As It Gets Longer , I Get Lazier - Heat Free For A Month

I've been super duper lazy and my hair feels like hay LOL
I haven't been DC'ing like I used to. I was working 60 hours a week and going to grad school, plus taking care of my family so there was no time for me. I'm going to do a nice amla treatment, get a pedicure, try to look more human LOL

Oh and my hair is past WL and it just takes sooooooooo long to do. I can't even imagine what its gonna be like at hip length. I'm definitely gonna have to take better care of my hair. I've worked way too hard to start acting like I ain't got no damn sense LOL

AUNTIE!!!!! :blush: :spank:

:grin:...but yeah life CAN throw you for a few loops...just make sure you take care of you...without can't take care of anything else.