The Official Mane 'N Tail Users Club

Mane N Tail is awesome!!!!
my hair barely ever sheds, but now since i've been washing/conditioning my hair w/ MNT twice weekly, i have only shed 3 or 4 hairs each week! :) i wouldn't believe it if i didn't see it for myself!
New member signing in:) I used the original conditioner as my protein pre wash, then used it as my leave in. My hair feels strong and my wash day shedding was half as much as usual:eek: Is anyone using it as a DAILY leave in? If so, please provide details. TIA
tenderheaded said:
New member signing in:) I used the original conditioner as my protein pre wash, then used it as my leave in. My hair feels strong and my wash day shedding was half as much as usual:eek: Is anyone using it as a DAILY leave in? If so, please provide details. TIA

I use it as a daily leave in when I wear my hair pulled back in a phony scrunchie. The leave in mix I use is distilled water, MNT, a moisturizing conditioner, and oils.
I used MNT for the first time last week and the results were FANTASTIC.

I got compliments left and right about how much body my hair had.

I'm CO washing for the rest of the summer with the conditioner.

It's going to be a definite staple. ;)

BTW: Is it too late to join the club ?
princesslocks said:
I used MNT for the first time last week and the results were FANTASTIC.

I got compliments left and right about how much body my hair had.

I'm CO washing for the rest of the summer with the conditioner.

It's going to be a definite staple. ;)

BTW: Is it too late to join the club ?

Girl, it's never too late to join this club!!! :)
I'm in too!!!! I've just picked up 2 big bottles of MNT shamp/cond. And it DOES smell a lot better than it used too. They've done some improvements over at Straight Arrow. I hope to get great results like SG. Congrats SG on the baby, remember during labor that the pain you feel is just your body trying to get the baby out, I kept repeating that to myself when I delivered my son and it REALLY helped me out. ..... I also LOVE YOUR fotki.....very inspiring.
Well I'm in the club too. I decided to give it a try since Sallys has it on sale for buy one get one free. I got the shampoo and con. I used it tonight and it made my hair feel pretty good, but I will know the final results after my hair is finished airdrying.
I dropped out a lil while ago, but I think I need to give it another try. I still have tons of shampoo and conditioner left.
tenderheaded said:
New member signing in:) I used the original conditioner as my protein pre wash, then used it as my leave in. My hair feels strong and my wash day shedding was half as much as usual:eek: Is anyone using it as a DAILY leave in? If so, please provide details. TIA

I was using it as a daily leave in for about two months then one day it became too much. So I had to put the products on the shelf---just too much protein.

I like to cover my ends with conditioner and oil (EVOO or Castor) in the morning and night but using MNT didn't work for too long. Before I was using PM conditioner for color treated hair for about a year and didn't notice a difference. Long story short MNT not good for daily leave in

thank you so much as I will buy the original regular conditioner and not the deep conditioner. I appreciate your help.

I grabbed two bottles of the MNT conditioner since it was on sale. Needless to say, my shedding has decreased. I use it for co-washing and my hair feels great!!!!!
I'm in... I bought the MnT shampoo and conditioner from Sally's a few weeks ago, buy one get one free. I've been using it and so far so good. Today, I just bought the carrot creme moisturizer and the leave-in. I'm gonna try this line for a while and see if I get good hair growth with it like some of the others. :)
I alternater between BWC (beauty withouth cruelty) shampoo and conditioner and my MNT original shampoo and conditioner, so far so good.
Guys - this thread is so long I couldn't read past page 3. I don't think I've ever tried MNT. I'm scared to try it. Do all of you ladies have thick hair. I noticed SG has a beautiful texture of hair and its thick so ladies like me (wif da little hurs lololol) tend to feel intimidated when trying products that work for ladies with thicker hair. I'm so bogged down with products right now that I dare not make an additional purchase but I will keep it in mind when I start running low on other products. This is just the beginning of my journey so I'll see how things work out with my current stuff first. Thanks for sharing!
I too have fine/medium hair and was hesitant to use Mane n' Tail. I tried it and my hair loves it.

I use the Deep Moisturizing conditioner but I rinse it out. And I use the Barrier (the daily protection treatment) before I dry my hair. I don't use the shampoo because of one of the ingredients. And I'm not to fond of the smell so after I rinse out the conditioner sometimes I will follow up with Nature's Gate Herbal Conditioner...
Well I'm using this on my hair as a conditioner only. I don't have the shampoo. But I really don't know what it's supposed to do? Prevent breakage aiding in retention of growth? If so, that would be great. Because I haven't used heat on my hair in 5 weeks and I think that was the culprit for most of my breakage.

Any pointers or testimonials (lol) would be appreciated.

How is Mane-N-Tail working for you?
Cayenne0622 said:
Guys - this thread is so long I couldn't read past page 3. I don't think I've ever tried MNT. I'm scared to try it. Do all of you ladies have thick hair. I noticed SG has a beautiful texture of hair and its thick so ladies like me (wif da little hurs lololol) tend to feel intimidated when trying products that work for ladies with thicker hair. I'm so bogged down with products right now that I dare not make an additional purchase but I will keep it in mind when I start running low on other products. This is just the beginning of my journey so I'll see how things work out with my current stuff first. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Cayenne :)

Many who have tried the MNT line noticed that their hair felt "thicker" over time - even those who had hair that was relatively thin before trying. You're right, my hair has always been sorta thick, but with chemical processing, has thinned out over the years. MNT seems to keep it thick looking - probably because of the protein in the cond. which coats the strands, and b/c it reduces shedding I am able to hold on to more of it.

I'm hoping it will help to combat the postpartum shedding that I am bracing myself for that most ladies have experienced :)


I have been using Mane 'N Tail for a while now I have switched up and always go back I usually do a condition wash with it every morning I use the Detangler, Hair Strenghtner and Jojoba oil and I have noticed when I switch up and try other products I see shedding my hair seems to really like it I clarify when my hair feels really far so good I think I have a keeper.
Someone once told me that if you start using MNT you can't stop because your hair will start to fall out. :eek:

Now do you think this could be beause the MNT was the only form of protein they were using and after they stopped their hair became weak because they didn't know they needed protein? (If this makes any sense)
Because I think alot of people were just using it because it was something new I don't even think they knew it was a type of protein.

Has anyone used it and stopped? What were the results?

Curious, please help.
punchinella said:
Someone once told me that if you start using MNT you can't stop because your hair will start to fall out. :eek:

Now do you think this could be beause the MNT was the only form of protein they were using and after they stopped their hair became weak because they didn't know they needed protein? (If this makes any sense)
Because I think alot of people were just using it because it was something new I don't even think they knew it was a type of protein.

Has anyone used it and stopped? What were the results?

Curious, please help.

This has not happened to me and I've started and stopped a lot. There are times when I've wanted more moisture or more "something" and for whatever the reason I've switched to something different for a short time. I always go back to MNT though, and I've never lost a bunch of hair as a result of switching. May be different for others though.

SouthernGirl said:
This has not happened to me and I've started and stopped a lot. There are times when I've wanted more moisture or more "something" and for whatever the reason I've switched to something different for a short time. I always go back to MNT though, and I've never lost a bunch of hair as a result of switching. May be different for others though.


Thanks because I was thinking about getting some. Sallys has 2 for 1 this month (Aug).