The "How Often Do You..." Mega Thread

Shampoo: Once a month
Cowash: 1-3 days a week
Prepoo: n/a
DC: 2x a month
Moisturize: Daily
Baggy ends: 3-5 days a week
Protein: Once a month
Clarify: Once a month
Use direct heat: Rarely
Use indirect heat: n/a
Comb/detangle: Only on wash days
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: Every other day
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: n/a
Color/Henna: n/a
Trim/dust ends: 1-2 times a year
Search & Destroys: Rarely
Wear protective styles: 90% of the time
Shampoo: 1x per week
Cowash: seldom
Prepoo: seldom
DC: 1x per week (with every wash)
Moisturize: every other day
Baggy ends: never
Protein: light protein as needed
Clarify: maybe once a month
Use direct heat: rarely (only in emergencies)
Use indirect heat: 1x per week
Comb/detangle: daily
Brush: regularly (soft brush for wrap)
Scalp massage: not often enough
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: 10 weeks (can go longer as hair grows)
Color/Henna: henna every month or so
Trim/dust ends: BANNED from trims-scheduled dusting coming up though :look:
Search & Destroys: never
Wear protective styles: never-my hair is too short
Shampoo: never
Cowash: everyday
DC: never
Moisturize: never
Baggy ends: never
Protein: on demand
Clarify: on demand
Use direct heat: limit to 3-4 times a year
Use indirect heat: rarely
Comb/detangle: everyday while co-wash
Brush: never
Scalp massage: never
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: never
Color/Henna: on demand
Trim/dust ends: on demand
Search & Destroys: on demand
Wear protective styles: 1-2 times a week
Shampoo: Every other week
Cowash: Every other week (alternating with "Shampoo" week)
Prepoo: Never
DC: Every other week (during "Shampoo" week)
Moisturize: Once or twice per day
Baggy ends: Never
Protein: Only after a texlax touchup
Clarify: Every other week (during "Shampoo" week)
Use direct heat: Never
Use indirect heat: Weekly (on LOW setting)
Comb/detangle: Only on weekly wash days
Brush: Never
Scalp massage: Seldom
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: Texlax touchups every 8-10 weeks
Color/Henna: Semi-permanent black, every 4-5 weeks
Trim/dust ends: Trim as needed
Search & Destroys: Never
Wear protective styles: 99% of the time

I really don't have any set steps or schedules.

Shampoo: with every wash. once or twice a week.

Cowash: NEVER ugh hated it!

Prepoo: NEVER. Well, does deep conditioning before washing count? I do that sometimes.

DC: with every wash. no heat, though.

Moisturize: as needed. Sometimes I can go a week without. sometimes I need it daily.

Baggy ends: NEVER - don't see the point

Protein: as needed - no schedule. I do use a protein rinse during the relaxer neutralizing step though.

Clarify: With every shampoo

Use direct heat: once a week.

Use indirect heat: hardly every. I rarely use heat with my deep conditions anymore.

Comb/detangle: as needed/whenever I want - at least once a day

Brush: Never. I do use a paddle brush sometimes but that is like a comb. Never a boar bristle!

Scalp massage: I use my vibrating brush on my scalp 2 times a week or so.

Relax/Texlax/Texturize: as needed. I don't stretch.

Color/Henna: as needed. I estimate that I use Robert Craig Jet Black once every 4-5 months or so. Henna rarely, and only if I feel the need for strength.

Trim/dust ends: as needed, but rarely.

Search & Destroys: huh? :ohwell:

Wear protective styles: when I am busy and/or don't feel like doing my hair.
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Shampoo: once a week
Cowash: as of this year never
Prepoo: used to do this all the time but as of this year i have not but will
DC: once a week
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: never
Protein: it was once a week but now i'm slowing that down
Clarify: once a month
Use direct heat: started something but now i have stopped so never
Use indirect heat: once a week
Comb/detangle: Not enough which is why i deal with matts and tangles
Brush: only at night when i bun for the next day
Scalp massage: was doing that but i stopped so never
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: 3 to 4 times a year
Color/Henna: never
Trim/dust ends: last time was some time early last year
Search & Destroys: never
Wear protective styles: Daily

My hair type is 4a/b
Shampoo: 1x per week (gonna start 2x tomorrow)
Cowash: Rarely
Prepoo: 1x per week, before every wash
DC: 1x per week
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: never did before this week but starting to more often
Protein: monthly
Clarify: monthly
Use direct heat: never
Use indirect heat: never
Comb/detangle: 3-4x per week
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: nightly
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: relax every 12 weeks
Color/Henna: henna every month
Trim/dust ends: dust splits monthly
Search & Destroys: ?
Wear protective styles: wear buns just about daily
Shampoo: 1x per week
Cowash: never
Prepoo: before every wash
DC: 1x per week
Moisturize: every other day
Baggy ends: never
Protein: every 4-6 weeks
Clarify: once a month
Use direct heat: never
Use indirect heat: 1x per week
Comb/detangle: daily since I wear a full weave
Brush: never
Scalp massage: daily/nightly
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: stretch 5-6 months (Last Relaxer 1/31/08)
Color/Henna: never
Trim/dust ends: Whenever Reniece wants
Search & Destroys: never
Wear protective styles: full weaves or half-wigs EVERY day for at least the next 10 months
Shampoo: 1x per week
Cowash: 1x per week
Prepoo: 2x per week, before every wash
DC: 2x per week
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: never
Protein: light protein weekly
Clarify: as needed
Use direct heat: 1x per month
Use indirect heat: 2x per week
Comb/detangle: 1x per week
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: never
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: every 12 weeks
Color/Henna: never
Trim/dust ends: haven't since Feb, 2007
Search & Destroys: never
Wear protective styles: wear buns just about daily
Shampoo: 1x per week
Cowash: 3x per week
Prepoo: 1x per week, before shampoo
DC: 1x per week
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: n/a
Protein: monthly
Clarify: monthly
Use direct heat: monthly
Use indirect heat: 1x per week
Comb/detangle: 1x per week
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: daily/nightly
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: n/a
Color/Henna: henna gloss monthly
Trim/dust ends: as needed
Search & Destroys: as needed
Wear protective styles: wear twisted buns just about daily
Shampoo: 2x per week
Cowash: 1x per week
Prepoo: 2x per week, before every wash
DC: 2x per week(my dc is my prepoo)
Moisturize: twice daily

Baggy ends: never could get into this
Protein: light protein every wash (cholesterol)
Clarify: once a month
Use direct heat: once a month at the most
Use indirect heat: 2-3 times a month
Comb/detangle: 3x a week
Brush: only edges a couple of times a week
Scalp massage: weekly

Relax/Texlax/Texturize: last relaxer was June 2004
Color/Henna: don't do either regularly, maybe once a year
Trim/dust ends: twice a year...just did it a few weeks ago
Search & Destroys: as needed
Wear protective styles: 2x a week (bunning)
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This is my current one as of now, I'm still tweaking as I go:)
Only when I clarify
Cowash: Lately it's 7-9x a week
Prepoo: (trial and error thing for me right now)
DC: 3-4x per week
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: Baggy whole head every 2 days
Protein: When needed
Clarify: When needed
Use direct heat: N/A
Use indirect heat: 2-3x a week for DC
Comb/detangle: 2-3x a week
Brush: Rarely
Scalp massage: 2x daily, morning and night
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: not since Nov 27, 2007
Color/Henna: will be getting color in another month or two
Trim/dust ends: Feb 18th, my final chop!
Search & Destroys: N/A
Wear protective styles: N/A
Shampoo: 1x per week
Cowash: 0x per week
Prepoo: 1x per week, before every wash
DC: 1x per week
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: never
Protein: monthly
Clarify: every month
Use direct heat: 1x per month
Use indirect heat: 1x per week
Comb/detangle: 1x per week
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: daily/nightly
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: every 8 weeks
Color/Henna: every 8 weeks
Trim/dust ends: every 6 months
Search & Destroys: monthly
Wear protective styles: wear buns just about daily
Shampoo: 1x per week
Cowash: occasionally in summer
Prepoo: 1x per week
DC: 1x per week
Moisturize: 2x per day
Baggy ends: 2 x per week
Protein: monthly
Clarify: every month
Use direct heat: blow out & flat iron 2x per year
Use indirect heat: 1x per month
Comb/detangle: 1x per week
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: occasionally
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: n/a
Color/Henna: henna every month
Trim/dust ends: every 3-4 months
Search & Destroys: n/a
Wear protective styles: daily (braids, phony ponys, twists, braidsouts)
Shampoo: Once a week
Cowash: Every other day
Prepoo: Weekly
DC: Twice a week
Moisturize: Daily
Baggy ends: Daily
Protein: As needed...I have no set schedule
Clarify: Once a monthly
Use direct heat: Never
Use indirect heat: Once a week if deep conditioning counts
Comb/detangle: Once a week
Brush: Never
Scalp massage: Never
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: Last relaxer was March 6, the next one will probably be in July
Color/Henna: Don't do henna anymore...hmm maybe I should.
Trim/dust ends: Last trim March 6
Search & Destroys: Never
Wear protective styles: Daily
Shampoo: 1x per week
Cowash: 1x per week (during exercise weeks)
Prepoo: no
DC: 1x per week
Moisturize: 1-3x/week ( I only comb 1-3x/week)
Baggy ends: no
Protein: 2x/month
Clarify: weekly
Use direct heat: 1x per week
Use indirect heat: 1x per week
Comb/detangle: 1-3x per week
Brush:only baby brush on edges
Scalp massage: weekly
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: every 10-12 weeks
Color/Henna: no
Trim/dust ends: 2-3x/year
Search & Destroys: no
Wear protective styles: 5x/week
Shampoo: 2x per week
Cowash: 1x per week
Prepoo: 2x per week, before every wash
DC: 2x per week
Moisturize: 2x per day
Baggy ends: Just when i feel like it
Protein: 2x per month
Clarify: when i feel i'm having product buildup
Use direct heat: never
Use indirect heat: 3x per week
Comb/detangle: 2x per week
Brush: never
Scalp massage: when I shampoo
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: March 2008
Color/Henna: henna every other month
Trim/dust ends: when i get sick and tired of it not doing what i want
Search & Destroys: monthly
Wear protective styles: wigs for now
Shampoo: every 7-8 days.
Cowash: never. i just condition after washing.
Prepoo: never.
DC: very infrequently. last time was in december or jan after i took out my braids. time before that was just before i put the braids in back in mid-september.
Moisturize: does castor oil count? :look: i use it after every wash. sometimes after rinsing (i rinse almost daily).
Baggy ends: never.
Protein: :look:
Clarify: i have a clarifying shampoo at the moment so once a week. but it's not my usual shampoo. i don't really clarify when i'm not using my current shampoo.
Use direct heat: i blew my hair out for the first time since i've been natural yesterday. i'll only do this maybe once a month.
Use indirect heat: never.
Comb/detangle: i don't really detangle during my washes. i tend to only comb if i'm picking my hair out.
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: never.
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: natural.
Color/Henna: about every 2 months or so (to henna, not colour).
Trim/dust ends: infrequently. when it think my hair needs it.
Search & Destroys: huh? :ohwell:
Wear protective styles: the only protective style i've done since being natural was keeping my hair in micros for three months. i'm getting some put back in shortly. i'll probably get my hair braided for 6-9 months from now on.

clearly, i don't spend a lot of time on the hair forums. i've found a simple reggie of washing about once a week, using a cheap conditioner after that and then applying castor oil afterwards. i DC when i feel i've gone too long without one and henna occasionally so my hair can strengthen. my hair is doing well but i should probably take care of it more.
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Shampoo: 2-3 times a year (only when I get a touch-up)
Cowash: 1x per week
Pretreat: 1x per week, before every cowash
DC: 1x per week, after every cowash
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: Never
Protein: When needed
Clarify: Only with baking soda, when needed
Use direct heat: 2-3 times a year (only when I get a touch-up) She lightly flat irons after my roller set
Use indirect heat: 1x per week
Comb/detangle: 1x per week, wash days only
Brush: Edges only at night, before I tie up
Scalp massage: nightly
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: 2-3 times a year
Color/Henna: Never
Trim/dust ends: When needed
Search & Destroys: When needed
Wear protective styles: Daily, will wear down a few days after touch up.
Shampoo: 1x per week
Cowash: never
Prepoo: never
DC: never
Moisturize: every 1 or 2 days
Baggy ends: never
Protein: every 8 weeks
Clarify: every 8 weeks
Use direct heat: once every 1 or 2 months:nono:
Use indirect heat: 1-2x per week
Comb/detangle: 3-4x per week
Brush: NEVER!!!!!!!!!:grin:
Scalp massage: daily, when I feel like it
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: Every 16 weeks
Color/Henna: Havent done it yet but thinking about it
Trim/dust ends: Trim not until Feb 09, Dusting when I feel like it:look:
Search & Destroys: ?:spinning:
Wear protective styles: wear buns daily:yep:

I keep it simple
Shampoo: weekly
Cowash: sometimes in summer
Prepoo: weekly
DC: weekly
Moisturize: as needed from daily to every 3 days
Baggy ends: :nono: unnecessary
Protein: with each relaxer, 1-2 tmes in between
Clarify: chelate weekly/biweekly with diluted poo
Use direct heat: occasionally for a trim (blowdryer)
Use indirect heat: weekly (pibbs)
Comb/detangle: weekly with comb b4 washing, otherwise with fingers
Brush: denman to remove shed hair only with lot of ng
Scalp massage: nightly
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: relaxed
Color/Henna: left color in the 90s No double processing for me
Trim/dust ends:every other touchup or as needed
Search & Destroys: i do fine without them
Wear protective styles: yes
Shampoo: weekly
Cowash: 3x per week
Prepoo: weekly
DC: weekly
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: daily
Protein: bi-weekly
Clarify: monthly
Use direct heat: never
Use indirect heat: weekly (dc)
Comb/detangle: (ends) nightly
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: not enough
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: relax-every 10-11 weeks
Color/Henna: n/a
Trim/dust ends: trim-every 6 months
Search & Destroys: n/a
Wear protective styles: ponytail pulled back with ends baggied daily

Shampoo: once or twice a month
Cowash: everyday
Prepoo: once a week
DC: 3x per week
Moisturize: as required
Baggy ends: hardly ever
Protein: mostly around chemical treatments or 1ce every 8-10 weeks
Clarify: at least once a month
Use direct heat: 3 - 4 times a year
Use indirect heat: none but getting a standing dryer for dc so maybe 1ce a week then
Comb/detangle: once every 2 weeks when i re-do my plaits
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: nightly
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: last in Dec (colour/ texlax) next May/ June so 2-4 times a year
Color/Henna: regrettably no more henna- messes with my colour- intend to colour my hair 2-3 times a year
Trim/dust ends: last month next trim maybe Dec - I'm a proud recovered scissor addict
Search & Destroys: honestly hardly every
Wear protective styles: wigging and braiding it always! Till I get to APL then at least 3 months out of the year
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Shampoo: when I feel that my hair needs it
(maybe once or twice a month)
Cowash: at least once a week sometimes more
Prepoo: before every wash or cowash (i use amla oil)
DC: I try to do it once a week but I'm not very strict
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: when I feel that my hair needs it
Protein: rarely
Clarify: when I feel that my hair needs it maybe once a month
Use direct heat: approx 1x per week never more
Use indirect heat: 1-3x per week
Comb/detangle: whenever I wash or cowash
Brush: Don't
Scalp massage: rarely
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: haven't since April 17, 2007
Color/Henna: Don't
Trim/dust ends: whenever I feel like it or
Search & Destroys: constantly
Wear protective styles: cornrows - every other week sometimes continuously
Shampoo: 1x per week w/baking soda and ACV
Cowash: 3-5x per week
Prepoo: never
DC: 2x per month
Moisturize: daily
Baggy ends: never, but I might try it
Protein: monthly
Clarify: once a month
Use direct heat: never
Use indirect heat: never
Comb/detangle: 3-4x per week
Brush: my edges daily
Scalp massage: daily/nightly
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: haven't since June 1, 2006
Color/Henna: Every 4 months
Trim/dust ends: Dust whenever needed, trim every 4 months
Search & Destroys: monthly
Wear protective styles: Whenever I feel like it
Shampoo: Once every 7-10 days
Cowash: When I have a lot of new growth, every 4-6 weeks
Prepoo: Before I wash, Every 7-10 days
DC: My Pre Poo is a DC
Moisturize: When needed
Baggy ends: Never
Protein: When needed
Clarify: Every Wash
Use direct heat: Once a week
Use indirect heat: Dont
Comb/detangle: 3-4x per week
Brush: when Im wearing my hair in a pony
Scalp massage: Dont
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: Every 6-8 weeks
Color/Henna: Ive Henna’d once, about 2 months ago, I love it , but not the color. I used the neutral. I bigen my hair black, which I regret :(
Trim/dust ends: I trimmed/cut about a month ago
Search & Destroys: Don’t – prob will start soon
Wear protective styles: When Im about 5 weeks post and beyond
Shampoo: As needed, maybe every other week
Cowash: 2x per week
Prepoo: I DC on dry hair, so that's kind of the same thing I suppose?
DC: 2x per week
Moisturize: as needed
Baggy ends: N/A
Protein: Medium Protein - weekly (ORS Hair Mayo/Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein), Hard Protein - as needed
Clarify: as needed
Use direct heat: flat iron maybe every other week
Use indirect heat: with almost every DC, to set my flexi-sets, etc. So at least once a week.
Comb/detangle: Don't have a problem with tangles for now.
Brush: N/A
Scalp massage: When I remember :lol: at least every other day
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: as needed, no less than 9 weeks
Color/Henna: N/A
Trim/dust ends: as needed
Search & Destroys: as needed
Wear protective styles: 90% of the time
Shampoo: Usually once a week
Cowash: never
Prepoo: every blue moon
Moisturize: every other day
Baggy ends: never, but I do a full head baggy when my hair feels dry
Protein: weekly
Clarify: when I go to the salon for a blowout
Use direct heat: less than once a month
Use indirect heat: never
Comb/detangle: only on wash days (once a week)
Brush: n/a
Scalp massage: when I have free time (rarely)
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: last relaxer was August 2011
Color/Henna: semipermanent color every few months
Trim/dust ends: every 3 months
Search & Destroys: whenever I see ssks
Wear protective styles: I usually wear braids under a wig or straightened hair in a bun
Shampoo: Every other night.
Cowash: Only when my hair feels dry - last week I did it every day because after my relaxer my hair felt a little "crispy" lol (it does help).
Prepoo: Never.
DC: 1 x per week (Sundays).
Moisturize: Twice a day.
Baggy ends: Never.
Protein: Only when my hair feels "mushy" - every month or so.
Clarify: Only when my hair feels weird (too much build up - every 3 weeks or so).
Use direct heat: Never (I havent used a flat iron/curling iron for about 7 years now - I airdry).
Use indirect heat: 1 x a week (to DC).
Comb/detangle: Twice a day.
Brush: Twice a day.
Scalp massage:
Only when I shampoo my hair.
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: Every 8 weeks (relaxer).
Color/Henna: Never.
Trim/dust ends: Every 8 weeks.
Search & Destroys: Never.
Wear protective styles: Protective styles do help with retention but I got tired of them - most days I wear a ponytail.
Shampoo: Rarely
Cowash: 3x per week
Prepoo: 3x per week
DC: 1x per week
Moisturize: 3x a week
Baggy ends: 2-3 times a week.
Protein: 2 times a month maybe
Clarify: Every 2 months.
Use direct heat: Blow once every 3 months..
Use indirect heat: 1x per week w/DC
Comb/detangle: 3x per week
Brush: Rarely, just to smooth edges when wearing a bun.
Scalp massage: 1x a week.
Relax/Texlax/Texturize: Not since 2005.
Color/Henna: Henna once a month
Trim/dust ends: Once every 3 months.
Search & Destroys: Never.
Wear protective styles: 5 days a week.