I champion the struggle to overturn the colonial mind and policies in Bolivia, which Evo Morales is doing. However, it's pretty clear that he's just about as corrupt as any other. He's done some good but I wouldn't trust him, yet. Talk about politically-charged gift! And it is true that the Church persecuted Indigenous and African peoples, for centuries. Our own Missions is SHAMEFUL. And we are considering making one of the organizers of those missions a saint? And he was known to beat our people? SMh. But I'm against all the politicking. Speak the truth and have not ulterior motives. Morales is dangerous, imo. Yet to be seen widely.
Forms of Devotion
What are Novenas?
From an article in MARIAN HELPER magazine, Fall 1993.

If you mention novenas, you're likely to get mixed reactions, with extremes at both ends of the scale.

Some view novenas as extraordinarily powerful prayers with guaranteed results — like a legal contract with God: if you fulfill the conditions, God grants your request.

Others feel that novenas are simply a waste of time — an outdated form of prayer practiced by overly pious people looking for spiritual magic.

As is often the case, neither extreme is accurate, though each reflects some truth. Making a novena is indeed a valid, powerful way to pray, but if misunderstood can become an act of superstition rather than prayer.

What It Is

The word "novena" comes from the Latin meaning "nine each." It is a prayer or Holy Mass that is offered for nine consecutive days.

Scripturally, novenas take their origin from the nine days of prayer before Pentecost. After the Ascension, the apostles and disciples, in obedience to the Lord, gathered in the upper room and devoted themselves to constant prayer, together with Mary, the Mother of Jesus (Acts 1:4-5).

The nine days of prayer can also be considered as a representation of the nine months of Jesus in the womb of Mary. Like Jesus our Head, we His Body are also to be born of Mary and the Holy Spirit. The nine days of prayer were gestation prior to the birth of the Church on Pentecost. Since then, each novena can be considered as a time of gestation before a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

What It Is Not

Over the centuries, the practice of making novenas grew in popularity, and inevitably, abuses developed like weeds in a garden.

One abuse is absolute guarantees of positive results. There are no absolute guarantees. Prayer must always be made according to the will of God. Even Christ Himself prayed, "Not my will, Father, but Yours be done."

We pray with trust that God will give us what He knows is best for us.

Another abuse is the guarantee that a particular novena will never fail if we publish the novena prayer. These mistaken ideas can often cause great confusion and lead to superstition.

Persistent Prayer

Novenas should be considered persistent prayer. Jesus exhorted us to continually ask, seek, and knock for what we need (Lk 11:10), and he gave us strong examples of the value of persistence in prayer — like the widow who kept pleading with the judge (Lk 18:1-8) and the man who woke his neighbor in the middle of the night to give him bread (Lk 11:5-9).

St. Faustina also gives us a powerful example of persistence in prayer. Novenas were an important and regular part of her spiritual life. She made novenas of different kinds and for various needs. For her they were times of intense and persevering prayer.

For us, too, novenas can be times of persevering prayer for special needs and of preparation for solemn feasts.

Novenas also can help us to focus our intentions so that we can more effectively give thanks for God's response to our needs — whatever they are — placing ever greater trust in the Lord Jesus.
St. Anne Novena, Day Two
Glorious Saint Anne, how can you be otherwise than overflowing with tenderness toward sinners like myself, since you are the grandmother of Him who shed His blood for us, and the mother of her whom the saints call advocate of sinners? To you, therefore, I address my prayers with confidence.

Vouchsafe to commend me to Jesus and Mary so that, at your request, I may be granted remission of my sins, perseverance, the love of God, charity for all mankind, and the special grace of…

(State your intention here.)

…for which I stand in need at the present time. O most powerful protectress, let me not lose my soul, but pray for me that through the merits of Jesus Christ and the intercession of Mary, I may have the great happiness of seeing them, of loving and praising them with you through all eternity.


Pray for us, Saint Anne!

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Find the Original Here: http://www.praymorenovenas.com/st-anne-novena/#ixzz3gjbOqm2B
St. Anne Novena, Day three
Beloved of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, mother of the Queen of Heaven, take us and all who are dear to us under your special care. Obtain for us the virtues you instilled in the heart of her who was destined to become Mother of God, and the graces with which you were endowed. O model of Christian womanhood, pray that we may imitate your example in our homes and families, listen to our petitions,

(State your intention here.)

Guardian of the infancy and childhood of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain the graces necessary for all who enter the marriage state, that imitating your virtues they may sanctify their homes and lead the souls entrusted to their care to eternal glory. Amen.

Pray for us, Saint Anne!

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Find the Original Here: http://www.praymorenovenas.com/st-anne-novena/#ixzz3gpeNgY2C
However you wish. It's all prayer but it doesn't guarantee anything. Be your most comfortable with it.

I'm IN! Again.
I got my daily email reminder from the pray more novenas site. Great little tool I'm always forgetting start days. I may do 2 days of morning and night so I can catch up the days and end on the feast day. Of course a novena can be prayed at any one as well.

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St. Anne Novena, Day Four

Glorious Saint Anne, I kneel in confidence at your feet, for you also have tasted the bitterness and sorrow of life. My need, the cause of my request, is…

(State your intention here.)

Good Saint Anne, you who did suffer much during the twenty years that preceded your glorious maternity, I beseech you, by all your sufferings and humiliations, to grant my prayer.

I pray to you, through your love for your glorious spouse Saint Joachim, through your love for your immaculate child, through the joy you did feel at the moment of her happy birth, not to refuse me. Bless me, bless my family and all who are dear to me, so that some day we may all be with you in the glory of heaven, for all eternity.


Pray for us, Saint Anne!

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Still in the middle of the novena but the feast day is today. Sts. Anne and Joachim, pray for us!
St. Anne Novena, Day Five

Great Saint Anne, how far I am from resembling you. I so easily give way to impatience and discouragement; and so easily give up praying when God does not at once answer my request. Prayer is the key to all heavenly treasures and I cannot pray, because my weak faith and lack of confidence fail me at the slightest delay. O my powerful protectress, come to my aid, listen to my petition…

(State your intention here.)

Make my confidence and fervor, supported by the promise of Jesus Christ, increase as the trial to which God in His goodness subjects me is prolonged, that I may obtain like you more than I can venture to ask for. In the future I will remember that I am made for heaven and not for earth; for eternity and not for time; that consequently I must ask, above all, the salvation of my soul which is assured to all who pray properly and who persevere in prayer.


Pray for us, Saint Anne!

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
St. Anne Novena, Day Six
Glorious Saint Anne, mother of the Mother of God, I beg your powerful intercession for the freedom from my sins and the assistance I need in my troubles…

(State your intention here.)

What can I not hope for if you deign to take me under your protection? The Most High has been pleased to grant the prayers of sinners, whenever you have been charitable enough to be their advocate.

Therefore, I beg you to help me in all spiritual and temporal dangers; to guide me in the true path of Christian perfection, and finally to obtain for me the grace of a happy death, so that I may contemplate your beloved Jesus and daughter Mary in your loving companionship throughout all eternity.


Pray for us, Saint Anne!

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Find the Original Here: http://www.praymorenovenas.com/st-anne-novena/#ixzz3h9JYbXF5
St. Anne Novena, Day Seven

O Good Saint Anne, so justly called the mother of the infirm, the cure for those who suffer from disease, look kindly upon the sick for whom I pray.

Alleviate their sufferings; cause them to sanctify their sufferings by patience and complete submission to the Divine Will; finally deign to obtain health for them and with it the firm resolution to honor Jesus, Mary, and yourself by the faithful performance of duties.

But, merciful Saint Anne, I ask you above all for the salvation of my soul, rather than bodily health, for I am convinced that this fleeting life is given us solely to assure us a better one. I cannot obtain that better life without the help of God\’s graces. I earnestly beg them of you for the sick and for myself, especially the petition for which I am making in this novena…

(State your intention here.)

…through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of His Immaculate Mother, and through your efficacious and powerful mediation, I pray.


Pray for us, Saint Anne!

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
St. Anne Novena, Day Eight

Remember, O Saint Anne, you whose name signifies grace and mercy, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, and sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto you, good, and kind mother; I take refuge at your feet, burdened with the weight of my sins. O holy mother of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, despise not my petition…

(State your intention here.)

…but hear me and grant my prayer.


Pray for us, Saint Anne!

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
St. Anne Novena, Day Nine

Most holy mother of the Virgin Mary, glorious Saint Anne, I, a miserable sinner, confiding in your kindness, choose you today as my special advocate. I offer all my interests to your care and maternal solicitude. O my very good mother and advocate, deign to accept me and to adopt me as your child.

O glorious Saint Anne, I beg you, by the passion of my most loving Jesus, the Son of Mary, your most holy daughter, to assist me in all the necessities both of my body and my soul. Venerable Mother, I beg you to obtain for me the favor I seek in this novena…

(State your intention here.)

…and the grace of leading a life perfectly conformable in all things to the Divine Will. I place my soul in your hands and in those of your kind daughter. I ask for your favor in order that, appearing under your patronage before the Supreme Judge, He may find me worthy of enjoying His Divine Presence in your holy companionship in Heaven.


Pray for us, Saint Anne!

That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Find the Original Here: http://www.praymorenovenas.com/st-anne-novena/#ixzz3hQbWDajG
As a catholic i really struggle with the concept of novenas. But then again i struggle with a lot but believe that by the grace of God i'll figure it all out.
As a catholic i really struggle with the concept of novenas. But then again i struggle with a lot but believe that by the grace of God i'll figure it all out.

Would you elaborate? Is it the concept of novenas or just remembering to pray for the full 9 days?
Please remember to pray for those babies who are aborted as well as those who participated in the abortion and those who support abortion.

Saint Therese, Little Flower, you promised to spend your Heaven doing good upon earth. We pray that through your petitions before God, that help arrives to those desperately in need of it, peace is given to trouble hearts where there is darkness and turmoil, and love supplants hatred, and life triumphs over death. Pray for us, St. Therese, that we may serve Jesus by proclaiming the Truth and proclaiming His Word, but more importantly, by living in His Truth and in His Word. Amen.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in this day of battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. may GOD rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who roam the earth seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

May His Divine Assistance be with you all. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Aug 2 St Philomena novena started

St. Philomena is known as the protectress of the innocent, the patron saint of babies, of the children of Mary, as well as the patron saint of forgotten and desperate causes. She is also known for her intercession for healing, and many miracles have happened through her prayers.

Pope Gregory XVI said, "Whatever you ask from her, she will obtain for you."
We would like to start this novena by praying for your specific intentions -- with hope and confidence that St. Philomena will pray for you! We ask that you also pray for the intentions of everyone who is joining us in prayer.

You can post your prayer intentions here:


Here are the prayers for today:
Day 1 - The St. Philomena Novena
Dearest St. Philomena, your prayers are powerful because you are so close to Our Lord. Your child-like faith and devotion are an inspiration to all of the faithful. Many miracles have occurred as a result of your intercession. In your closeness to Our Lord, please lift up these my intentions in prayer…

(state your intentions)

St. Philomena, at such a young age, you gave everything to Jesus to be come a consecrated virgin for the Kingdom. Giving even more, you gave your live as you suffered a martyr’s death to preserve your gift to our Lord. Pray for me, that I might have the same faith and willingness to accept God’s will no matter the cost.
