Ladies who Rollerset, which is better? Wiremesh or Smooth Magnetic

I like the magnetic rollers for the smoother set, but I like the mesh rollers for the quick drying time. I find that if I use a serum my hair is much smoother with the mesh rollers. I can't use less product with it though.
As previously explained, the mesh rollers you can find in France have a fine mesh coverage in smooth plastic and the wire is also stronger than in the mesh rollers I have seen in the US. So that you do not see the mark of the wire on your hair.
You can see those rollers in various sizes on my fotki albums
pw is hair
Great thread!

I haven't yet tried mesh rollers so I don't know the difference yet on my hair. Faster drying time does sound good though. If I get some, I would love the French ones Albane uses.:)

Next wash I will try rolling my hair up to see if I can get more of the roots. I use magnetic rollers without end papers. I wonder if end papers make a difference... :scratchch
:love: :love: my magnetic rollers!!!! Can't get down w/the mesh rollers. They just don't give my hair the sleek set that I like.