The old MSM debate


New Member
O.K. a month into taking MSM (along with Pantothenic Acid, Nioxin hair bills and Biotin). My hair is full healthy and growing like a weed BUT..... I'm getting little white bumps on my face! I've narrowed it down to the MSM....

My question is.....has anyone continued to take MSM even though they got bumps and if so do the bumps stop appearing after your body gets used to the MSM? Did you lower your dose (i take 1,000 MG)..

Thanks in advance guys!!!
If you are having a reaction why not try a 3 to 7 days with no MSM to clear your system of any excess, THEN start back at 500 mg.
I bought a 32 ounce Nalgene bottle for work and another for home. I try to drink 2 bottles of water daily with the vitamins. It's easy in the summer time.

Also, the B5 (2g per day) helped my complexion considerably. Some people (with severe acne, not just reacting to foods) take up to 10g of B5 per day.

There's always Proactive, but it shouldn't come to that.

Give it a month with increased water and B5. It'll probably clear right up.
Thanks guys for your advice!

I will stop taking the MSM for a few days and let it clear up, then i will decrease my dose. I will also take B5.....

thanks again!

ps,Vevster beautiful girls!!!!
Vevster, if those are your little girls they are simply gorgeous!