Well-Known Member
I would guess that number is way high for my area; I would say about 20-30% of the BW I see are natural, and then the rest are split 30/70 between relaxed and extensions of some kind (wig/weave/braids), the extensions being the majority.
What is going on underneath those extensions I have no clue, but it seems to be a full-time thing among the women who choose that route (i.e., they don't bother with their real hair because they never wear it).
Of the women who wear their hair natural, only 20% of them have type 4 hair; the rest have type 3 or looser because of the high concentration of Latino/Caribbean mixes where I live. So it's rare to see Afro type hair, and nearly impossible to see beautiful big Afros or long kinky hair. When I wore my hair natural and grew it out to APL, I was one of a handful of women I saw anywhere who wore their hair in a BAF (Big A## Puff) or in shoulder-length twists without the use of extensions. I suppose that's why I kept having people compliment and try to pet my hair.
What is going on underneath those extensions I have no clue, but it seems to be a full-time thing among the women who choose that route (i.e., they don't bother with their real hair because they never wear it).
Of the women who wear their hair natural, only 20% of them have type 4 hair; the rest have type 3 or looser because of the high concentration of Latino/Caribbean mixes where I live. So it's rare to see Afro type hair, and nearly impossible to see beautiful big Afros or long kinky hair. When I wore my hair natural and grew it out to APL, I was one of a handful of women I saw anywhere who wore their hair in a BAF (Big A## Puff) or in shoulder-length twists without the use of extensions. I suppose that's why I kept having people compliment and try to pet my hair.