but as it got longer I used to be SSK/split central:nono::nono: so now I wash in twists or braids, airdry in braids, everything! lol I don't have SSK and split ends anymore but it still is just so tangly and I just did a cut in december! I think i might have to start detangling with my denman brush again....well i'd have to buy a new one because my family destroyed mine :sad:

Do you do very dilute ACV rinses?

How does your hair still tangle when you wash in braids? Don't you undo them and comb throughout your wash? If not then that is another reason your hair tangles. Shed hair stays caught up in your mane. In the last 12+ years, I have only had tangles in my hair ONCE. I say 12+ because in 2001 is when I started to learn about my hair. And that was because I went to bed without braiding my hair. I once shared how I was in braids in a thread by that name. A few people who tried it were surprised at the difference it made to their hair.
:huh: What do you mean cutting is not the solution? What is the alternative? Waiting for your hair to break off? The solution is cutting off a lot now, then dusting sooner than you have been doing so you never get to where you are now.

oh, i am gonna trim tonight. :-)

but maybe not back to sl (thats à lot to me,oh my)

maybe just à bit above apl? im not sûre how much actually.

this is kinda scary.
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coolsista-paris said:
oh, i am gonna trim tonight. :-)

but maybe not back to sl (thats à lot to me,oh my)

maybe just à bit above apl? im not sûre how much actually.

this is kinda scary.

Don't get too excited with the new prophecy and go chopping all of your hair off now, lol. I think you said ur below BSL,.. So chopping to above APL sounds like a lot. If ur hair had 4-5inches? Of chewed up hair I think it would be obvious and you wouldn't even be questioning it. Maybe chop 2 inches, rock it for a week to see if the ends feel better, r more manageable ect. If they still look shabby then go for more.

I'm not afraid of the scissor and I go in and cut when needed,.. Just sayin don't be too hasty.
Another fine hair lady here!! thanks OP for this thread! Haven't read all pages yet but will be back with my details.
Anyone can recommend a good moisturiser that is light and won't weight my hair down.
I have type 4a with some 3c and I find it hard to use moisturiser.
something liquid or like a runny lotion.
[USER=51317]g.lo[/USER];18201795 said:
Another fine hair lady here!! thanks OP for this thread! Haven't read all pages yet but will be back with my details.
Anyone can recommend a good moisturiser that is light and won't weight my hair down.
I have type 4a with some 3c and I find it hard to use moisturiser.
something liquid or like a runny lotion.

S Curl No-Drip Curl Activator perhaps? But only if you don't mind shrinkage.
I made a daily spritz and love it. Leaves my hair feeling silky.
Plain ole water and then sealing was making my hair crunchy.

Nettle tea
teaspoon of avocado oil
tea tree and rosemary eo
teaspoon of SAA powder
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Aint nothin like a good 'ole nettle spritz :lol: Bublin.

Nettle, oolong, and burdock spritzes with her favorite oils has completely replaced leave-ins. I realized she NEVER liked them probably because of higher porosity issues--over softening causing more breakage. I'd love to try SAA (silk amino acids?). Are you ordering yours online?
I need to live in this thread. Fine haired natural here. I just cut about 4" of hair off. My ends were split. I may not have needed to trim so much, but oh well. It always looks better afterwards. I went from MBL, back to BSB. I think I am going to start trimming more. Instead of every six months, trim, every three. That way I will take off less. But removing 4" didn't bother me. It was necessary.

I am thinking that I also need to straighten more. IDK.
I made a daily spritz and love it. Leaves my hair feeling silky.
Plain ole water and then sealing was making my hair crunchy.

Nettle tea
teaspoon of avocado oil
tea tree and rosemary eo
teaspoon of SAA powder

Im gonna try this recipe for myself but esp for my DD. She has Senegalese Twists now and trying to transition to natural. This would be a good balance of strength and moisture!

RE SSA powder: I saw the hydrolyzed silk powder for the best price on

I will order this next week cus I dont have that many products w/that ingredient and my hair really loves it

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oh. no matter what these split ends will keep appearing then. :-(

oh right so cutting is not the solution .

ive heard some say that the spit ender gave thèm trouble.

im gonna check out.what that thing is. i dont even have à clue of what lol.

I meant don't cut it so short :) (sl- apl) unless your ends are just a big mess. :) I do dust regularly. noine is the split end / dusting queen reading her post is why I don't trip TOO much anymore. Since I've been dusting every 6-8 week's my hair has grown a lot. Tracyee from kiss (kissseventyseven on youtube) has a video on how she dust that I now use.

Eta: I felt like dusting every 6-8 week's was a lot. Times flies so it felt like I was always cutting but when I relaxed and flat ironed I'm finally at bsl (feels crazy sayin that lol.) I didn't even need a trim.
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I've noticed that my hair thrives when I don't manipulate it as much, so I only moisturize on wash days (twice a week). I recently discovered a method called LOLCB, or Liquid-Oil-Leave in-Cream-Butter. Using products in this order keeps my super-duper-dry-crispy 4ab hair moisturized for days on end, so I don't have to take it down in between wash days to moisturize. :up:
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Don't get too excited with the new prophecy and go chopping all of your hair off now, lol. I think you said ur below BSL,.. So chopping to above APL sounds like a lot. If ur hair had 4-5inches? Of chewed up hair I think it would be obvious and you wouldn't even be questioning it. Maybe chop 2 inches, rock it for a week to see if the ends feel better, r more manageable ect. If they still look shabby then go for more.

I'm not afraid of the scissor and I go in and cut when needed,.. Just sayin don't be too hasty.

yeah you're right.

i'll explain ecactly what i want to hubby. make sure he gets it (even drawing on paper might help :-) then give him the scissors.

hopefully retention will go better.
ill strart dusting every 8 weeks like Nonie said instead of 10-12 weeks
Aint nothin like a good 'ole nettle spritz :lol: Bublin.

Nettle, oolong, and burdock spritzes with her favorite oils has completely replaced leave-ins. I realized she NEVER liked them probably because of higher porosity issues--over softening causing more breakage. I'd love to try SAA (silk amino acids?). Are you ordering yours online?

DarkJoy I get mine from a UK company but I think you guys in the US buy from lotioncrafters.

My hair is actually Lo Po.

I'm scared to replace my It's a 10 Leave-In! Maybe i'll try it on one braid after washing.
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I need to live in this thread. Fine haired natural here. I just cut about 4" of hair off. My ends were split. I may not have needed to trim so much, but oh well. It always looks better afterwards. I went from MBL, back to BSB. I think I am going to start trimming more. Instead of every six months, trim, every three. That way I will take off less. But removing 4" didn't bother me. It was necessary.

I am thinking that I also need to straighten more. IDK.

ITA cutenss, I was trimming once every 5-6 months as well and realized that I have too many splits going this long without a trim so now I will go back to once every 3-4 months trimming, especially since I cowash my hair daily. My hair really does look a lot better after it's trimmed.
Thank you mshoneyfly! Gonna add this to my teas...

Please report back on how the spray works for your DD. I do my best to not oversell them but they work, especially for long-term PS. :yep:

PSing can cause so much dryness and damage to fine haireds--and the glycerin-heavy braid and weave sprays are TERRIBLE and more damage causing with all that buildup and dryness. My hair was a soft little cloud and so moisturized with ZERO buildup--you know, all that nasty gunk at the scalp and sticky hair from commercial braid sprays? None of that!

I had crochet braids all through late fall and winter. Boy oh boy did I retain with the tea spray! Also sealing the braids with butter every day or ever 2 days helped. Quickly progressing out from my lil TWA (BC'd in July). Retained every inch excepting the regular dusting schedule.

Only prob was it got TOO soft, which caused issues along the parts in a couple areas:ohwell:. So SAA just might be the ticket to get me back in crochets!

Good luck to you and your DD!
Im gonna try this recipe for myself but esp for my DD. She has Senegalese Twists now and trying to transition to natural. This would be a good balance of strength and moisture!

RE SSA powder: I saw the hydrolyzed silk powder for the best price on

I will order this next week cus I dont have that many products w/that ingredient and my hair really loves it

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
@DarkJoy I get mine from a UK company but I think you guys in the US buy from lotioncrafters.

My hair is actually Lo Po.

I'm scared to replace my It's a 10 Leave-In! Maybe i'll try it on one braid after washing.
Ohhhh Bublin. I am Hi Po (I think). I seem to get too moisturized or too proteiny very quickly. sometimes within a single wash. :look: ugh! I can see how you'd need to leave heavy moisture on the daily.

Thanks for the SAA info. I was gonna wait to make another hair purchase, but dont think I can with this one. I wanna get back into long-term PSing. This should help keep her strong.
@DarkJoy I get mine from a UK company but I think you guys in the US buy from lotioncrafters.

My hair is actually Lo Po.

I'm scared to replace my It's a 10 Leave-In! Maybe i'll try it on one braid after washing.

I've been eyeing the bolded for a while on sleekhair Bublin. How does your hair feel after using it and how well does it work for your hair?
I am on a 8 week dust/trim cycle and its been working fabulously.
Before I would go 4-6 months between any scissor usage.

For retention, frequent end monitoring is a must w/ my fine strands.
Ohhhh @Bublin. I am Hi Po (I think). I seem to get too moisturized or too proteiny very quickly. sometimes within a single wash. :look: ugh! I can see how you'd need to leave heavy moisture on the daily.

Thanks for the SAA info. I was gonna wait to make another hair purchase, but dont think I can with this one. I wanna get back into long-term PSing. This should help keep her strong.
The bolded happens to my hair too DarkJoy. I have to be very careful how long I leave a protein treatment on my hair. My hair definitely needs it on a weekly basis, but I simply cannot leave it on long at all - maybe 10-12 minutes with a little heat and that's about it.

AO GPB and Keracare Intensive Restorative Masque protein conditioners seem to work the best at keeping my hair soft so I have to keep these in my protein conditioner rotation.

Now moisture on the other hand, my hair loves but again, I have to be very careful how much of it I use. I have watch my hair's reaction to products very closely at all times.
Ohhhh Bublin. I am Hi Po (I think). I seem to get too moisturized or too proteiny very quickly. sometimes within a single wash. :look: ugh! I can see how you'd need to leave heavy moisture on the daily.

Thanks for the SAA info. I was gonna wait to make another hair purchase, but dont think I can with this one. I wanna get back into long-term PSing. This should help keep her strong.

DarkJoy You've actually described my hair :ohwell:
I say I'm Lo Po because it takes forever for my hair to actually get soaking wet, like I have to squeeze the water in and to air dry takes forever. Products also seem to sit on my strands and my hair quickly becomes too greasy but dry at the same time. Not too sure butters suit me but now that I've blended my butters with water they seem to be more affective. I had to ditch the Castor Oil as Moisture wasn't getting into hair after I used it on wash day. I now use Avocado Oil which is soooo silky but penetrates the hair shaft, unlike Castor Oil.

The SAAs are amazing. Leave the hair silky soft but strong. I'm realising my hair needs stuff that is 'silky' to stop the strands from sticking together so the avocado, SAAs and cones are right up my street. When I was relaxed I always always used a serum and my hair was happy.

I've been eyeing the bolded for a while on sleekhair Bublin. How does your hair feel after using it and how well does it work for your hair?

Aggie This actually has SAAs in the ingredient list, it also has one cone about 4th in the ingredient list. I love it because my hair loves both of these - cones and SAAs.
Combing is made easier and my hair is instantly softer after using it. Of course I use more than the recommended 2 or 3 sprays for the whole head but the bottle lasts along time.
Controls frizz.
It's also a heat protectant so if I have to sit under a dryer for a while to dry my braids (I always airdry) there is no worry about heat damage.
Basically it does all the things it says it does!
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@DarkJoy You've actually described my hair :ohwell:
I say I'm Lo Po because it takes forever for my hair to actually get soaking wet, like I have to squeeze the water in and to air dry takes forever. Products also seem to sit on my strands and my hair quickly becomes too greasy but dry at the same time. Not too sure butters suit me but now that I've blended my butters with water they seem to be more affective. I had to ditch the Castor Oil as Moisture wasn't getting into hair after I used it on wash day. I now use Avocado Oil which is soooo silky but penetrates the hair shaft, unlike Castor Oil.

The SAAs are amazing. Leave the hair silky soft but strong. I'm realising my hair needs stuff that is 'silky' to stop the strands from sticking together so the avocado, SAAs and cones are right up my street. When I was relaxed I always always used a serum and my hair was happy.

@Aggie This actually has SAAs in the ingredient list, it also has one cone about 4th in the ingredient list. I love it because my hair loves both of these - cones and SAAs.
Combing is made easier and my hair is instantly softer after using it. Of course I use more than the recommended 2 or 3 sprays for the whole head but the bottle lasts along time.
Controls frizz.
It's also a heat protectant so if I have to sit under a dryer for a while to dry my braids (I always airdry) there is no worry about heat damage.
Basically it does all the things it says it does!

Thank you so much Bublin for such a thorough review. I will add that one to my hair product list for sure:yep:.
virtuenow Hipped me to the Komaza Care Protein Strengthener. WHile I've only used it once, the difference was immediate. I should be using this at least 1x a month.
Another fine hair lady here!! thanks OP for this thread! Haven't read all pages yet but will be back with my details.
Anyone can recommend a good moisturiser that is light and won't weight my hair down.
I have type 4a with some 3c and I find it hard to use moisturiser.
something liquid or like a runny lotion.

Shea Moisture Curl Milk is perfect for my fine 4a/3c strands.
I'm MBL and if it touches my hair there is a 99.99% chance that it contains protein. I wash 95% of the time with a protein conditioner/reconstructor or a hard protein. My leave in is Giovanni's leave in with Neutral Protein Filler for more protein and a couple of drops of argan oil. I then spritz my hair with Andalou Naturals Style Spritz (3rd and 4th ingredient =protein :look:) I then seal with castor oil and put my hair in a protective style. Andalou Naturals becomes my daily spritz.

I have eczema and when the seasons change my skin flares up. For the first time ever the skin around my hairline is flaring up so I have to do more washes so that means more protective styles. I hope my new SO doesn't mind :lol:
When I do twists or twist outs on dry stretched hair, they come out looking so full that I begin to doubt the fact that my hair is fine! I had medium sized twists that were so small for three weeks. After taking those out, I spritzed each section of hair with rosé water and applied coconut oil generously. I then did fat twists. I applied a mix of coconut and olive oil liberally and then did a twist out up do. I got compliments all round! I will admit my hair did look really nice. So ladies, is my hair fine or not?

ETA: pitchas!!!!


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[USER=23171]ajoke[/USER];18205903 said:
When I do twists or twist outs on dry stretched hair, they come out looking so full that I begin to doubt the fact that my hair is fine! I had medium sized twists that were so small for three weeks. After taking those out, I spritzed each section of hair with rosé water and applied coconut oil generously. I then did fat twists. I applied a mix of coconut and olive oil liberally and then did a twist out up do. I got complements all round! I will admit my hair did look really nice. So ladies, is my hair fine or not?

ETA: pitchas!!!!

Can you post the twists? The twistouts you posted were fluffy and someone with a lot of hair that is fine can get that look. Size of twists is more telling.
Can you post the twists? The twistouts you posted were fluffy and someone with a lot of hair that is fine can get that look. Size of twists is more telling.

I will see if I have any pictures of the medium sized twists on my phone. I think you are right, I do have a lot of hair, it just never ceases to amaze me how that volume of hair looks like nothing with twists on unstretched hair. But every time I do twists on stretched hair or blowdry my hair and twist it up, it looks wow.