The "Kitchen": Does Heat Make it Coarser?


Well-Known Member
Hi, ladies:
This is a really random question but I was just reading a thread about how the hair at the nape (or "the kitchen," as I called it when I was really young) was looser. As I am transitioning to natural hair, I have found that this is INDEED the case. The nape hair is much looser than the rest of my hair, but I remember that when I was younger, this was some of the coarsest hair on my head. I was getting a press and curl every 2 weeks or so (with wax) then, and am wondering if that's what caused my "kitchen" to be coarse. Now, it's very shiny and silky and I'm just trying to understand why so I don't do it again. Lol.
I think if heat that was used on you was too hot it may be actually burning the hair. Maybe it's not being burned off but just enough to make it more course then it was. Sort of like the difference between 1st degree, 2nd degree burns. Just a thought, but I don't know.
I think if heat that was used on you was too hot it may be actually burning the hair. Maybe it's not being burned off but just enough to make it more course then it was. Sort of like the difference between 1st degree, 2nd degree burns. Just a thought, but I don't know.

That's a good theory! And it definitely makes sense because I have found that I have to use different heat on different sections of my hair. The kitchen only needs about 315-320 degrees while my coarser crown needs about 350-360. And I know the stylists definitely didn't change the heat setting when I was younger and probably used it too high back there. Thanks for the response.