I have a question on MSM


Well-Known Member
<font color="red"> </font> Hey everyone..ok..now here's my problem...I believe MSM is suppose to aid to my hair to grow faster which is definately my goal...but I have also read that MSM makes your new growth straighter which I really dont want....my hair is natural and has a wave pattern....I really dont want it to become straight...should I leave MSM out my vitamin regimen or is it ok to take low amounts of MSM to keep my hair growing but not disturb my natural wave pattern ( <font color="red"> </font> note: and if I should take low amounts ..how much should I take???) thanks in advance - Melissa
That's a good question!!! My experience with MSM hasn't been that it "straightens" your hair. It has, however, relaxed the curl slightly on my new growth, making it appear more wavy instead of "nappy."
MSM is good because it also strengthens your hair folicles, therefore increasing the life of your hair's life cycle.

It seems that the average dosage on this board is 1,000 mcg. That's what I currently take. Why don't you start off with 500 mcg and see how it works for you.
Without thinking I bought the 1000...but I will try 500 because I really dont want straight hair...ny2atl..your screen name describes me im from ny (brooklyn) and now im in atl..but anyway...hopefully the 500 wont straighten my hair...thanks for the advice. - Melissa
I have been down here for about 3 years on and off...I am down here for most of the school year then I go back home for the summer...but I plan on being down for for about 2-5 more years....I am so happy to find someone on the hair forum in atl and orginally from ny...How do you like atl??? oh..and maybe you can help me out...I am looking for a braiding salon or someone who can braid well to do my hair...I am afraid to just go anywhere so I am looking for a recommendation....I am in the downtown area of atlanta...so If you can help me out it would be greatly appreciated...thanks- Melissa