The lady that jacked up my braids DISSED my hair!


New Member
Ok, so I took everyone's advice and let the braider that did my horrendous tree braids know I was disappointed...WELL, she told ME that she STRUGGLED to do my hair because it was so thick and ''difficult to braid'' because of the texture:look: ugh...OH NO YOU DIDN'T JUST DISS MY HAIR! :naughty:(deep breath) I told her I APOLOGIZE that she struggled but she did indeed get paid AND if she didn't feel she could do the braids she should've let me know BEFORE I sat there all those hours for nothing. She has A LOT of nerve! Then she got all psycho on me after I told her I wouldn't be returning by saying, "remember, you're still my client...":nuts: I can't believe it was my hair's fault that she did such a poor job...
I don't blame you. I wouldn't go back to her either. I agree, if she couldn't handle your hair, she should have told you. That way, you could find another braider that can handle it.
Ok, so I took everyone's advice and let the braider that did my horrendous tree braids know I was disappointed...WELL, she told ME that she STRUGGLED to do my hair because it was so thick and ''difficult to braid'' because of the texture:look: ugh...OH NO YOU DIDN'T JUST DISS MY HAIR! :naughty:(deep breath) I told her I APOLOGIZE that she struggled but she did indeed get paid AND if she didn't feel she could do the braids she should've let me know BEFORE I sat there all those hours for nothing. She has A LOT of nerve! Then she got all psycho on me after I told her I wouldn't be returning by saying, "remember, you're still my client...":nuts: I can't believe it was my hair's fault that she did such a poor job...

Do you know I had a very SIMILIAR experience here in ATL? I mean that woman did a TERRIBLE job on my tree braids then tried to say I intimidated the stylist who did them. Some of these stylists are CERTIFIABLE I'm telling you!
I am very angry for you.
What she said is a poor excuse. The ****simply cannot braid. Plain and simple. And she should've been honest with you from day one. If she felt like she couldn't cater to you.


Never return to her.

*sorry for the caps*
She won't ever see me or my naps again! I love my hair, every 4 million densely packed strands of it! She seriously tried to make ME feel bad... I should've known though because she apparently has one other natural client who she spoke about that made her hands terribly sore after she braided her hair...:rolleyes:
She won't ever see me or my naps again! I love my hair, every 4 million densely packed strands of it! She seriously tried to make ME feel bad... I should've known though because she apparently has one other natural client who she spoke about that made her hands terribly sore after she braided her hair...:rolleyes:

She sounds stupid...I'm telling you I could seriously beat up stylists like that! If I break your hands you won't have to worry about nobody's "difficult" hair anymore!

The lady I went to here was such a you-know-what I told her that I was going to make sure the word got out about her. I came right here and posted the full story in the salon review forum under the stylists to stay away from. I also told everybody at work what happened too.

I say all of this to say that I am so here >< with you.
Ok, so I took everyone's advice and let the braider that did my horrendous tree braids know I was disappointed...WELL, she told ME that she STRUGGLED to do my hair because it was so thick and ''difficult to braid'' because of the texture:look: ugh...OH NO YOU DIDN'T JUST DISS MY HAIR! :naughty:(deep breath) I told her I APOLOGIZE that she struggled but she did indeed get paid AND if she didn't feel she could do the braids she should've let me know BEFORE I sat there all those hours for nothing. She has A LOT of nerve! Then she got all psycho on me after I told her I wouldn't be returning by saying, "remember, you're still my client...":nuts: I can't believe it was my hair's fault that she did such a poor job...

Don't let the witch get to you. I've had a hairstylist tell me that my hair was too thick before, like I didn't know it. I would've left but I played it cool because she was hired to do our hair for my cousin's wedding. She didn't even do that great of a job. We should've just let my other cousin who does hair hook us up, but it wasn't my wedding, so...
Here is my original post from August of ' that mess still has me boiling.

This brings up a baaaaaad memory!

About 2 1/2 years ago I decided to try tree braids. I got a referral for a "woman" Tree Braids by Tega here in ATL (Jonesboro). She does them out of her house. Anyway, the first time she did them they looked good so I made my second appt. When I arrived she had a new girl assigned to do my hair. I try to stay open until I get a reason to doubt so I was like "ok". To make a long story short the girl had only been doing them for a month and was starting the braids way far back on my head. She had to start over and redo several times (red flag!) and even gave me a mirror so that I could inspect each one to tell her if she was doing it right! I get it done and am not satisfied but go on to work the next day. My coworkers were like:nono:. They are used to my hair being a certain way and were shocked when I showed up with these tree braids that were RAGGEDY! After MANY comments:blush:, I decided to politely call back and ask if Tega could redo them. On the phone she was very pleasant and told me I could come in that day. I was like, BET!
When I showed up she asked me what the problem was. I told her that they weren't tight enough and each was a different size, too far back on my head, etc. etc. She says that she doesn't see the problem. I was like:censored:? Then, she goes on to say that she will admit that they are a little loose. She then begins to rip the braids out. She says, "I'm not doing your whole head. I'm only going to do this one side." Sucking her teeth and rolling her neck. I said, "My whole head needs to be redone!" She then starts yelling at me, "Your the one who tried to intimidate my girl by asking for that mirror. You made her nervous." I said, "She GAVE me the mirror because she didn't know what she was doing. If she is THAT easily intimidated then she is in the wrong profession." So she says, "Do you just want your money back?" I said, "No, I want you to do my hair correctly." She then starts ripping again. I said, "Stop. Give me my money back" She says,"I'll give you half back but not all of it." I said, "That's fine you apparently need it more than I do" (which was NOT true, I just said it). At this point we are upstairs I say, "You know if you had done right by me I probably would have returned know much of hair business is word of mouth right? I work with A LOT of black women who are always looking to get their hair done. Good luck finding clients after I'm done. Oh and God bless you." She then opened the door and slammed it behind me.
Mama, I'm so sorry that lady had the nerve to say what she did. I almost had a similar experience when I went to a braid shop with my expensive long hair and the braider swore she knew what she was doing. I knew, though, when she redid that first braid 3 times that she was not the one. LOL :nono:

I ended up talking to a braider in Raleigh that was honest with me in that she had not done them before but was willing to experiment together to find the best look. And they were gorgeous! We took all kinds of pics of my hair during and after and I've seen those pics on her site with all kinds of great comments so I know we had a great result. They didn't last long, though, and that's where it really counts.

Are you willing to travel a bit? I am happy to give you the tree braider that my sister uses in Philly. Costs a grip! $200, but she supplies the hair (not the expensive kind though) and she is a master tree braider. You might want to get your own hair though because her tree braids LAST. My sister kept hers the first time for 6 months. :nono: No hair left out and it was the bomb. But she has stopped that now. She still keeps it in for 4 though! :lachen:
That's strange because the kinkier the hair, the easier it is to braid and hold the style. She definitely woudn't pass the test of a good braider in Africa, North,South,East nor West!
That's strange because the kinkier the hair, the easier it is to braid and hold the style. She definitely woudn't pass the test of a good braider in Africa, North,South,East nor West!

SHE'S FROM AFRICA! That's what killed me the most! She was talking about the history of braids and how they originated in Africa and everything. I guess no one in Africa has hair as thick as mine though...:rolleyes:
Here is my original post from August of ' that mess still has me boiling.

This brings up a baaaaaad memory!

About 2 1/2 years ago I decided to try tree braids. I got a referral for a "woman" Tree Braids by Tega here in ATL (Jonesboro). She does them out of her house. Anyway, the first time she did them they looked good so I made my second appt. When I arrived she had a new girl assigned to do my hair. I try to stay open until I get a reason to doubt so I was like "ok". To make a long story short the girl had only been doing them for a month and was starting the braids way far back on my head. She had to start over and redo several times (red flag!) and even gave me a mirror so that I could inspect each one to tell her if she was doing it right! I get it done and am not satisfied but go on to work the next day. My coworkers were like:nono:. They are used to my hair being a certain way and were shocked when I showed up with these tree braids that were RAGGEDY! After MANY comments:blush:, I decided to politely call back and ask if Tega could redo them. On the phone she was very pleasant and told me I could come in that day. I was like, BET!
When I showed up she asked me what the problem was. I told her that they weren't tight enough and each was a different size, too far back on my head, etc. etc. She says that she doesn't see the problem. I was like:censored:? Then, she goes on to say that she will admit that they are a little loose. She then begins to rip the braids out. She says, "I'm not doing your whole head. I'm only going to do this one side." Sucking her teeth and rolling her neck. I said, "My whole head needs to be redone!" She then starts yelling at me, "Your the one who tried to intimidate my girl by asking for that mirror. You made her nervous." I said, "She GAVE me the mirror because she didn't know what she was doing. If she is THAT easily intimidated then she is in the wrong profession." So she says, "Do you just want your money back?" I said, "No, I want you to do my hair correctly." She then starts ripping again. I said, "Stop. Give me my money back" She says,"I'll give you half back but not all of it." I said, "That's fine you apparently need it more than I do" (which was NOT true, I just said it). At this point we are upstairs I say, "You know if you had done right by me I probably would have returned know much of hair business is word of mouth right? I work with A LOT of black women who are always looking to get their hair done. Good luck finding clients after I'm done. Oh and God bless you." She then opened the door and slammed it behind me.

OOOWEEE! Girl, you're lucky it didn't come to blows in mm mmm.

Mama, I'm so sorry that lady had the nerve to say what she did. I almost had a similar experience when I went to a braid shop with my expensive long hair and the braider swore she knew what she was doing. I knew, though, when she redid that first braid 3 times that she was not the one. LOL :nono:

I ended up talking to a braider in Raleigh that was honest with me in that she had not done them before but was willing to experiment together to find the best look. And they were gorgeous! We took all kinds of pics of my hair during and after and I've seen those pics on her site with all kinds of great comments so I know we had a great result. They didn't last long, though, and that's where it really counts.

Are you willing to travel a bit? I am happy to give you the tree braider that my sister uses in Philly. Costs a grip! $200, but she supplies the hair (not the expensive kind though) and she is a master tree braider. You might want to get your own hair though because her tree braids LAST. My sister kept hers the first time for 6 months. :nono: No hair left out and it was the bomb. But she has stopped that now. She still keeps it in for 4 though! :lachen:

I'd love the number! Philly's right over the bridge from me. I used to go there all the time for micros until I got tired of ignoring the roaches in the shop I went to.:lachen:
WTF is wrong with her? I am so angry for you. I am glad you went back and told her how she felt, maybe if enough people do that it will knock some sense into her. Sad, sad, sad :(

That's all I want to know. Like you said she was PAID. Do the job RIGHT!

She offered and suggested kinky twists instead (imagine that). I told her, (like Sarah Palin) Thanks but NO THANKS. You don't get to diss my hair and then touch it again! If you aren't going to give me back my money, there's no further dialogue required.

Now, I'm no tree braid expert but the lady could've done several things to make them look better like, smaller of the cornrows was almost a half an inch thick! It was lifting off my head by day 4. She just basically gave up after she got fatigued and tried to put excessive hair over it to cover it up...
wow I swear psychopaths. That's why I like to do my own hair. I had the opposite told to me. I told a braider listen those are too tight. She then tells me it is because your hair is so fine that I have to pull them so tight. I was like whatever. Sho nuff couple days later a scab on the top of my head. I'm going to have to find another "break from my hair style" before I get traction alopecia on the top of my head!!!
See, that's why I'm trying to learn how to do protective styles myself. I think you handled the situation with much class, because I'd be her worst night mare!:lachen:To blame someone's hair is no excuse for lack of skills!:rolleyes:
Trust me, it crossed my mind like...:scratchch "should I black out right now?" My DH looked at me like he just knew I was gonna blow....but I didn't. She won't be the last person to have something negative to say about my hair...
She has a lot of nerve. She should have known from the first braid whether or not she would be able to do it. Then to talk about your hair after the fact is just wrong. I say good riddance. Q
Regardless whatever type of hair you have this is her chosen profession. To dog your hair out gives her no right. If that is the case then she needs to do other races hair if she is so caught up on thickness and type. That bothers me how are you going to be from Africa and complain about someone's hair. Clearly if she wanted to go through the history of braiding..... she would have went on to discuss the different textures and thickness that braids are done on. Your hair is the best becuase of the thickness. What if you had fine type 3 hair in her face trying to get tree braids? She would have complained then. Some ppl are never going to be happy.
I had to LOL at her lousy excuse. May I ask what her hair was like? I'm curious because I've never had any problems braiding thick or nappy hair. I think it's easier to braid actually coz the additional hair doesn't slide as it might on straighter, smoother hair. I'd love for her to see you with your hair done properly by someone who KNOWS how to braid, not someone posing as a braider. I had never braided a white person with extensions when I was first asked to do it. It was a new experience but I still did a good job. I wanted to kill her by the time I was done :giggle: because BSL hair with additional longer hair took ALL DAY to braid, but I would have admitted defeat from the get-go if I couldn't do it. I say your braider's suffering from a serious case of LOSER.
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She has a lot of nerve. She should have known from the first braid whether or not she would be able to do it. Then to talk about your hair after the fact is just wrong. I say good riddance. Q

She knew...she just wanted the dough!

Regardless whatever type of hair you have this is her chosen profession. To dog your hair out gives her no right. If that is the case then she needs to do other races hair if she is so caught up on thickness and type. That bothers me how are you going to be from Africa and complain about someone's hair. Clearly if she wanted to go through the history of braiding..... she would have went on to discuss the different textures and thickness that braids are done on. Your hair is the best becuase of the thickness. What if you had fine type 3 hair in her face trying to get tree braids? She would have complained then. Some ppl are never going to be happy.

And then use it on your resume like you're all knowing because you're from Africa.

I had to LOL at her lousy excuse. May I ask what her hair was like? I'm curious because I've never had any problems braiding thick or nappy hair. I think it's easier to braid actually coz the additional hair doesn't slide as it might on straighter, smoother hair. I'd love for her to see you with your hair done properly by someone who KNOWS how to braid, not someone posing as a braider. I had never braided a white person with extensions when I was first asked to do it. It was a new experience but I still did a good job. I wanted to kill her by the time I was done :giggle: because BSL hair with additional longer hair took ALL DAY to braid, but I would have admitted defeat from the get-go if I couldn't do it. I say your braider's suffering from a serious case of LOSER.

I've been SO tempted to email her pictures of my hair now...but I will remain calm and continue to completely ignore her!
Ok, so I took everyone's advice and let the braider that did my horrendous tree braids know I was disappointed...WELL, she told ME that she STRUGGLED to do my hair because it was so thick and ''difficult to braid'' because of the texture:look: ugh...OH NO YOU DIDN'T JUST DISS MY HAIR! :naughty:(deep breath) I told her I APOLOGIZE that she struggled but she did indeed get paid AND if she didn't feel she could do the braids she should've let me know BEFORE I sat there all those hours for nothing. She has A LOT of nerve! Then she got all psycho on me after I told her I wouldn't be returning by saying, "remember, you're still my client...":nuts: I can't believe it was my hair's fault that she did such a poor job...

Oh my, it sounds like she is threatening to really jack your head up if you go back to her again. Girl you better not "eva" go back to her!:lachen::lachen:
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