The Jheri Juice Challengeeeeee!!! Lets get our retention on point!!

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Um which one of y'all LA chicks done bought all the juice from Walgreens? I've been to Walgreens THREE times. All the long aid is gone. they had one bottle of Care free curl left the second time. Today... gone. No S curl. No worlds of curls. I spoke to the beauty manager, she called other local walgreens... NONE of them had it (I was embarassed cause she was Black and she knew that curl activator is the juice) she told me that she would have to order it for me... on Saturday and that by next thursday... a whole week from now it would be in. She was like "I know you want it right now but that's all I can do." I have a $5 off coupon at walgreens so I wanted to buy it there. Tomorrow at work I will HAVE to call ones near my job to see if they have it in stock. If they don't I will make a trip to walmart. I know y'all bought all the juice! tonight I will make do with my water glycerine mix. I added extra glycerine but it's not the same.
:grin::grin::grin: With all these people now on the juice , I knew it was a matter of time before someone reported a shortage. Everybody stock up now!
If the demand is high enough, the prices will rise....Stock up...I know I am.
LMAO just saw the vid on myfriend's siggy LOOOOOOOOL I didn't know what ya'll were talking about at first when u were talking about the song and now LOL I'm having one of those "beforemytime" flash backs. Yanno when your mom used to jam while she's driving to a song that sounds real funny to you? That's gonna be my word when something is cute "that's jui-ceeeey"
I just started this challenge this week and I'm almost completely out of that yummy good stuff...(A.K.A. DA JUICE!) I haven't tried any of the sprays yet, so I will be adding that to my shopping list.:grin:

Last night I took my twists down, and this morning when I got up, I slathered on da juice. Right now, I'm sporting a curly (lumpy) puff.:ohwell: Tonight, I'm going to try to detangle this mess and wash it. Any suggestions on detangling would be oh so appreciated!:grin:
:grin:the gold is the truth

Adora, hugs and kisses. I DC my dry hair on Wednesday AM with ORS and left it on for over 8 hours. When I got home from work, I rinsed out and only applied my CFC GOLD, plaited my hair and went to bed. I did add some extra oil to my hair ends. In the morning my hair was sooo soft. One thing I noticed, was my hair soaked up the CFC. I underprocessed my hair but it wasn't because I wanted too. I have been using products such as oil moisturisers, oil, and nothing has moisturised my hair like this CFC. The underprocessed parts especially, just soaked up this stuff. While wearing my hair in a high bun, my hair lays down better and it appears to be fuller and thicker. I add a little FOTE gel around my edges and girl is done. I'm so happy because my hair is already responding to this product, and the regime now for doing my hair is so simple. Who would have thought, the only thing you need to do is condition hair really good and add not a bunch of products, but only one good product. Thanks again.
Ladies if you are serious about juicing then get rid of that CFC bottle and get one of those hairdressers/ stylist spritzers.... Now that's what I'm talking about .... Just let that juice flow... :thumbsup:
I just started this challenge this week and I'm almost completely out of that yummy good stuff...(A.K.A. DA JUICE!) I haven't tried any of the sprays yet, so I will be adding that to my shopping list.:grin:

Last night I took my twists down, and this morning when I got up, I slathered on da juice. Right now, I'm sporting a curly (lumpy) puff.:ohwell: Tonight, I'm going to try to detangle this mess and wash it. Any suggestions on detangling would be oh so appreciated!:grin:

Yeah the S Curl doesn't last that long if your using it everyday like I am doing. Gotta get some on the cheap :grin:

Anyway, so far so no breakage. And not only does my ends love it, but roots and hair shaft :love: it!
Um which one of y'all LA chicks done bought all the juice from Walgreens? I've been to Walgreens THREE times. All the long aid is gone. they had one bottle of Care free curl left the second time. Today... gone. No S curl. No worlds of curls. I spoke to the beauty manager, she called other local walgreens... NONE of them had it (I was embarassed cause she was Black and she knew that curl activator is the juice) she told me that she would have to order it for me... on Saturday and that by next thursday... a whole week from now it would be in.

Who knew DA JUICE would be what's hot in the streets?! It's the second coming of the 80's! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I juiced last night with the substitute. My hair is still " oh so silky smooth" I am rockest to softest, fiercest braid out EVA!
Update on my juice progress. I bought carefree gold, staysoft and lustrasilk right on moisturizers. I hate the CFC so that goes in the product junkie graveyard. But I love the results. This was the next step I needed to keep my hair moist. Normally my washngos dry up and I have to wash every 3 days but now I can stretch it. My wash days are every Thursday and Sunday
Ilove the Carefree curl Gold!!

I thought I would have to be walking around with wet hair. But No. My hair is moisturized and soft and not wet at all. I love this stuff!

Now i'm looking around at all of my other leave ins, wondering why I bought that stuff. :lachen:
Hi Adora - count me in! I've heard of using the curly products (care free curl, hawaiian silk, etc.) in natural hair but I never understood the benefits so kept it moving when I saw those threads. But by you explaining the benefits I'm ready to try it and what beter way to do that then to get all up in this challenge~!
I tried the CFC, and it made my hair feel nasty, so I bought the Hawaiian Silky 14n1, and me likes! I've been spraying that on, and adding a bit of jojoba oil, and my hair feels great!

I've tried so many things on my hair over the years, and if all I needed was some juice in my life....cue Florida Evans...damndamndamn...all that money down the tubes!
OK i tryed my Care Free Curl Gold today and i dont love my hair when dries. I normally left the cnditioner in my hair but today i did not, so i will leave a little bit of conditioner in my hair and then apply the Care Free Curl to see if i like it better.
OK i tryed my Care Free Curl Gold today and i dont love my hair when dries. I normally left the cnditioner in my hair but today i did not, so i will leave a little bit of conditioner in my hair and then apply the Care Free Curl to see if i like it better.

Taina, if that does not work, don't give up. There might be another "juicy" products out there that works better for your hair.
I took my twists down for a twist-out and my hair definetly feels softer than it has for a while. The SCurl is working, yay!
Wanted to try the juice before the official start date! i already had the HS14 in one, but wanted to try carefree gold. went to my local store, but they didn't have any and i bought the wave nouveau instead! tried on DD's hair and it was awful :nono:, just dried hair completely:perplexed!
The next day i searched the all town for CFCG, tried it again on DD's hair and OMG, that was amazing :drunk:, not oily, not dripping and her hair is so shiny and moisturised! i will stick to CFCG!
can anyone tell me if it is ok to juice once a day or i really have to juice twice daily and can i wash the hair every 3 days or not advisable at all? i use very gentle shampoo bar ( babasu bar from anita grant).

thank you Adora for starting this challenge!:thumbsup:
Can I still join this challenge, I would love to join, I have a bottle of Scurl and Wave juice just sitting around.

Girl you still have time, it doesn't start until the first

Ladies if you are serious about juicing then get rid of that CFC bottle and get one of those hairdressers/ stylist spritzers.... Now that's what I'm talking about .... Just let that juice flow... :thumbsup:

Nope can't do it, can't do it. I'm already on Juice probation for going overboard with The Juice and leaving slippery marks on the floor. I can't be spraying nothing nomore:lachen:
Wanted to try the juice before the official start date! i already had the HS14 in one, but wanted to try carefree gold. went to my local store, but they didn't have any and i bought the wave nouveau instead! tried on DD's hair and it was awful :nono:, just dried hair completely:perplexed!
The next day i searched the all town for CFCG, tried it again on DD's hair and OMG, that was amazing :drunk:, not oily, not dripping and her hair is so shiny and moisturised! i will stick to CFCG!
can anyone tell me if it is ok to juice once a day or i really have to juice twice daily and can i wash the hair every 3 days or not advisable at all? i use very gentle shampoo bar ( babasu bar from anita grant).

thank you Adora for starting this challenge!:thumbsup:

You can juice once aday if you want, that complies with the rules of the challenge. Adora washes her hair every 3days and you see what hair hair looks like, so you are good Ma.
Question: I'm thinkin bout puttin my CFC Gold in a spray bottle, can I add a little water to it? If so it won't mess it up will it?
(A Jheri Curl is, for the uninitiated, a black hairstyle popular in the 80s that required some strange cooking of the hair in a salon, and then the continuous application of copious amounts of liquid greasy goo to make the hair look like shiny cooked Ramen noodles cascading from the scalp.):afropick:


Is that a spray bottle of "the juice" attached to a pick???:ohsnap:Look like he just flipped it over to the otha side!!!!!! :goodone:

But...... Ahz Still Jeza Juicin'!!!:grin::grin::grin:

Already had this::yep:

Found this at the grocery store::lick:
Taina, if that does not work, don't give up. There might be another "juicy" products out there that works better for your hair.
Actually my hair is moisturized but is dry and normally my hair doesnt because of the conditioner i leave in it, it feels soft but all dry, so tomorrow i will leave some conditioner on, stye and THEN apply the juice. :yep:
I tried the CFC, and it made my hair feel nasty, so I bought the Hawaiian Silky 14n1, and me likes! I've been spraying that on, and adding a bit of jojoba oil, and my hair feels great!

I've tried so many things on my hair over the years, and if all I needed was some juice in my life....cue Florida Evans...damndamndamn...all that money down the tubes!

LOL Florida Evans
You ladies are CRAZY:lachen:
Question: I'm thinkin bout puttin my CFC Gold in a spray bottle, can I add a little water to it? If so it won't mess it up will it?

I don't think it will mess it up as long as it's mixed up well...some of the ppl on this thread dilute their S-curl too:grin:
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