The Natural Hair Movement

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I cant be happy if people get mad at me for being nappyhappy!!!

Why wont LHCF let me be great? Huh? Why cant I be natural and proud without hearing the ~herpaderp~ "they are taking our jerbs" from people that dont like the fact that some people want to accept the god given kinks that grow out of their head. Is that so wrong? Last I checked being relaxed wasnt a LHCf requirement...or do I need to read up on something again?

Let me be great !!!

honestly there is no real reason behind why I relax. my mom was a hairstylist for 20+ yrs so I was her hair model. she worked at some of the best AA and white salons in nyc and they normally required you to do a demo on someone to show your skills. when she was in cosmetology school she did the scary curl on me and my grandmother, then she did the relaxers, i've had a chinese bob when only stylish folks were doing it, i've had layers everything but because my mom was a stylist, if something new trendy came out she would try it out on me. so there's really no reason behind me relaxing it just ended up that way because my mom was in the hair industry and most people I know who's parent was in the industry were the guinea pigs. if she were still doing hair i'm sure she would've bkt'd my hair by now. if my mom wasn't ever in the hair industry then i'm sure I would not have ever been relaxed, my thick multi textured hair would still have been in cornrows or a pony puff.

I know some go natural because of fads, but i'm talking about those that choose it because of it meaning something deeper to them, something more than just a fad or trend.

and in alot of ways it is still the current mindset of some in regards to relaxers, i've come across people with the old mindset that feel they can't be beautiful without a relaxer even though their hair doesn't take well to relaxers and is damaged. again i'm not bashing either hair choice just don't like the meaning behind relaxers.

i've dated guys that said to me "your hair moves like white girls hair" :wallbash: and my hair has body whether I relax or not so yeah alot of folks still have this crazy mentality where relaxer = white or trying to copy them in some way. of course this does not apply to all of us.

Long post alert... sorry ladies!! :rolleyes:

As an AA Studies Major in college, I know ALL of the history you guys are spitting... heck, I agree that if any grown adult doesn't at least have a working knowlege of what you ladies are saying then there's something wrong with them.... however, just because this is the history of the product doesn't mean that this is the current mind-set. I relax my hair, I don't see myself ever going natural to be quite honest. Not because I can't mannage my natural hair... because I know that I can, in all its 4b-4c glory... I just have no DESIRE to go natural. BMP, you're one of the ppl on this board that I look up to and you're always saying things about the versatility of black hair... when you choose to wear your hair straight, does this mean that you're rejecting your black identity and conforming to European standards of beauty? I don't think so. So just because I relax my hair because I PREFER to wear my hair straight most of the time, that does not mean that I am too...

lol I agree... prime example, my aunt... she's like 40-something and she lives in NYC... last time I saw her (a few weeks ago) she has a TWA! Now her TWA is GORGEOUS (really, she and I have the same hair type and it was just str8 up lovely) but then she says "Yeah, the natural hair thing is what's in... it's all over the streets..." basically saying it like that's the only reason she decided to BC... idk how I feel about that but hey if she likes it I love it... the look suits her so I'm glad for her I just wish she was doing it for a more substantial reason than that everyone else is doing it...

RE: the OP

I commend you on reading up on history, because it's clear that a lot of us (AA women) do not. However, take a moment to really look within yourself and figure out why it is that you relax your hair. That might ease some of your confusion on the issue.
Okay, moving on...

Does anyone else have any interesting details/ideas about this topic to share?

I know of some Jews that relax...:ohwell:. They dont like their 3b/c curls and I am like huh? Do you know how many people I know off that would shank a goat for some 3b/c hair?
I agree with one of the posters that this is sorta common knowledge, re: the history behind relaxers/relaxing.

It is what it is, if this upsets people to bring it up , maybe you feel some kind of way about it because you already knew the deal behind relaxers but feel torn because you gotta still look 'fly' for your jobs, men, whatever.
^^^ yeah the snide remarks should stop, the natural hair thing is supposed to be positive and something deep within an individual. but from reading the article I found maybe they do it because or the reasoning behind relaxers.

even though relaxers have a negative origin we shouldn't offend others for their choices, like I said I relax and in this thread I never offended those that relax because i'm one of them.

and the relaxed heads on here do stay neutral with no insults, instead of offending others for their choices lets educate one another.
and in alot of ways it is still the current mindset of some in regards to relaxers, i've come across people with the old mindset that feel they can't be beautiful without a relaxer even though their hair doesn't take well to relaxers and is damaged. again i'm not bashing either hair choice just don't like the meaning behind relaxers.

i've dated guys that said to me "your hair moves like white girls hair" :wallbash: and my hair has body whether I relax or not so yeah alot of folks still have this crazy mentality where relaxer = white or trying to copy them in some way. of course this does not apply to all of us.

ITA that there are some women (and men) out there who still conform to that line of thinking... maybe it's naive of me to think that these ppl are the exception and not the rule... most of the ppl that I know don't relax their hair conform to Western-influenced norms... yes, they might relax to make their hair "more manageable" (b/c to be frank, some ppl don't take the time that we do on the hair boards to dedicate to their hair... if you're washing natural hair 1X biweekly, not moisturizing, and never DCing, I can see why you'd think relaxed hair is easier to manage... but that's another post for another thread lol), or they may relax for style preferences but most ppl do not relax to fit in to white-culture... lol I feel like a little kid saying Santa Clause is real... I just refuse to believe it! :look:
I'm one of the going natural because it's the "fad," in-thing kind of girls.
I have nothing against relaxers... except the price to get it done professionally, and sitting in a salon for 4+ hours. Lol.
I know of some Jews that relax...:ohwell:. They dont like their 3b/c curls and I am like huh? Do you know how many people I know off that would shank a goat for some 3b/c hair?


shank a goat...:lachen:

But everyone plz don't get upset over this thread, it's just a simple yet complex topic and it would be nice if everyone could nicely give their input and don't take anything too personal. It was just a learning experience for OP that she wanted to share. :yep:
I agree with one of the posters that this is sorta common knowledge, re: the history behind relaxers/relaxing.

It is what it is, if this upsets people to bring it up , maybe you feel some kind of way about it because you already knew the deal behind relaxers but feel torn because you gotta still look 'fly' for your jobs, men, whatever.

But just because that's the history behind it, I'm not gonna chop off my hair and rock a style that I'm not 100% committed to... why?? To me it's no different than wearing str8 hair to "fit in w/ white culture" you're just rocking natural hair to fit what other ppl find important.

I'm not gonna stop going on picnics (or w/e) b/c of the historical contexts associated with them.... it's just ridiculous to me...
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I cant be happy if people get mad at me for being nappyhappy!!!

Why wont LHCF let me be great? Huh? Why cant I be natural and proud without hearing the ~herpaderp~ "they are taking our jerbs" from people that dont like the fact that some people want to accept the god given kinks that grow out of their head. Is that so wrong? Last I checked being relaxed wasnt a LHCf requirement...or do I need to read up on something again?

Let me be great !!!

I've never read a thread on here where a relaxed head was bashing a natural head. I've never read a thread on here where there were snide remarks made about natural hair. Not one single thread.

Do I have natural hair? No. Do I ever want to go natural? Hell no. But do I feel the need to constantly make snide, rude, sly, or just outright nasty comments about natural hair or the lack enlightenment or intelligence of someone with natural hair? Hayle to the naw. Matter of fact I read a few natural threads here and there so I can help the few people I know that are natural.
true if you try to avoid everything you'll end up going nuts.
ok maybe I won't start anonymously burning down bss's lmao!!!! ok well it's not anonymous anymore lmao!

I'm still going to purchase that metal afro pik just because, and place it right in the back of my 6 months of newgrowth and bun lmao!
maybe i'll carve a fist in my hubbys' ceasar....take that corporate world! lmao!
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I agree with one of the posters that this is sorta common knowledge, re: the history behind relaxers/relaxing.

It is what it is, if this upsets people to bring it up , maybe you feel some kind of way about it because you already knew the deal behind relaxers but feel torn because you gotta still look 'fly' for your jobs, men, whatever.

I've never felt torn about being relaxed vs. natural. Natural hairstyles don't appeal to me (with the exception of the afro puffs, but I wouldn't wear my hair like that everyday). I like relaxed hair. More specifically I like MY hair relaxed. Its fun to play in and easy to manage and easy for me to style. I don't relax my hair for anyone but me.

The only person I know who feels torn about being relaxed or natural is my friend who has been natural for years and now wants to be relaxed.
Black women have relaxing so long that is just a part of our culture. I seriously doubt that the average woman meditates and ponders on the history of relaxers, its just viewed as a part of personal upkeep. To most people, its just not that deep.
I agree with one of the posters that this is sorta common knowledge, re: the history behind relaxers/relaxing.

It is what it is, if this upsets people to bring it up , maybe you feel some kind of way about it because you already knew the deal behind relaxers but feel torn because you gotta still look 'fly' for your jobs, men, whatever.

exactly!!! if you relax your highly-textured hair because it's just a style choice then so be it. :yep:

if you relax your highly-textured hair because you are ashamed of your nappy, kinky, coily hair then so be it too!:yep:

...but for god sake please quit belly-aching every time the subject comes up about the history of why bw relax their hair!
/\ Oh honey, if you studied Black history and the only thing you gleamed from it was shame and tragedy then with all due respect, you didn't go as in depth as you should have.

One of the biggest lessons you should gain is that we were intentionally taught that we are tragic sad and disadvantaged.

When the fact of the matter is, we come from great kings, queens and empires bursting with innovation, beauty and riches.

Your Momma must be so proud... I am too.

southerncitygirl;10731924[COLOR=red said:
]i don't have an issue with relaxing but more with the fact that its chemical and no research has been done to figure out how its going to effect us over the long term healthwse[/COLOR]. i think too many folks relax because they think their hair is unmanageable and truly haven't given natural hair a chance. also a child under the age of 13 shouldn't have a relaxer IMO or maybe until they get even older. hair of any kind chemicals or none requires a regimen and maintanence and most folk are purely lazy.....everything has a learning curve and so does hair. everytime you switch a hairstyle, chemical process or go natural your reggie may change. i believe black folks have been condtioned to beleive our hair is unmanageable. i think all types of hair are beautiful but at least once as an adult everyone should try being natural for at least a 2yr truly know thier texture and what their hair may like. i think relaxer stretching is a must to lessen your exposure to chemicals and have healthy hair if you go the relaxed route. I heart the hair of many ladies on this board and yt for different reasons natural or not. all hair is "good hair" if you build a reggie, maintain, excerise and eat well to promote optimal health for your hair. i'm not a natural nazi by any means but i really feel like women the world over go to too many extremes in the name of beauty standards. so many women have in our community have hair loss, breakage etc. from lack of proper care and believing if your hair is 3b or less its beautiful and good hair. its because we aren't taught any better and have been brainwashed, people on this board are the exception to the rule and all too often people think we have special hair and thier hair could never do or be just as gorgeous. when as a sista you put hair and nails over a healthy diet and exercise we have a problem. just to play devils advocate all straightened naturals or naturals who wear straight hair ,wigs, or weaves could also be said to be self hating and emulating white folks even though its not true. sometimes i think issues run deep in our community and go back to slavery but still other times i feel like people just like what they like. this varies from one person to the next...tis all.

Some of the risks of chemicals found in "top rated brand name shampoos" are infertility, cancer, allergies and a whole other host of health problems and just about everyone ( all races ) use these.

Yep. She got the bad version. I teach future teachers and that is one of my goals... to send out a legion of teachers who can discuss American history without black and white kids feeling guilty and ashamed. And yes, white kids end up feeling guilty and ashamed as well.

I was particularly empowered to learn that black slaves were always working toward freedom in clever and courageous ways (re: Harriet Tubman). I also felt empowered by the fact that very few decisions made in our country didn't have something to do with black Americans. We were involved in the political game even in the early 1700s. I was proud to learn that lots of white women risked grave punishment to teach us to read when we were slaves. I was proud to know we were hungry to read. Ruby Bridges was a brave little girl. Her white teacher was even braver because she knew exactly what was going on, and could have made different, easier choices. I could go on.

Our history isn't one of black vs. white. It is a history of an epic battle of good vs. evil. As my AA history professor said, Blacks and well-meaning white stood together and died together for Civil Rights.


ITA with the above and bolded, you couldnt have said it better.

The best response for a fool is silence, but I am absolutely fuming at this post!!!!:wallbash: :wallbash:

No one was attacking a religion or belief system so why attack/offend others.

This is a hair board so please go and ''illuminate'' others somewhere else where your views will be tolerated!

I feel a little sad for those who can't remember/don't know what their natural hair texture is like or how to take care of it.

I know and still choose to texlax.

Whatever voice/reasoning you harken to/obey you are a servant/slave to.
Here's a lil info I found...

Garrett Augustus Morgan discovered the first hair relaxer around 1910. He is also known for his other inventions: the automatic traffic signal and gas mask. While at work, Morgan was attempting to create an original lubricating liquid for the machine needle. It is widely thought that Morgan wiped his hands on a wool cloth, came back the following day, discovered the woolly texture of the cloth had smoothed out, and went to find the texture as it had. He then tested on an Airedale dog, known for their curly textured hair; the result was successfully duplicated.
^I read that story before, crazy how it came about eh?

Yup yup, sure is crazy...I was trying to find more info but google was acting a ham...idk why it is so slowww right now! Ugh! :wallbash:

Somewhere I read where someone had supposedly researched the origin of relaxer and said that as a punishment people had their heads dipped into lye and they would be mostly bald head afterwards, but the few hairs left were bone straight and thats how they got the idea...I would certainly hope not..:ohwell:
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