The moral is.. (Another bad hair cut story)

It's not bad at all for having 2 different people up in your hair in such a short amount of time! Enjoy your blunt cut will be back @ BSL & beyond soon :) Your new hemline will allow some of yourlayers to catch up, so it's all good!

OP, I love the new results. Length with skinny unhealthy ends is not cute to me at all. You aren't that far from BSL. I'm sure if you seal and protect for a few months, you will surprise yourself by next spring with hair longer than you expected. And when you get there, no one will care how long it took. No one will even remember. They'll just admire the progress you will have made. Look at it not as a setback but a chance to "clean up your act", so to speak and have a new head of beautiful hair.
OP, I love the new results. Length with skinny unhealthy ends is not cute to me at all. You aren't that far from BSL. I'm sure if you seal and protect for a few months, you will surprise yourself by next spring with hair longer than you expected. And when you get there, no one will care how long it took. No one will even remember. They'll just admire the progress you will have made. Look at it not as a setback but a chance to "clean up your act", so to speak and have a new head of beautiful hair.

You know, that's really what's getting me through the day. The blunt ends really do look good, and if I do this right I should be MBL by summer and hopefully close to WL in Dec 2011. That's all wishful thinking, though...
it will grow back in no time and you will never have a setback like this again! because you know now, you cant trust people to trim your ends! (I hate when stylists do this to people >:/

it does look nice and healthy though