The Natural Hair Movement

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Oh yeah, and they keep the relaxers in the ethnic isle, because the ethnic people are the ones relaxing their hair. In general, white people don't relax their hair, so there's no reason to keep the relaxer between the Nexxus and Herbal Essences. If black people stopped using relaxers, and white people started, the relaxer would be moved to the "white product" isle. I don't think anyone is telling us to do anything.

What "white product" isle??? There isn't one. All those "other" products on the other aisles/shelves are for whoever wants to use them. There are plenty of ladies on the board that use nexxus or herbal essences,etc. so if they put the relaxer in between those two brands then that would be just fine...:lachen: Black ppl are the only ones who have a specific hair section in the drugstore, everything else is just generally placed where ever on the shelves. :rolleyes:
i don't have an issue with relaxing but more with the fact that its chemical and no research has been done to figure out how its going to effect us over the long term healthwse. i think too many folks relax because they think their hair is unmanageable and truly haven't given natural hair a chance. also a child under the age of 13 shouldn't have a relaxer IMO or maybe until they get even older. hair of any kind chemicals or none requires a regimen and maintanence and most folk are purely lazy.....everything has a learning curve and so does hair. everytime you switch a hairstyle, chemical process or go natural your reggie may change. i believe black folks have been condtioned to beleive our hair is unmanageable. i think all types of hair are beautiful but at least once as an adult everyone should try being natural for at least a 2yr truly know thier texture and what their hair may like. i think relaxer stretching is a must to lessen your exposure to chemicals and have healthy hair if you go the relaxed route. I heart the hair of many ladies on this board and yt for different reasons natural or not. all hair is "good hair" if you build a reggie, maintain, excerise and eat well to promote optimal health for your hair. i'm not a natural nazi by any means but i really feel like women the world over go to too many extremes in the name of beauty standards. so many women have in our community have hair loss, breakage etc. from lack of proper care and believing if your hair is 3b or less its beautiful and good hair. its because we aren't taught any better and have been brainwashed, people on this board are the exception to the rule and all too often people think we have special hair and thier hair could never do or be just as gorgeous. when as a sista you put hair and nails over a healthy diet and exercise we have a problem. just to play devils advocate all straightened naturals or naturals who wear straight hair ,wigs, or weaves could also be said to be self hating and emulating white folks even though its not true. sometimes i think issues run deep in our community and go back to slavery but still other times i feel like people just like what they like. this varies from one person to the next...tis all.
/\ Oh honey, if you studied Black history and the only thing you gleamed from it was shame and tragedy then with all due respect, you didn't go as in depth as you should have.

One of the biggest lessons you should gain is that we were intentionally taught that we are tragic sad and disadvantaged.

When the fact of the matter is, we come from great kings, queens and empires bursting with innovation, beauty and riches.

Yep. She got the bad version. I teach future teachers and that is one of my goals... to send out a legion of teachers who can discuss American history without black and white kids feeling guilty and ashamed. And yes, white kids end up feeling guilty and ashamed as well.

I was particularly empowered to learn that black slaves were always working toward freedom in clever and courageous ways (re: Harriet Tubman). I also felt empowered by the fact that very few decisions made in our country didn't have something to do with black Americans. We were involved in the political game even in the early 1700s. I was proud to learn that lots of white women risked grave punishment to teach us to read when we were slaves. I was proud to know we were hungry to read. Ruby Bridges was a brave little girl. Her white teacher was even braver because she knew exactly what was going on, and could have made different, easier choices. I could go on.

Our history isn't one of black vs. white. It is a history of an epic battle of good vs. evil. As my AA history professor said, Blacks and well-meaning white stood together and died together for Civil Rights.
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/\ thats just awesome to mom is doing similar work...its really encouraging to hear.

I don't know what some have heard, but I come from a history of triumph...I just need to carry on the tradition:yep:

Evil will never overshadow matter how hard it tries.
/\ thats just awesome to mom is doing similar work...its really encouraging to hear.

I don't know what some have heard, but I come from a history of triumph...I just need to carry on the tradition:yep:

Evil will never overshadow matter how hard it tries.

You go girl, you're on a roll :grin:
I'm really torn. I go back and forth on the whole relaxed v natural debate. On the one hand I love to look at a healthy head of long relaxed hair, but I also like the look of a black woman wearing her natural God-given hair. I think natural hair is more than an option is just simply is. This is the way our hair grows. Month after month relaxers are reapplied - why? Because this is the way God has caused our hair to grown. Maybe we should just leave well enough alone and accept it, love it and take care of it. But I'd be lying if said I didn't feel the allure of the seemingly prettiness of relaxed hair - shiny, healthy well taken care of relaxed hair, not scraggly thin overprocessed relaxed hair. I go back and I just simply think that every person has the right to do what they wish with their own head of hair. Everyone should have the right to do this without others stepping in and questioning their motives.
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What "white product" isle??? There isn't one. All those "other" products on the other aisles/shelves are for whoever wants to use them. There are plenty of ladies on the board that use nexxus or herbal essences,etc. so if they put the relaxer in between those two brands then that would be just fine...:lachen: Black ppl are the only ones who have a specific hair section in the drugstore, everything else is just generally placed where ever on the shelves. :rolleyes:

I'm aware, but the board is not reflective of the real world. You have to realize that this community only represents a miniscule percentage of the amount of black women the United State, talkless of the amount of black women in the world. And in that real world, many black women do not leave the ethnic hair care isle when they want hair products.
Putting relaxer somewhere besides the ethnic hair care isle is like putting steak meat in the baby food isle. Nobody who wants it is gonna look for it there, and the people who are looking there probably don't want it, so it just won't get sold.

As for black people being the only ones who have a specific hair section....well, we have a different type of hair, with different needs. It doesn't mean that we can only use certain products, but that's unfortunately what people have been led to believe. Not by stores, but by corporations who make these products. Granted, the products in the ethnic isle are usually junk...mineral oil, fragrance, coloring, and my personal favorite, "Ancient African Herbal Medley". But that's really something to take up with manufacturers.
As far as the stores are concerned, they just try to put things in places where people will buy them.

Like that foolishness that some stores were doing...making a Black History Month display and stocking it full of relaxer and grease. We give it side-eye, but people are the ones buying relaxer and grease. So they put it in a Black History Month display, where black people will be looking. If you look at it objectively (which is how most stores see it), it makes perfect sense.
I don't think it's a conspiracy...I think it's just business.

Evil will never overshadow matter how hard it tries.

Preach! "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it curves toward justice." - MLK


Don't you think though that wearing natural hair is kind of "the style" right now? I mean I might be wrong.

Years ago when I went and got a relaxer and style and the stylist left my hair straight, I was like dang... how come she didn't style it? But then I started watching tv more closely and I realized everyone was wearing straight hair. Curl was out. Even Olivia Benson went straight with her short hair.

I just see more and more ladies on tv with big ol' afros and pretty kinky-curls... Even ladies who are just advertising mattresses or whatever. It is so pretty. It is what made me want to see my natural hair. I love me some straight hair though. But that's what flat irons are for.

What do you guys think?
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Christianity was actually an "Eastern Religion" before it was adopted by the West.

In any case, this thread wasn't meant to be about religion. So about the topic at hand:
To me, it is whatever people want it to be. Some people just want straight hair. Some people do feel white is right, some people as mentioned before, know no better. The original intent does not negate the intent of the person choosing to relax their hair. Its sad the roots of relaxers but they need not still have those connotations today. All about the individual, who may, or may not be under "mind control".
Well said. I hate that people still say that women today are trying to mimic white women when they get relaxers. Nothing boils my blood more.. when referencing hair that is.
OP, thanks for the article, but in reality, you aren't stating anything new. On top of hearing this theory constantly debated on here, I have done research on the topic as well; so yes, most of us are aware of the origins of a relaxer.

That still does not negate the fact that we are living in a country where we are free to choose to do what we want and whether our choices are a product of being programmed or not, guess what, we're still entitled to them.

You may reject most of the European standards handed down to us; but you cannot possibly reject all as you are living in a society heavily shaped by those same standards. So yes, they gave us a straightening comb and Jesus- and I glady accept them both. Just as I accept the white picket fence, the 2.5 kids, the corporate job and every other American ideal that pleases me. And you can call it programmed thought- but these are my choices and I am entitled to them.

Lastly, OP was this thread opened to intentionally attack other folks' religions and belief systems? Silly me, I thought it was just hair.

ITA with the above and bolded, you couldnt have said it better.

they gave us jesus and the straightening comb. truth is truth.

The best response for a fool is silence, but I am absolutely fuming at this post!!!!:wallbash: :wallbash:

No one was attacking a religion or belief system so why attack/offend others.

This is a hair board so please go and ''illuminate'' others somewhere else where your views will be tolerated!
Thanks dear :)
I can be deep but you know some may not like it some will appreciate it, I was sitting here all day with my fist in the air and ticked off lmao! I was worried about posting this because I didn't want to come off as racist :ohwell:..................................

I'm very much into my blackness and love being AA, i'm always preaching but I leave that for my family because you know you don't want to offend anyone. My mom is a hairstylist so when she relaxed my hair it wasn't to mimic "them" I use to be her hair demo model for her to get work at salons and of course relaxers and straight styles were always the test to see her skillset. And honestly I like straight styles but now that I see it's all something to program us and mess our minds up even more.

the fro may be coming out this summer! :lachen: it will be a big annoying fro to others but oh well.

And also when I went to college my studies didn't include AA history coursework everything was computers so I missed out, and I really try to stay away from this stuff because I end up mad. I know about our history but never dug into the madness behind straight hair for us but I should've known it was something negative.

Wow longhairlover I wasn't expecting this kinda thread from you to be fully real.....

I'm really glad you looked into the history of the relaxer and why it was created. In many ways the relaxer was the outward sign of european dominion over black minds and their notions of beauty historically.

Knowlege is truly power.

My mother is a professor so there was school during the day and there was one on one "know your history" school for me and my brother at night hair was one of the most eye-opening facets of it.

Its so amazing to see how many facets of slavery still dictate the mentalities of blacks today (true and sooooo sad). Most Blacks still think of their hair as "bad" or "a problem that needs to be resolved" or some kind of nagetive all comes from the same source.

I'm really proud of you for doing the research and making yourself that much more educated.....thats awesome:yep:
your response is very deep and a catch 22. what in the heck is the remedy to it all?

I was reading some theory from Ogbu. He and Fordham of course are the ones known for the concept of "the burden of acting white."

He points out that a lot of what we do as black folks is in REjECTION of white/european standards.

That's where you hear the call of kids being accused of "acting white." It's a rejection of the supposed white standard of reading and working hard at school.

Now this is often misunderstood. Acting white doesn't mean being successful in school, it basically means working hard at school. If you could get the good grades without any seeming effort, than that was cool.

Calls for people to wear natural hair, use African American Vernacular English, etc. are a part of this. All those things that have been denigrated because they were "ours."

So all of that to say: people may have relaxed to fit in with European standards, but other people have gone natural specifically to reject the European standards.

Both can be bad motivations, if you think about it.

So my advice is to relax your hair if you want, or don't if you don't want to. Acting to appeal to whites or to deliberately reject white standards can be the same trap.
:lachen::lachen:Why do people have to act all butthurt? She didnt call you out personally,so what is the big deal?

I <3 LHCF!! Never change!
your right, but it just seems like there's always pressure for us to wear our hair straight all the time. I've read on here so many natural ladies have to deal w/ignorant comments from co-workers, sometimes family and friends because of the way they choose to wear their hair. I guess it's others that don't want to let go of the mind control.

I know folks that i've told them to stretch their relaxers to give their hair a break and they look at my cross eyed like "what you talking about willis" lmao!

Christianity was actually an "Eastern Religion" before it was adopted by the West.

In any case, this thread wasn't meant to be about religion. So about the topic at hand:
To me, it is whatever people want it to be. Some people just want straight hair. Some people do feel white is right, some people as mentioned before, know no better. The original intent does not negate the intent of the person choosing to relax their hair. Its sad the roots of relaxers but they need not still have those connotations today. All about the individual, who may, or may not be under "mind control".
No this thread was not about religion at all. Just simple ol' hair talk so I don't know where that came from :perplexed.

And it wasn't to attack anyone for their hair choices either because I myself relax, but I just wanted to share my thoughts here. And the topic started me thinking.

I know i'm not stating anything new I just came across that article and thought some would find this as a good conversation. As I stated in my Op I mentioned "i'm sure you already know this" so I know i'm not schooling anyone.

And your right no matter what we are incorporating european standards by speaking the language, clothing etc. as we know it's a long list. And the programming is not just put on AA's it's all minorities.

There's really no way to run from it :sad:.

OP, thanks for the article, but in reality, you aren't stating anything new. On top of hearing this theory constantly debated on here, I have done research on the topic as well; so yes, most of us are aware of the origins of a relaxer.

That still does not negate the fact that we are living in a country where we are free to choose to do what we want and whether our choices are a product of being programmed or not, guess what, we're still entitled to them.

You may reject most of the European standards handed down to us; but you cannot possibly reject all as you are living in a society heavily shaped by those same standards. So yes, they gave us a straightening comb and Jesus- and I glady accept them both. Just as I accept the white picket fence, the 2.5 kids, the corporate job and every other American ideal that pleases me. And you can call it programmed thought- but these are my choices and I am entitled to them.

Lastly, OP was this thread opened to intentionally attack other folks' religions and belief systems? Silly me, I thought it was just hair.
your right, you can find a relaxer even at the 7eleven :wallbash:
the programming is everywhere lmao!

Well I have been natural for just about all of my life and will be for the rest of it..but I do think that the whole relaxers/texture softeners/texlaxing/bkt used for making hair more manageable is just a trained way of thinking. Over the generations we have just chosen to lose sight of the original reason and have been taught or have tried to justify relaxing by saying that it is just merely for manageability, because ppl would be ashamed at the real truth behind it. So now in this day and age we just think of relaxers,etc as just like any other regular hair product...I know when I used to see relaxers in hair stores I never thought twice about them...they just seemed so "normal" to me, something I could try that would make my wild hair tone it down a notch. :weird: Even now I still don't see relaxers as being that bad, despite the original purpose. I think ppl should still use them for the manageability if they want to because hey, we are in a new day and age. If you are actually trying to fit into some sort of standard, who cares...and if you are just trying to tame the wild mane, I dont blame ya!! :grin:

Just look at old fashioned photos of some black families. Most women had pressed hair or relaxed hair and that's when I definetely noticed that back then it was something done just to fit in.


Like at Walmart or any drugstore, why are there a bunch of relaxers and whatnot in the so called "Ethnic" section? It's like they want you to relax your hair...:scratchch...and I think that for those that are relaxed and choose to stay relaxed, part of the reason is because they are not sure of how society might percieve them as a natural head...being natural in our community is alot harder than any other ethnicity. We are the only ones that make such a big deal about how our hair grows out of our head. Even when ppl are natural, you still cant be entirely comfortable with your natural hair, you wear TWA's with the cute headbands, you wear a perfectly picked out juiced up afro, you wear braids,dreads, or twists, and you wear bantu knot/braid/twist outs and even rollersets. No one just hops up out of the bed with a dry crunchy lopsided half shrunken afro and thinks it looks good...:lol: Well, I hope not! :lachen:
I'm aware, but the board is not reflective of the real world. You have to realize that this community only represents a miniscule percentage of the amount of black women the United State, talkless of the amount of black women in the world. And in that real world, many black women do not leave the ethnic hair care isle when they want hair products.
Putting relaxer somewhere besides the ethnic hair care isle is like putting steak meat in the baby food isle. Nobody who wants it is gonna look for it there, and the people who are looking there probably don't want it, so it just won't get sold.

As for black people being the only ones who have a specific hair section....well, we have a different type of hair, with different needs. It doesn't mean that we can only use certain products, but that's unfortunately what people have been led to believe. Not by stores, but by corporations who make these products. Granted, the products in the ethnic isle are usually junk...mineral oil, fragrance, coloring, and my personal favorite, "Ancient African Herbal Medley". But that's really something to take up with manufacturers.
As far as the stores are concerned, they just try to put things in places where people will buy them.

Like that foolishness that some stores were doing...making a Black History Month display and stocking it full of relaxer and grease. We give it side-eye, but people are the ones buying relaxer and grease. So they put it in a Black History Month display, where black people will be looking. If you look at it objectively (which is how most stores see it), it makes perfect sense.
I don't think it's a conspiracy...I think it's just business.

True, alot of other black women might look at some of my products and say "Girl, that's not for our hair"

:lachen: Steak meat in the baby food isle! Now that's just plain wrong! :lol:

I know I'm shocked if I can find a product without mineral oil or something. Oh yeah, oil moisturizer usually equals water followed by mineral oil,:look: why bother? lol trash that! And why does Motions and softsheen carson sometimes put mineral oil in some of their conditioners? Like really? Come on son!!! :blush:

Yeah maybe it is just business but they know they a fool for those Black History month relaxer displays...:rolleyes: you cant say some of the employees arent crackin up at the sight of those displays when they set them up...:yep:
This relaxed vs. natural topic is sooo tired.

The horse has been beaten to death.

The fat lady sang and has gone home.

Its starting to feel like a never ending School Daze scene at Ri Ri's Beauty Shop.

And I'm starting to wish this board was split into a Relaxer section and a Natural section...and hell even a BKT section since folks can't agree on which end of the spectrum they fall into.
This relaxed vs. natural topic is sooo tired.

The horse has been beaten to death.

The fat lady sang and has gone home.

Its starting to feel like a never ending School Daze scene at Ri Ri's Beauty Shop.

And I'm starting to wish this board was split into a Relaxer section and a Natural section...and hell even a BKT section since folks can't agree on which end of the spectrum they fall into.

I dont see what the fuss is about...really. If you have read the thread and you dont like it then dont post in it.
white people do relax their hair, some of them have "unmanageable" hair and curls that they want to straighten as well, or they want to wear their hair curly. so many don't know that whites use relaxers they just have different chemicals from ours.

just wanted to put that out there. relaxers are always put off on us but lots of different races of people relax.

I guess as some said maybe it should be put off in the past but the past does still play a part in our lives today.

Also, what's wrong with having a history lesson? when is it wrong for one to express their feelings on a matter? if people are annoyed by my thread there's no need to respond to it with sly remarks.

I know my history but when I read up on relaxers it was never mentioned in depth about relaxers being created for us to blend in better with white america, my bad for finding this article and posting MY thoughts.

I don't think people need to be up in arms about anything at this point...reading this, I see a history lesson.
I'm shocked that people still need a history lesson about this in this day and age, because come on son....I learned this in like fifth grade. Many black people back then were not proud of their hair, skin or looks and tried to make all these things closer to what European people had, because they thought that white people were prettier. Relaxer was one measure that people took to achieve this end, along with trying to bleach the skin. Full stop.
Momma Chaos teaches science, Papa Chaos is a psychiatrist. Both are Nigerian, immigrated here long after the Civil Rights movement, and don't even feel all that connected to African-American history, so we weren't discussing such thangs in the home. Everything I knew, I learned from my school and books. And I went to a broke down, overcrowded, South Bronx school soo...there's no excuse for other grown people to not know this.
Unless they purposefully don't want to know. :look:

People should understand the history behind what they do, but what people should also understand is that history in some cases is just that...history. Not everything that happened in the past is necessarily a reflection upon your individual present. So relaxers came from a desire to look white. Newsflash, doesn't mean that everyone who relaxes NOW wants to look white too. If you know that you relax for reasons other than hating your natural texture, then no need to be upset by some of the insinuated accusations flying around in here.

And this isn't to say that all people today relax because they just want to. Obviously, natural, tightly coiled hair is still stigmatized in today's society, and there are many people who bonelax or buy silky straight Indian Remy out of a desire to look more Caucasian. However, these people are usually also the ones wearing purple contact lenses, getting nose jobs, and bleaching their skin within an inch of its life. And if they aren't doing all that, you can certainly tell how they feel from the way that they talk.

How someone wears their hair does not indicate how they view their race, and it's stupid to reduce it to just that.

Oh yeah, and they keep the relaxers in the ethnic isle, because the ethnic people are the ones relaxing their hair. In general, white people don't relax their hair, so there's no reason to keep the relaxer between the Nexxus and Herbal Essences. If black people stopped using relaxers, and white people started, the relaxer would be moved to the "white product" isle. I don't think anyone is telling us to do anything.

You know what you're absolutely right. A dead horse has been beaten...resurrected...beaten to death...beaten some more...resurrected...yada yada yada.

Why can't folks just be happy with their own choice of hair style...and let other folks be happy about their choice? Why can't folks accept that God gave us free-will and we can do whatever we want with our hair?
Long post alert... sorry ladies!! :rolleyes:

/\ Love your post chaos! every little bit of it:yep:

dont be so hard on the people that took a lil longer to know their history lol....people come to things at different times and not everyone has the benefit of the kinds of parents we had lol

As an AA Studies Major in college, I know ALL of the history you guys are spitting... heck, I agree that if any grown adult doesn't at least have a working knowlege of what you ladies are saying then there's something wrong with them.... however, just because this is the history of the product doesn't mean that this is the current mind-set. I relax my hair, I don't see myself ever going natural to be quite honest. Not because I can't mannage my natural hair... because I know that I can, in all its 4b-4c glory... I just have no DESIRE to go natural. BMP, you're one of the ppl on this board that I look up to and you're always saying things about the versatility of black hair... when you choose to wear your hair straight, does this mean that you're rejecting your black identity and conforming to European standards of beauty? I don't think so. So just because I relax my hair because I PREFER to wear my hair straight most of the time, that does not mean that I am too...

Don't you think though that wearing natural hair is kind of "the style" right now? I mean I might be wrong.

Years ago when I went and got a relaxer and style and the stylist left my hair straight, I was like dang... how come she didn't style it? But then I started watching tv more closely and I realized everyone was wearing straight hair. Curl was out. Even Olivia Benson went straight with her short hair.

I just see more and more ladies on tv with big ol' afros and pretty kinky-curls... Even ladies who are just advertising mattresses or whatever. It is so pretty. It is what made me want to see my natural hair. I love me some straight hair though. But that's what flat irons are for.

What do you guys think?

lol I agree... prime example, my aunt... she's like 40-something and she lives in NYC... last time I saw her (a few weeks ago) she has a TWA! Now her TWA is GORGEOUS (really, she and I have the same hair type and it was just str8 up lovely) but then she says "Yeah, the natural hair thing is what's in... it's all over the streets..." basically saying it like that's the only reason she decided to BC... idk how I feel about that but hey if she likes it I love it... the look suits her so I'm glad for her I just wish she was doing it for a more substantial reason than that everyone else is doing it...

RE: the OP

I commend you on reading up on history, because it's clear that a lot of us (AA women) do not. However, take a moment to really look within yourself and figure out why it is that you relax your hair. That might ease some of your confusion on the issue.
this is in no way a relaxed vs natural or christian vs catholic thread,

i'm sorry for anyone that thinks it is. I love all hair, the textures various colors relaxed or natural, I post responses in both threads. in no way is this a negative thread about either hairstyle choices, because I the OP am relaxed. and I gave kudos to those that are natural.

i'm stating that I don't like the history behind relaxers that's all.

things are always misinterpreted on the internet.
white people do relax their hair, some of them have "unmanageable" hair and curls that they want to straighten as well, or they want to wear their hair curly. so many don't know that whites use relaxers they just have different chemicals from ours.

just wanted to put that out there. relaxers are always put off on us but lots of different races of people relax.

I guess as some said maybe it should be put off in the past but the past does still play a part in our lives today.

Also, what's wrong with having a history lesson? when is it wrong for one to express their feelings on a matter? if people are annoyed by my thread there's no need to respond to it with sly remarks.

I know my history but when I read up on relaxers it was never mentioned in depth about relaxers being created for us to blend in better with white america, my bad for finding this article and posting MY thoughts.

Why does the reason that relaxers were created matter...if you don't use relaxers with that same intent? Many things throughout history have been created for one reason, but were used for something else or with another intent (medications for example).
this is in no way a relaxed vs natural or christian vs catholic thread,

i'm sorry for anyone that thinks it is. I love all hair, the textures various colors relaxed or natural, I post responses in both threads. in no way is this a negative thread about either hairstyle choices, because I the OP am relaxed. and I gave kudos to those that are natural.

i'm stating that I don't like the history behind relaxers that's all.

things are always misinterpreted on the internet.

I don't really think that anyone misinterpreted your intent at all. People are just sick of the topic.
this is in no way a relaxed vs natural or christian vs catholic thread,

i'm sorry for anyone that thinks it is. I love all hair, the textures various colors relaxed or natural, I post responses in both threads. in no way is this a negative thread about either hairstyle choices, because I the OP am relaxed. and I gave kudos to those that are natural.

i'm stating that I don't like the history behind relaxers that's all.

things are always misinterpreted on the internet.

I understood your opening post. :yep:
I dont see what the fuss is about...really. If you have read the thread and you dont like it then dont post in it.

:goodpost: ITA but like you said previously, this is LHCF, after's gonna happen regardless. :perplexed ppl get offended real quick even when it's just a simple statement. Like they see it as a threat or something...
You know what you're absolutely right. A dead horse has been beaten...resurrected...beaten to death...beaten some more...resurrected...yada yada yada.

Why can't folks just be happy with their own choice of hair style...and let other folks be happy about their choice? Why can't folks accept that God gave us free-will and we can do whatever we want with our hair?

I cant be happy if people get mad at me for being nappyhappy!!!

Why wont LHCF let me be great? Huh? Why cant I be natural and proud without hearing the ~herpaderp~ "they are taking our jerbs" from people that dont like the fact that some people want to accept the god given kinks that grow out of their head. Is that so wrong? Last I checked being relaxed wasnt a LHCf requirement...or do I need to read up on something again?

Let me be great !!!
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