And you have to remember that historically, Christians were essentially unified on these major topics for 1500 years until the reformation. What I always say is for me it makes sense to go with the earliest interpretation of scripture because we see how easy it is for scripture to be manipulated.
One of the reasons I like Catholicism is cuz everything is all worked out already and written down some where, like hadiths for Islam or whatever. Somebody already thought about it, debated it with other people, and decided, centuries ago. Makes it very easy to understand follow properly. I find Protestantism to be a... schismatic mess. Too many cooks spoil the stew. :lol:
I just wonder if this is to increase membership or is it really a leaf to their female members. Like, they can't be priests, but at least they are allowing women a bit more optons in regards to their body. Or maybe it really is just empty words.
Catholics get a lot of hate man, one side of my family is catholic the other side is Muslim, jeez both of these religions get a lot of shade and there seems to be a ton of misinformation

The shade I heard towards Catholics from Protestants growing up was so deep, I’m not even catholic and I think people are extra with it
Catholics get a lot of hate man, one side of my family is catholic the other side is Muslim, jeez both of these religions get a lot of shade and there seems to be a ton of misinformation

The shade I heard towards Catholics from Protestants growing up was so deep, I’m not even catholic and I think people are extra with it
Mine's half Muslim (NOI--> Sunni), half AME Zion. Both sides are devout, pastors and strong church folks on one side, hijabis and such on the other. One of my god mothers, RIP Aunt Joanie, was a black Jew, born in the religion, not a convert (she used to cook for Sammie Davis Jr when he was here). And then I went to Catholic school... and then Episcopalian. I like to think I know just enough about everybody. :lol:
One of the reasons I like Catholicism is cuz everything is all worked out already and written down some where, like hadiths for Islam or whatever. Somebody already thought about it, debated it with other people, and decided, centuries ago. Makes it very easy to understand follow properly. I find Protestantism to be a... schismatic mess. Too many cooks spoil the stew. :lol:

:amen: Precisely why I'm here. Nobody forced, coerced, shamed, spewed fire and brimstone while omitting the California redwood in their own eye. I even debate and call into question practices that were unholy (slavery and other nonsense) that the Church overlooked/allowed before it finally moved, from it's fault, omission etc. and nobody bats and eye. We are to use our intellect as G-d's gift and we can question things. As you said, much of it has already been worked out. It's a living, breathing church, so is the completed bible and like the Torah from which it all comes, it was meant to be permeable with the times. I know someone is going to get bent out of shape with that and start calling jezebel spirit and other such nonsense. But it's how I see it. We don't know everything but the things we do know, we know them and it's written. You don't have to guess on those.
Graven images are worshiped. That's what is forbidden. We don't worship images. Veneration is not worship.

Jesus was quite visible yet, G-d. The cross was an image. The menorah is an image and symbolic. The fish that initially and secretly represented Christians was an image. Moses was told to make a symbol of healing with the bronze snake on it. People looked at it (that medical symbol we use today) and were cured of snake bite. Several places in the "Old" Testament were commands G-d gave to make an image. The gold cherubim of the Ark? Our Lady of Guadalupe is her actual image, life-size. Came from heaven. Jesus' shroud is here and in it, we now can see the moment of his resurrection in the positioning of his feet, according to independent scientific examinations. He was in movement. Shroud was found bundled up but the body missing. Like an unopened box of Cheezits, plastic pack intact and unopened. Witnessed. His full image, frontal and posterior are on it. Veronica wiped Jesus' bloody and sweaty face with a cloth and the image was formed on it. Countless images and visible events still occur. Shrugs. I examined all these things and more about the RCC before I entered it, over a decade of study and investigation. I finally made the choice. Point being...I studied it and came to a conclusion that I found it to be true. Nothing strange about the process nor study, investigation. Anyone who comes into any religion ill-prepared is in trouble.
True they were unified, but is that possibly because most were not given access to the Bible? To read for themselves.
Right. Not to be disrespectful at all. But people either had to go along with the Catholic Church or be killed for entertainment. I don't think it's in good taste to say all were in agreement. The scriptures were withheld and dissidents were persecuted. That's what created the reformation.
Catholics get a lot of hate man, one side of my family is catholic the other side is Muslim, jeez both of these religions get a lot of shade and there seems to be a ton of misinformation

The shade I heard towards Catholics from Protestants growing up was so deep, I’m not even catholic and I think people are extra with it

I'm protestant. But honestly I understand the shade or whatever. A church can't just kill hundreds of millions of people for their beliefs. I don't like or trust this pope, he's basically trying to reestablish Catholic supremacy, hence the official declarations (a few weeks ago) that that reformation is officially over and trying to grandfather everyone else into the Catholic Church. He's about to set up a global religion, except it won't be technically religious since certain things are being given more leeway and acceptance. Read Laudato Si (his encyclical published in May 2015). He literally says that we have to observe Sunday (part of his systems beliefs )to prevent climate change. I feel like that's deceptive to try and indoctrinate based on "What's good for the world " etc.

People are not even ready for or read to comprehend what's about to happen. :(
Ugh, we dont do this and we shouldnt do that, and so and so says we should do things this way and this book says we should do things that way. Good grief. I cant with any type of religion.
In Islam abortion is permissible prior to 4 months gestation if there is a valid reason for it.

Seyed al-Sabiq, author of Fiqh al-Sunnah, has summarized the views of the classical jurists in this regard in the following words:

Abortion is not allowed after four months have passed since conception because at that time it is akin to taking a life, an act that entails penalty in this world and in the Hereafter. As regards the matter of abortion before this period elapses, it is considered allowed if necessary. However, in the absence of a reasonable excuse it is detestable. The author of ‘Subul-ul-Maram’ writes: "A woman’s treatment for aborting a pregnancy before the spirit has been blown into it is a matter upon which scholars differed on account of difference of opinion on the matter of ‘Azal (i.e. measures to hinder conception). Those who allow ‘Azal consider abortion as allowable and vice versa." The same ruling should be applicable for women deciding on sterilization. Imam Ghazzali opines: "Induced abortion is a sin after conception". He further says: "The sin incurred thus can be of degrees. When the sperm enters the ovaries, mixes with the ovum and acquires potential of life, its removal would be a sin. Aborting it after it grows into a germ or a leech would be a graver sin and the graveness of the sin increases very much if one does so after the stage when the spirit is blown into the fetus and it acquires human form and faculties."[5]
I'm protestant. But honestly I understand the shade or whatever. A church can't just kill hundreds of millions of people for their beliefs. I don't like or trust this pope, he's basically trying to reestablish Catholic supremacy, hence the official declarations (a few weeks ago) that that reformation is officially over and trying to grandfather everyone else into the Catholic Church. He's about to set up a global religion, except it won't be technically religious since certain things are being given more leeway and acceptance. Read Laudato Si (his encyclical published in May 2015). He literally says that we have to observe Sunday (part of his systems beliefs )to prevent climate change. I feel like that's deceptive to try and indoctrinate based on "What's good for the world " etc.

People are not even ready for or read to comprehend what's about to happen. :(
Uh...what now? :confused: I'm Protestant too. So as a general rule I tend to not pay too much attention to what goes on with the Catholic Church. I haven't even read most of the responses in this thread. I do me, and I let them do them. But...

What exactly do he THINK 'bout to happen?
Right. Not to be disrespectful at all. But people either had to go along with the Catholic Church or be killed for entertainment. I don't think it's in good taste to say all were in agreement. The scriptures were withheld and dissidents were persecuted. That's what created the reformation.

And Protestants don't have their own dirt? The Catholic Church may have turned their head but Protestants are responsible for the genocide of indigenous peoples on this continent and those same Protestant hands are doubly bloody through the transatlantic slave trade.

To be fair, religion throughout the ages has been used directly to do terrible things to people in the name of power and divine providence. Also evil people don't tend to discriminate on religion. They have pyschos throughout history that considered themselves Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, etc.
I'm protestant. But honestly I understand the shade or whatever. A church can't just kill hundreds of millions of people for their beliefs. I don't like or trust this pope, he's basically trying to reestablish Catholic supremacy, hence the official declarations (a few weeks ago) that that reformation is officially over and trying to grandfather everyone else into the Catholic Church. He's about to set up a global religion, except it won't be technically religious since certain things are being given more leeway and acceptance. Read Laudato Si (his encyclical published in May 2015). He literally says that we have to observe Sunday (part of his systems beliefs )to prevent climate change. I feel like that's deceptive to try and indoctrinate based on "What's good for the world " etc.

People are not even ready for or read to comprehend what's about to happen. :(

Are you SDA?

The pope is not the antichrist.

The Catholic Church is not the whore of Babylon.

Since Protestants are still very much protesting the Church that was established by Christ, it is very unlikely that a NWO global religion will ever be established.
Uh...what now? :confused: I'm Protestant too. So as a general rule I tend to not pay too much attention to what goes on with the Catholic Church. I haven't even read most of the responses in this thread. I do me, and I let them do them. But...

What exactly do he THINK 'bout to happen?

None of this foolishness is going to happen. This is standard SDA propaganda/ fear-mongering against the RCC. *shugs*
OK... Roman Catholic chiming in here...

Abortion is considered one of those sins that results in automatic excommunication from the Church. In order to be restored to full communion after an excommunication, it normally takes the actions of a Bishop. What Pope Francis is essentially doing is giving Priests (one step lower than Bishops on the totem pole) the power to restore those who have gotten an abortion to full communion with the Church through a much less laborious process.

Also, @ang3lface816 I doubt seriously Pope Francis is concerning himself with trying to lasso in other Christian sects at the moment. He has his hands full attempting the herd the cats that fall under the Catholic communion!
Uh...what now? :confused: I'm Protestant too. So as a general rule I tend to not pay too much attention to what goes on with the Catholic Church. I haven't even read most of the responses in this thread. I do me, and I let them do them. But...

What exactly do he THINK 'bout to happen?

I'll post links...

Laudato Si and encouraging Sunday as the day of rest (though the 4th commandment in Exodus 20:8 says 7th day)

Washington Post, agrees pope's view of climate change influential

Whole website from the European Sunday Alliance showing the push for Sunday

Pope Francis and his push for "work free Sundays"

Green sabbath and how everyone observing one day (which has been decided as Sunday if we go off articles published) (interesting term seeing that Pope Francis juxtaposes this with the Saturday Sabbath but says let's do it on Sunday )

Feel free to do your own search. Not making this up.
And Protestants don't have their own dirt? The Catholic Church may have turned their head but Protestants are responsible for the genocide of indigenous peoples on this continent and those same Protestant hands are doubly bloody through the transatlantic slave trade.

To be fair, religion throughout the ages has been used directly to do terrible things to people in the name of power and divine providence. Also evil people don't tend to discriminate on religion. They have pyschos throughout history that considered themselves Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, etc.

I think most religions have dirt. But the troubling part for me is that dirt is continuing to be excused. For example, priests are now by law not mandated reporters of child sexual abuse.... within the last month it became official.

Here's the article from Catholic news source:
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None of this foolishness is going to happen. This is standard SDA propaganda/ fear-mongering against the RCC. *shugs*

Please check out the articles I posted today. It's definitely going to happen. The pope actually says that a day of rest, which he intends to be Sunday will help us divert climate change crisis. No fear mongering.
I think most religions have dirt. But the troubling part for me is that dirt is continuing to be excused. For example, priests are now by law not mandated reporters of child secularism abuse.... within the last month.

Here's the article from Catholic news source:

The link didn't work for me, so maybe this one?

Religion in general is given way more respect than it's due, and many times it's at the expense of the innocent. As someone who works with sexually abused children, things like this nauseate me. I can't imagine someone knowing that a child is being treated that way and nothing being done because, you know, Jesus. Same thing with kids who disallowed medical care because their parents don't believe in it. A few kids have died that way, but once again, you know, Jesus.

ETA: But the Catholic Church covered up decades of priests raping and molesting children, so no one should be surprised they favor their dogma over the well-being of children.
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OK... Roman Catholic chiming in here...

Abortion is considered one of those sins that results in automatic excommunication from the Church. In order to be restored to full communion after an excommunication, it normally takes the actions of a Bishop. What Pope Francis is essentially doing is giving Priests (one step lower than Bishops on the totem pole) the power to restore those who have gotten an abortion to full communion with the Church through a much less laborious process.

Also, @ang3lface816 I doubt seriously Pope Francis is concerning himself with trying to lasso in other Christian sects at the moment. He has his hands full attempting the herd the cats that fall under the Catholic communion!
Thank you for this info!
I disagree on the lassoing in of the others. This is something other religions have spoken of as well as encouraged. Late Bishop Tony Palmer spoke about this several times. What's being said is that the Protestant churches need to join the Catholic Church (which I feel is a big reason for declaring the reformation over). It's hard to declare it over unless you can say other faiths no longer hold the views that created the reformation.

I do want to state, I am not attacking any of you ladies beliefs. We can all respectfully disagree as well as share those beliefs, that's what I love most about this forum.
I'll post links...

Laudato Si and encouraging Sunday as the day of rest (though the 4th commandment in Exodus 20:8 says 7th day)

Washington Post, agrees pope's view of climate change influential

Whole website from the European Sunday Alliance showing the push for Sunday

Pope Francis and his push for "work free Sundays"

Green sabbath and how everyone observing one day (which has been decided as Sunday if we go off articles published) (interesting term seeing that Pope Francis juxtaposes this with the Saturday Sabbath but says let's do it on Sunday )

Feel free to do your own search. Not making this up.
@ang3lface816, I appreciate you providing these links for me. I've skimmed through them but haven't seen any official declaration of the reformation being over or everyone being grandfathered into the Catholic church as you stated in your previous post. For me as a Protestant Christian, the most important part of the reformation is that I have the right to directly approach God the Father due to the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ when he died on the cross and rose again - no priests or hail Marys necessary. I didn't see any language like that in what I read. What I saw was mostly just a push for the business and civic world to let up so that people can actually rest on the Sabbath. I'm not sure if you ever confirmed that you are SDA, but if you are, I can see how that might seem intrusive to you and that perhaps the Catholic church is overstepping its bounds. However, I'm not SDA and have always recognized Sunday as the Sabbath. Of late, that's changed for me, as I'm more inclined to agree with the Jewish calendar with the Sabbath beginning at sundown Friday and ending sundown on Saturday, but that's neither here nor there for me as far as the Catholic church pushing for an actual world wide day of rest. I personally think it would be good for people, but then I'm not really a legalist. So regardless of my own leanings about the Sabbath, I'm not likely to get up in arms about which day anyone else chooses to recognize, and I feel that I'm free to recognize whichever day I'm inspired to recognize. I don't really feel threatened by this at all unless someone is going to threaten to throw me in jail over recognizing one day over the other.

As far as any other influence the Catholic church may have on me as a Protestant via the Pope's world wide influence, well...that's not really new. We have this little holiday coming up that we're all celebrating, even though it's been widely speculated that December 25th was not actually Jesus' birthday. The Catholic church decided to co-opt the pagan winter solstice, and now every year we have decorated trees and fruit cake. I'm perfectly content to ho, ho, ho it up with the rest of the crowd even though it doesn't mean that much to my own personal sense of religion. Again, I'm not a legalist. So, I don't think that celebrating or not celebrating December 25th as the day Jesus was born has any real bearing on my faith in Christ, not unlike whichever day I choose to partake in the Sabbath.

So, while I appreciate your perspective and sense of urgency with regard to the influence of the Pope and his church, none of what I've read above rises to the level of sending up red flags for me personally.
An excellent and extensive source of Church history from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

Almost anything you wanna know, it's in there.

And if there's unity, it's going to be official, with no barriers from either side and full participation and consent. You can't be a catholic is you're not already one and/or not convert. Simple.
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An excellent and extensive source of Church history from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

Almost anything you wanna know, it's in there.

And if there's unity, it's going to be official, with no barriers from either side and full participation and consent. You can't be a catholic is you're not already one and/or not convert. Simple.

Would partaking in practices of the Catholic Church like Eucharist, the Sacraments, certain types of prayer be considered taking part in RCC religion? I agree that Protestants wouldn't be official Catholics but he is very instrumental in pushing what would be technically a global religion. Green sabbaths? With slight religious undertones. Check out the ecumenical movement, if you get a chance. It shows all the religions also uniting in purpose to serve out the pope's message. To see things that were written about and seemed a bit farfetched to even my SDA self, coming to pass, it's strengthened my confidence in what the Bible says.

The pope has been meeting with the ceos of various social media platforms and they have expressed a dedication to "spreading his message ". Recently the US gave away rights to the Internet. He's basically connecting with every platform.

@Mingus thank you for reading! There's much more. The climate change agreement has things that would really affect our day to day life. I am sda but I say that loosely. I've recently been restudying. I've also come across articles where it's been discussed that dissenters should be fined, and jailed (though this is not an official declaration). Since the agreement is international, going against the legislation would deem you a terrorist. It's tying up very nicely into a one world system. Trump is electing people that will gladly make this a Fascist type of government with no qualms. But also a very strong candidate in the eyes of the evangelists/christian base. I think his name is.... (Kenneth Copeland) recently did an article saying he has a direct means of communication to Trump. Says he could deliver a message from God to Trump and he feels that Trump would listen. I don't know if he will play a role but it's interesting.

I'll be going to bed soon but just wanted to throw additional information out there if you're interested.

I also observe Friday sundown to Saturday sundown as Sabbath (according to the scripture that says "from evening to evening...."
I've been getting away from the holidays though that's not a formal doctrine for us. Just seeing the history of various days, I'm not really feeling them anymore.

I post these not to bash anyone's specific beliefs, but I do believe we are definitely in a serious time.