The Macherieamour Petition

LocksOfLuV said:
Thank you!

I see what RIG is saying. She does use little product but it works best for her since she wears her hair downa nd out.

It's so silky, sweet bejeebus!:p

PS: Macherie you should try the Hollywood Beauty Cholesterol for pre-pooing (and Le Kair is good too) once you get rid of all your other stuff. It's cheap and effective.

Great Tip! Thanks! Do you mind if I use that as my tip of the day?

How long does it take WSL hair to dry??? I think im traumatized by the WSL girls in the dominican shops, sitting under the speed dryer for 10 years
Aidenberry03 said:
This is supposed to be a "fun" petition, and everytime something that is meant to be light...several people want to get all deep. And yes sorry I am addressing it here. (anyone who has a problem with what I am saying please feel free to pm me). We understand that is her hair, but this is for fun. She is a grown woman...we all are. This thread is just to play with the "what if...."

Now back to the thread:ohwell:

After 314 posts, you should know better than to think this thread can't twist and turn whichever way we choose to twist and turn it:grin: now back to the show
macherieamour said:
Great Tip! Thanks! Do you mind if I use that as my tip of the day?

How long does it take WSL hair to dry??? I think im traumatized by the WSL girls in the dominican shops, sitting under the speed dryer for 10 years

Would you even be able to find a dryer big enough to fit you head under after doing your famous rollersets:lol:
I am signing the petition too!
Macheriearmour could you grow your thick beautiful hair to waist length pleazzzze! (sounding like a 5 year old):grin: :) .
Originally posted by Sistalick

Girl! :look: I would have been like:

"EWWWW Oh My LAWRD! Y'all not gone BUH-LEAVE what I just found in this NASTY lil' bottle :eek: I'm 'bout to throw up y'all. UGH!

*camera blacks out*

*Sistaslick returns looking a little disheveled*

Yes, I just finished barfing my eyes out-- now lets carry on shall we?

:lachen: :lachen: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
StrawberryQueen said:
I can't believe you think you sound like a man! :eek: You have a very feminine voice, not deep like Mariah or Beyonce.

Thanks Strawberry:) Sounds deep as hell to me- not like a man but not really feminine:perplexed oh well!

Ps. Anyone know how to quote multiple people?
caramelle said:
Exactly Lisana.. lets focus on growing our own hair and getting our OWN hair healthy, rather than trying to tell someone else what to do with theirs...

Her hair is beautiful, if anything I would petition to have her links and tutorials posted as STICKY's on this forum.
They are highly beneficial, useful, and detailed especially to newbies. I love them!

I'm sure she'll be flattered, but let the girl do what SHE wants with HER hair.

I'll sign your petition!
macherieamour said:
Great Tip! Thanks! Do you mind if I use that as my tip of the day?

How long does it take WSL hair to dry??? I think im traumatized by the WSL girls in the dominican shops, sitting under the speed dryer for 10 years

No I don't mind at all! It's actually flattering!:eek: But yeah, the cholesterol conditioners (I do NOT recommend the original Queen Helene's if you are a no-sulfate route, that one has sulfates) actually makes lathering easier for me since they kind of lather on their own. I don't have to use as much shampoo and water.

About the WSL drying time. I have NO clue.
Macherie your video tutorials are amazing! How inspirational! Seeing you actually doing your hair, makes things so much easier. This was a really good idea.
I too am waiting for the rollersetting tutorial. I thought you would have done this first as I and so many others have learned to rollerset from you!

Also your hair is so silky! I don't think I could comb through my hair with that much ease! Do you think its the Keracare or the combing at the time of the rollersetting that makes it easier to comb afterwards?

I'm not even relaxed, and I enjoy watching her tutorials. I can't wait till my hair gets long enough where I can place it over in front my shoulders and rub my fingers through it, applying some moisturizer or conditioner.
I just put my John Hancock on the dotted line!!! Like everyone else, I'm waiting on that rollersetting tutorial of hers. I can't wait to see it. I can just imagine what her hair would look like if she got it to WL. Unbelievable!!! Macherie, keep those tips and tutorials coming girl. I love 'em!!!
miss_cherokee said:
I just put my John Hancock on the dotted line!!! Like everyone else, I'm waiting on that rollersetting tutorial of hers. I can't wait to see it. I can just imagine what her hair would look like if she got it to WL. Unbelievable!!! Macherie, keep those tips and tutorials coming girl. I love 'em!!!

Same here ! Healthy Textures is truly a wonderful haircare website ! Way to go Macherieamour !
Well, I'm not one to tell anyone what they can and can't do with their hair, but it would be nice. The advice she gives is good enough for the time being. If my hair could grow and be maintained at such a beautiful length, I would be quite content! Dang, I'll be excited once mine pasts shoulder length! :lachen:
Brownie518 said:
I'll sign your petition!

Yea I know.. its so much of a difference seeing how thing are DONE as opposed to reading them.
After years of reading about different ways of wrapping and failing, I was only successful at wrapping my hair after watching Ma Cher's tutorial just once!
Now That's SOMETHING!!!

Cant wait for the rollersetting one....
lisana said:
After 314 posts, you should know better than to think this thread can't twist and turn whichever way we choose to twist and turn it:grin: now back to the show

Yea, u see how I got cyber-jumped for putting my lil .02 right?! lol
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UMBlessedBeauty_1 said:
I love her hair but I couldn't imagine maintaining hair past BSL which is my goal.

Ditto. I find mid back at the longest or BSL the most versatile, that swing, I love it! Even with my friends who have naturally straight hair, when it gets near the waist it often starts to look thin and uneven (it ain't cute when only 12 of your hairs reach your waist :lol:) and drying takes hourssssss. My hair already takes 1 1/2 hrs to dry :(

I **love** Macherieamour's hair. She is the hair goddess. All hail macherieamour!