The most pathetic rollerset ever....


Well-Known Member
I just did the most pathetic rollerset ever but I don't care. Since I decided to use magnetic rollers today instead of wire mesh, I tried to use the biggest ones my hair could fit on to reduce drying time.

Now I remember why I had given up roller setting. I don't know what it is about magnetic roller setting that makes my arms so tired. I guess I'm too slow. I'm much quicker with the wire mesh (but I have been doing it that way since I started roller setting again so does that matter?). I figured, it's just a different roller.

I think that I MIGHT have an easier time putting the smaller ones in. I can't find my ruler to measure the diameter right now. But it might just be magnetic rollers. When I try to put one in, I accidentally knock over another one because I guess I didn't part it correctly. I then ran out of the bigger (grey ones) and put someof the smaller ones in which wasn;t that bad. Then I couldn't take it anymore becasue I didn;t have room to put the last few rollers in and I put wire mesh rollers in. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I'm not mad or anything. I'm not even discouraged. I'm just doing it for the practice to be able to say I know how to rollerset. All I'm going to do is put my hair in a bun anyways.

I just wish you guys could see me now though. I look like a HOT MESS /images/graemlins/smile.gif. I have snap top magentic rollers, magnetic rollers, and wire mesh in my hair. Some are taut and some are not.

Even though I think the whole thing is funny but I'm secretly hoping that it looks halfway decent when I finish....

I think when the rollers are bigger, the parts are much more important. Or it could just be the way that I have to get my hand in to slide the bobby pin in that is messing me up. I don't know. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

I am very proud of myself by the way...I thnk I am taking this very well....back in the days, I used to get all frustrated and near tears /images/graemlins/cry3.gif.......Hopefully I'll get it before I get to that point again.
so you are using bobby pins or the tops of the magnetic roller? i put a roller in my hair and used bobby pins and it was taut.i took it out and the hair was curled. now of course this was on dry hair but i do worry about being too slow when i am doing the roller set. the way i read about roller sets it seems like an exact science and it seems so complicated that i just want to take a blow dryer and then flat iron and call it a day. /images/graemlins/frown.gif but i am glad you havent given up. if at first you dont succeed dust yourself off and try again. or i read this at and thought it was funny, if at first you dont succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried. God bless you all.
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daviine said:
I just wish you guys could see me now though. I look like a HOT MESS /images/graemlins/smile.gif. I have snap top magentic rollers, magnetic rollers, and wire mesh in my hair. Some are taut and some are not.

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Daviine, Daviine, Daviine. /images/graemlins/nono.gif Girl, you've got me over here LOL. I can just picture you now. Aren't those gray rollers huge? I remember seeing two different size gray rollers at the beauty supply store. I did not purchase them because I knew I would not fit under my hooded dryer with those. I'm still using the purple ones. They're doing the job for me. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
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azul11 said:
if at first you dont succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

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/images/graemlins/rofl.gif Now that was funny.
Azul...I have two rollers with tops and the rest of the magnetic rollers are secured with bobby pins.
If I knew where my ruler was, I would measure them to tell you for sure........

Let me look for the ruler (an excuse to get out from under the dryer /images/graemlins/wink.gif)
Okay..I couldn;t remember where I put the ruler but I remembered that I have a bag full of cardboard rulers in my closet so...........

my red rollers are approximately 4 cm in diameter (1 1/2 in ches) and the grey ones are 2 inches in diameter....

Who knew that 1/2 an inch made such a big difference. I guess rolle setting is a science Azul... /images/graemlins/brainy.gif /images/graemlins/dork.gif /images/graemlins/spinning.gif
Daviine, honey, hang in there. Practice definitely makes perfect. I don't use magnetic rollers, I use the wire mesh ones, so I guess I can't offer much help. To me, nothing beats a roller set! You'll get the hang of the magnetic rollers, and I'm sure your hair will come out looking great. I've heard so many great things about them, I'm thinking of trying them myself!

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if at first you dont succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

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Words to live by, Azul!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I picked up the wire mesh ones quickly in my opinion. The only problem I have sometime is that I put the pins in too tight and have to readjust them becasue I get a headache.

The reason I'm even trying the magnetic rollers in the first place is becasue I want to try to get my smooth ends without using a serum. Also, sometimes my hair picks up the imprint of the mesh design. Does that ever happen to you?

WHat's your roller setting routine by the way? Like what products and such....
Davinne..I'm sorry but I had to laugh. I have bad roller sets everytime I start experimenting with my rollers. I love the big ones but my hair isn't really long enough for them yet and my set comes out kinda frizzy. One time I put in all 2 inch diameters ones...and I couldn't get them under the dryer.
Even now if I get tired of sitting under the dryer I just call it a day..take them out and let if frizz(I just pull it back then)...
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azul11 said:
I read this at and thought it was funny, if at first you dont succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

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This is a good one. I need that tonight...cause I can't seem to get the hang of flat twists(I have a twisted mess) Right now it's in a ponytail...
This thread made me smile...I needed that! Thanks ladies. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
When I roller set, I use Motions leave in conditioner and Lottabody. I usually use the Lottabody liquid setting lotion, but I've been using the creme setting lotion because I'm out of the liquid. And I slather Profectiv Anti-Breakage on my hair after shampooing and before roller setting. All in all, I have smooth ends, but I can thank end papers for this. If I didn't use them, I'd probably have frazzled ends no matter what.

My hair doesn't pick up the imprint of the wire rollers. BTW, how come you don't want to use serum or anything? Setting lotions and/or cremes can really help give a good set! I don't have a problem with build up because I wash my hair every 3 days.
I'm trying to stop buying products so I won't be trying the Motions Leave-In anytime soon even though I've been wanting to try it.

I wear my har in a bun anyway so I don't really see the need for any setting agents although I have quite a few here.

How do you use the end papers? I tried once and then I couldn't get the pins in. It also slows me down.

I already finished my hair and the hair set with the magnetic rollers looks better than the hair set with the wire mesh rollers. /images/graemlins/frown.gif Not by much but I was hoping they would turn out the same.

I guess the reasaon I don;t really want to try any serums becasue I'm scared that they may dry my hair out. I also am just tired of bottles of products all over my house. I don't know if that makes sense to you.
I'm running out of space for my bottles too! /images/graemlins/wink.gif I haven't had a problem with lotions and cremes drying out my hair, and I'm the queen of dry hair. Everyone's hair reacts differently, though, so I know what you mean. The Motions leave in is pretty moisturizing and lists its benefits (moisturizes, strengthens, improves elasticity, to name a few).

With my end papers, I fold them in half and pull them to the end of the hair, making sure that the hair ends are encased within. After that, I just roll it and stick the pin in; I haven't had problems with getting the pins in afterwards.
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With my end papers, I fold them in half and pull them to the end of the hair, making sure that the hair ends are encased within. After that, I just roll it and stick the pin in; I haven't had problems with getting the pins in afterwards.

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Ahhhhhh. I see. I was folding it in half, and then trying to make it fit exactly over the ends. /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I'll try that next time.

I'm not scared of cremes and lotions..just serums..the clear stuff. I did buy the Unfrizz Taming Creme today though. I'm just tired of buying products when I have so many here already.

AT what point do yu use your serums and creams and lotions. And do you apply them section by section or just all over?
After reading what I wrote, I realized I'm not being totally clear about the end papers. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

I fold the end papers in half OVER the hair section, like mid-way through, and pull it down the length of the hair. I don't fold it ahead of time. After I shampoo, I spray my leave in conditioner and put the Profectiv on the hair. I apply the Lottabody section by section as I roll, instead of all over. For me the key is keeping the hair as wet as possible. Sometimes I have to spritz more leave in conditioner to re-wet (is that a word?) the hair.
Okay cool. That still sounds easier than what I do. I'll try that next weekend. I just hope I can get my pins in. What types of pins do you use? Is it the hairpins that look like bobby pins with open legs?
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azul11 said:
if at first you dont succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.


/images/graemlins/rofl.gif Now that was funny.

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LOL!! That was funny!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I've been doing roller sets with magnetic rollers for two years, and I can tell you, it definitely gets easier with practice. When I first started I was SO ready to toss those darn rollers and pull out my blow dryer and curling iron!!! I remember complaining every time!!!

Sad to say though, it's still a task that I don't exactly look forward to, but at least I'm not frustrated with it like I used to be.

LOL; I can remember doing a roller set in the beginning that didn't come out looking so great, and my daughter feeling sorry for me and saying "Mom your hair came out good". I just gave her a look that said "yeah, right" and then she said "well, at least it's clean!!" /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/laugh.gif... I'll never forget that.
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daviine said:
I already finished my hair and the hair set with the magnetic rollers looks better than the hair set with the wire mesh rollers. /images/graemlins/frown.gif Not by much but I was hoping they would turn out the same.

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Davinne....that should tell you your sets with magnetic rollers will only get better! The more you do them the better they will turn out. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Well my next roller set will be with wire mesh and end papers---hopefully I can still make it come out smoother than I have been getting it!!!

The rollerset after that I will try the red rollers only. (I'm really dreading the drying time though! /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif) I want to see if it was the size of the rollers that was making it so difficlt for me last night to do them.

Wire mesh rollers are definitely easier for me to put in...but its looking liek I may have to practice with those darn magnetic rollers if I want smooth ends.
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daviine said:
Well my next roller set will be with wire mesh and end papers

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Girl, have fun with those end papers. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Hi Daviine.

I congratulate you on your patience and your efforts. When I first started rollersetting, back in '94-'5, I was a mess. I was also a teenager without a lot of experience. My sets also looked like hell and I gave up frequently.

After getting my hair done in the DS's I watched them carefully and began practicing on my own. It definitely matters the size of the part and the size of the roller for the length of the hair. Using rollers too big or too small can ruin a set (not that yours is ruined /images/graemlins/grin.gif). Also, depending on the amount of new-growth you have, it will also vary the look of the set. After a touchup, the first 2-3 sets, look really good, but toward the time for the next touch doesn't really look the same.

For your hair, I would suggest the purple rollers. I usually part my hair into six sections. I start with three parts going back and then subdivide that in half from front to back. I roller set the front first and then the back. For my hair, I use both purple and grey rollers. The grey for the back and the purple for my layered front hair.

To be honest, it took me a few years to really perfect my rollersets. Starting in like 96-97, I began doing mine a lot more. It would take me hours to do it in the beginning. Now I can do it in about 15-20 minutes. But it takes time and practice. Don't give up. You'll figure out the best products and rollers for your hair in time. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Hey mami!!!

What are these purple rollers you and ALlandra keep referring to? I guess I'll have to go to the BSS to get a visual /images/graemlins/wink.gif

I suck at making the parts so that's also a major factor I think. What do you clip your magnetic rollers with?

I think what I may do is go get a wash and set and watch VERY carefully.

Check out the beauty supply store and their magnetic roller section (LOL). There should be purple rollers. They are medium sized. Between the sizes of the red rollers and the grey ones.

To clip my rollers, I use magnetic double-prong clips. They work the best for me. A box costs no more than a few bucks.

That's a really good idea to watch the stylist do it. Watch how they section your hair too. That's what I did. It really helps.
I have those double-pronged clips. I have almost every type of clip and roller imaginable. So what if I don't know how to use half of the stuff I own! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
LOL! What you need is a hair visit from the rolling set crew patrol! LOL!

I'm guilty of that but I have all of these hair thingy-majigs that are supposed to help me style my hair easier..Like bun maker and french roll makers etc. I don't know how to use any of 'em.. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
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daviine said:
What are these purple rollers you and ALlandra keep referring to? I guess I'll have to go to the BSS to get a visual

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They're just regular ole magnetic rollers. They're probably the same type that you have (just a different color/size).
Mission accomplished. I now own 24 purple magnetic rollers, in addition to the various rollers I already own. I knew that you were referring to magnetic rollers I just didn't remember ever seeing purple rollers. I don't know why I never noticed them before but I'll try them out in two weeks.