The guy randomly stopped texting me


Ms. Nobody
I met this guy online on another forum im on. We both grew up the same way and had quite a few things in common. I gave him my number and told him to text me if he was interested. He did. We texted for 2 days and then suddenly he stopped replying. His facebook shows no activity and neither does his forum account.

Has this ever happened to anyone? i sent two text messages asking i everything was ok and i got no response. My friends say just to move on but i kinda want to know why he stopped all of the sudden. I know he is going through a tough time with his parents and they are in the process of kicking him out.
I met this guy online on another forum im on. We both grew up the same way and had quite a few things in common. I gave him my number and told him to text me if he was interested. He did. We texted for 2 days and then suddenly he stopped replying. His facebook shows no activity and neither does his forum account.

Has this ever happened to anyone? i sent two text messages asking i everything was ok and i got no response. My friends say just to move on but i kinda want to know why he stopped all of the sudden. I know he is going through a tough time with his parents and they are in the process of kicking him out.

I agree with your friends. Don't waste your time on some guy you haven't even met yet. There are a thousand reasons why he may have stopped responding...most of which probably involve another girl.
Yeah, I'd KIM too. He'll contact you when and if he wants to. If not, don't sweat it.
Yea. It happens a lot and it will happen again. If I had a dollar for every man I met and then slowed down or stopped contacting for no good reason then I would have a lot of dollars.

I highly doubt it's any reflection of you. Sounds like he has bigger fish to fry at the moment.
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I agree with your friends. Don't waste your time on some guy you haven't even met yet. There are a thousand reasons why he may have stopped responding...most of which probably involve another girl.[/QUOTE]

You really think that's the reason? She said none of his accounts have activity and his parents are in the process of kicking him out. He could be homeless by now for all we know and dating isn't even a thought in his mind.

Now if he was on facebook and on that forum and ignoring your texts then I'd say it's another girl. Either way, don't waste too much time on this. There are plenty more guys out there.
I met this guy online on another forum im on. We both grew up the same way and had quite a few things in common. I gave him my number and told him to text me if he was interested. He did. We texted for 2 days and then suddenly he stopped replying. His facebook shows no activity and neither does his forum account.

Has this ever happened to anyone? i sent two text messages asking i everything was ok and i got no response. My friends say just to move on but i kinda want to know why he stopped all of the sudden. I know he is going through a tough time with his parents and they are in the process of kicking him out.


I'm guessing now he doesn't have anywhere to charge his phone or plug in his ethernet cord.
If he isn't active online, or on phone then there may be something wrong. However if new to guys you should start as you mean to go on.

Just leave it. If he's in trouble and still interested he will contact. If not he wont, but you're still attractive. Live your life.
I say move on, If he were really into you he would've found a way to at least communicate why he hasn't been able to contact you. Plus, getting kicked out of his parents home as an adult? Pay attention to the signs. If he hasn't been able to charge his phone, he probably doesn't have a job where he could get away with charging his phone while at work. Heck, he can even go to the local library and charge his phone through the USB port on a computer.

I'm guessing now he doesn't have anywhere to charge his phone or plug in his ethernet cord.

Lol...Ima get you. :lol:

My 2...

My first thought was, since hes goin thru a lot right now, he could have done something to himself...the timing is peculiar.
Im new to this...i am so out of the loop about these kind of things

First things 1st. DON'T ask a man to text you if he's interested. If you think he's worth your time and you decide to give him your number, If he doesn't call you after a few days.....get to moving like it never happened.

Texting is IMO not a good way to communicate, you'd be better able to tap into a person's world by their vocal tones, background noise and things they say while talking.
Maybe his parents killed him?

Omg lol yall are having too much fun in this thread!:lachen:

If any one is interested he texted me today and apologized. He lost his phone and didnt want me to think that he was just ignoring me. So far he has been responsive again.Lets see how it goes from here.
Im sorry maybe Im just too cynical. First off, a dude could say anything on line to call himself vibing with you. Guys know how to fake having ish in common to get your doors open and walls down. I dont have that kind of trust sooo.

I'd say let it go. One thing I know, when a guy is interested he will swim hell and high waters to continue communicate with you/ get with you. And there is still time. Just focus on other things. He'll likely reach out soon.
Omg lol yall are having too much fun in this thread!:lachen:

If any one is interested he texted me today and apologized. He lost his phone and didnt want me to think that he was just ignoring me. So far he has been responsive again.Lets see how it goes from here.

Lost his phone eh???? :look:

How come it's only GUYS who lose their phones?? :rolleyes:

Okay, so I'm being a little facetious... I know "losing your phone" is a valid excuse, and I'm sure women lose their phones all the time, but geeez, with the way people keep their phones attached to their hips, hands, and eyeballs these days lol, I just seems so implausible these days! Lol... I'm just VERY suspicious when someone in 2014 has "lost" their phone lol. BROKEN I can see...but "LOST"??? :look: Maybe that excuse would have worked more on me back in 1999 or 2002 :lachen:

Now days, phones are just waaaay too EXPENSIVE, ubiquitous, and on someone ALL the time that it's just very hard for me to wrap my head around a guy losing his phone for days AND while still being able to retrieve it (not stolen in other words). :perplexed

I don't leave my phone out of my sight, and even when I've "thought" I've lost it, I usually find it within the hour in my purse, my car, or my room lol. :lol:

#Imjustsaying :look:
He lost his phone or it got turned off or....could be anything. Proceed with caution and I hope he is a nice guy and gets everything together.