The moral is.. (Another bad hair cut story)


Well-Known Member
I posted here a week ago with my freshly pressed hair. After over a year I'd finally gotten from SL to BSL and I was enjoying that mile stone. This is the before pic:


But I already knew that my ends needed a trim badly since they'd gotten thin and see through. I was planning on going back to my hometown and getting it trimmed there, as most of the stylist won't dare cut my hair more than an inch. But I saw the same place here with a sale. I was dubious, because there were lots of younger stylist. Always a bad sign....

So I signed up, hoping that some people with more experience would show up. Thankfully they did, but the sale made them extra busy. So I get landed with sigh... a girl who is obviously 4-5 months pregnant. I don't have the heart to tell her that I'd rather wait for someone older to give me a trim. Unfortunately, sympathy seems to win over common sense. So I sit down, tell her plainly about my hair "layers, keep my length, etc" and she proceeds to trim my hair without parting it. That should've been my first warning sign....
She also didn't give me a mirror so I could see it....
Second warning sign.

After leaving, I was feeling a little awkward, and just wanted to see just how much she trimmed. So I when to a Old Navy and used their three way mirror to get a look at the back....

Uh Oh..

I have no words....

Looks like she completely screwed up the back and didn't realize it until it was too late. How do you screw up a basic trim? Apparently by cutting on side too short and realizing it too late and leaving the other side alone. :huh:

I tried taking pics of it, but you can't really see the damage she did to my hair and my heart...

So, the next day I went to my usual place who were horrified by the shodiness of my "trim." So much that my stylist invited another over to gossip about what that idiot was doing. So she look at it and told me the bad news. I was going have to lose 1 1/2 to correct it. :wallbash::cry2::wallbash:

And here is the result:


I will say it looks a lot thicker now and I have a nice flow. But it feels like I will NEVER get past BSL thanks to these stylist. I've now decided to get to WL, JUST so I can do it! I'm tired of having APL hair that gets trimmed to SL or BSL that gets trimmed to APL. I want long hair and this time I'm not stopping.
Unfortunately you have had a set back, which happens, but it still doesn't mean that you have great progress! And like you said it does look thicker!!! I am sure that you will reach your goal and I understand how you feel that you will be stuck at one length, but again it will all work out! GOOD LUCK!!!
I honestly don't think it's that bad. With proper care, you can be back to where you were by the end of the year and with fuller ends. :yep:
I LOVE the new ends. Love it, there is nothing like healthy ends.

Maybe you can find someone, not a stylist, to cut your hair. I only let my husband cut my hair now. I trust him and he's affaid of what I'll do if he messes up so it works.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE thick blunt ends. It makes your hair feel so silky and healthy, and it makes it really pretty.

I think I'm going to have my mother trim it from now on. Just a light dusting every 5-6 weeks, no more than an 1/8 of an inch. I've changed my regimen, so that I use castor oil and steaming. Hopefully that will get it to grow a little faster and take the sting away.
It doesn't look that bad but I do understand how your feel. Just PS and castor oil it up. By December or November you'll be back to a thicker BSL. And I'm a blunt ends lover :)
Won't the ends of your hair be thinner looking while you are growing it out because the bottom layer hangs down the farthest? Your ends looked OK pretrim. Have you considered learning to trim it yourself?
Yeah, they'll be thinner regardless. Your hair grows unevenly, it gets damaged, and breaks off. So eventually it'll be stringy and thin regardless. The goal is to hold off enough the damage so that it stays thicker as it gets longer. That means, PS, DC, steaming, sealing, special shampoos, satin pillow cases, trimming, etc. Eventually, you see that your hair is thinner than you'd like it, so you try to get a harmless trim. This may or may not work out. :nono:

So now my ends are thicker. I'll be doing some PS and other stuff to keep the thickness. I normally get someone else to do dusting. But at least twice I year I need a real trim to blunt it and rid myself of the thinness. So it looks much thicker but sadly, shorter.
These are the results from the second stylist. I wish I could show you the "messed up" hair cut, but the pics were too dark.
The only thing about blunt ends, it it makes it a little trickier to bun. I normally braid the ends and pin it, but now it's too blunt/thick to braid. How ironic.
Your hair looks good. Just baby the ends until the end of the year and I think you will make BSL. Just kick up of DC and vitamins and BAM! Success. Good Luck!
geeze sorry she screwed up your hair! But on the bright side you've got fresh ends to start caring for again :)
I know you are mourning that loss of length, but that blunt cut is looking good I have to be honest. It will grow back and it will probably seem faster since your ends are so healthy.
I thought I would come in here and see you go from BSL to SL. I wish I could see a pic from the shoddy cut because even with the corrective you didn't lose too much length. Chin up Op you got to that length before and you will definitely get there again and pass it. Beautiful hair!
Try getting the crea clip. It works great and you can maintain your new blunt cut on your own, if you can't get to the stylist that you trust.

Your hair is very pretty, but I'm sorry to hear that you lost so much length. *hugs*
Your hair looks much nicer with the blunt cut ends. It doesn't look like you've lost too much progress to me. I think blunt, thick ends make hair appear longer.
lol I thought I was the only one

I LOVE the new ends. Love it, there is nothing like healthy ends.

Maybe you can find someone, not a stylist, to cut your hair. I only let my husband cut my hair now. I trust him and he's affaid of what I'll do if he messes up so it works.
If its any consolation, your ends look nice, healthy and full with the blunt cut/trim.