The Longer My Hair Gets


New Member
So, I was trying to do a length check about a week ago and I just had no motivation to straighten my hair. It seems like the longer my hair gets and the more I accomplish my hair goals that the less I like the straight look. Its so funny because now my hair is longer than it has ever been. Does anyone ever feel like this? I think next month I will set aside some time to do a nice length check. But after that I'm thinking about giving up heat for good.:lick:
I'm just lazy haha ... the longer it gets the lazier i am to do things that take me more than an hour.
I'm just lazy haha ... the longer it gets the lazier i am to do things that take me more than an hour.

I have planning to straighten for a while, but way too lazy :lol:. I am too lazy to even use the blow dryer.

I can change the hair, but I cannot change the laziness. I had my relaxed hair in ponytails and buns and have my natural hair in ponytails and buns. I have big plans so hoping to un-laziness in 2013 :lol:
Yup same here...I don't know when last I used my flat iron. I'm relaxed so I just do my length checks on airdried hair now:yep:
Haha yea maybe all this protective styling is making me lazy but also I work out a lot and its just a big waste of time for me to flat iron when I'm going to go and sweat like crazy.
I never flat iron my hair for this very reason. I'm no longer afraid of heat damage, it's the laziness that keeps me from flat ironing. :lol:
I've been planning to straighten my hair now for 2 years.. Can you say lazy much lol. I also cant fathom spending 2-4 hours on my hair straightening it for it only to last 3-4 days...
The longer my hair gets, the crazier it looks in Fro form :/

But airdried styles (twistout/braidout) still look good. I hear you about the straight hair taking longer. For some reason I find it therapeutic.
Yep. Like many of the other posters, in this thread, I've been planning too, but can't seem to get around to doing it. **shrugs** Oh well, I don't like my hair straight anyway.
For me, it's not about how long it will take to flat iron but I wanna be at a length that will blow people's minds first lol... Plus, I'm scared of heat damage
:lol: For me, it's a lot about the laziness and the damage but also, as your hair grows longer, you can enjoy the length even when it's not straightened.
I flat ironed my hair today for the first time since 2009 and it may very well be another 3 years before I do it again, I am so drained. On the upside my hair was longer than I thought it would be and I'm happy I was able to trim as well, I'm lazy about trimming too. I love my lazy wash and go every three to four days.
yeah i tried to straighten my hair for new years. epic fail. i was over it once i did the first flatiron pass. i just don't have the patience. so i can honestly say that i will never straighten my hair again or ever make an attempt to straighten it. i don't even want to pay for someone else to do it for me because i don't want to sit and be bothered.

at least with braids and twists you can come back later and do some if you get tired. with straightening you have do it all the way through. i can't
The longer my hair gets the more I love air dried styles. When my hair was shoulder length and shorter I used to rollerset all the time - some times twice a week. Now at mbl if I want a rollerset I rather just go to the salon.
I think if I ever decide to flat iron my hair again. I may go to the salon to get a blow out, then come home and flat iron myself.

however, I agree the longer my hair gets the more styles I can do without having to stretch.

unfortunately, the longer my hair gets, the more it looks the same when shrunken .... shrinkaaaaage :fistshake:
The less I care about band wagons and hype.
The more I want to enjoy it , I'm tired of, looking a mess for the sake of an extra inch a year.
The less I care about hair nazis, relaxed, colored, heat trained, natchal... Do you!!!
I feel the same way the longer it gets the lazier I get.. I hate to flat iron or curl even combing it.
For me, it's not about how long it will take to flat iron but I wanna be at a length that will blow people's minds first lol... Plus, I'm scared of heat damage

You totally read my mind. And is it me or do people just assume that because you're natural and you can make a pretty decent ponytail/puff that your hair is just sooo long already and they just beg you to straighten it? I have this friend (she's like relaxed) told me "Trust me, I know. Your hair would probably touch your nipple" Lol when I'm only at like almost armpit length stretched (unstraightened).
Im so lazy.. too lazy tk straighten, too lazy to length check. I swear I'm about the laziest...I used to wash every 5 days.. Lately I've been pushing every two weeks. It's a chore.. But of course I still want it longer!
Str8ening feels like too much of a chore I've done a few times but it takes too much work to have that ish ruin in the wrong weather....I can't tis all I'm done. I've gotten so lazy that I rather get braids and leave this sucker because all. Have to do is oil my scalp and go
the more excited I would get - that my goal BSL/MBL is obtainable by June 2014! :yep:

Problem is I think I've hit a wall and can't get past my current length. :perplexed

I'm trying several growth aids to bulldoze my way through. I hope one or a combination of them gets me going again.
I never liked the striaght look.....attached to my head.. ... thats why im natural

But the longer it gets the less desire I have to style it......ugh
I'm with you OP. I was going to flat iron my entire head at goal length but now I just don't desire to see my hair straight anymore. I'm on a no heat challenge for the entire year and I'm probably going to give up heat completely.

For me the process of using heat (i.e. blowdryers/flatirons) on my very kinky and fine strand hair feels too much like forcing it to do something that it just doesn't want to do. The amount of time it takes, the reversion right away, the potential for some breakage, and the dryness that happens with hair just makes it not worth it to me.