The Great Egg Debate (hair Version)

I went on a few more a few more reviews and ended up getting it.:look:

The ingredients are a little "iffy"for me, but I'll give it a try.

Who knows, I may throw another egg and some oils up in it if I have to.:drunk:

But all the reviews I've read (other than the scent) has been great.

And you put my mind at ease about that.:hug2:

Thank you for your review and for responding.:yep:
I made my mix this morning. We got in late last night and DH was sleep, so I didn't want to bother him.

This is the final result. I whipped two whole eggs and one egg white (I already had it in the fridge) and just let it whip on high for about 3-4 minutes. Added some ACV (capful), guava tea (tsp) and sorghum (tsp). It went on very nice and light. I started with the back and when I got to the front, some of the foam had liquified at the bottom, so I was able to dip my hair.

All in all it was an easy process. It's sitting in my hair now. Next time I will use 3 eggs and 1 extra yolk or white, because what I used above was not enough. I will also whip it longer, which is why I wanted it meringue style, because it would be no drip. It started dripping a tad in the front. Nothing terrible.

I'm not sure if I could do it weekly, but I am excited for today's results.
Aqua, Centrimonium Chloride, Ceteraryl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Parfum, Honey Extract, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Marrow Extract, Egg Powder, Olive Oil, Magnesium Nitrate, Magnesium Chloride, Methlylcholoroisthiazdionoe, Citric Acid. (some other Letters & Numbers)
With those ingredients, you may have just bought some egg powder, mixed it into a conditioner, and let it sit for a few hours or overnight before using. I am looking at egg yolk powder right now to see if I want to try it, since it will be less messy than separating eggs.
Aqua, Centrimonium Chloride, Ceteraryl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Parfum, Honey Extract, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Marrow Extract, Egg Powder, Olive Oil, Magnesium Nitrate, Magnesium Chloride, Methlylcholoroisthiazdionoe, Citric Acid. (some other Letters & Numbers)

I see your point. It looks like good slip and humectants. It definitely tempts me to try to make it :look:

Maybe @Sharpened can provide more input, but the one I bold can cause scalp irritation. I've never had an issue, but I just want you to be aware since I know your still using the netwurks.
I really can't stand the drippiness of eggs. Next time try to use room temperature eggs or place the eggs in hot water for about 10 minutes before using them, the mixture should thicken to a creamy consistency.
IMG_5801.JPG Consistency of a cream moisturizer no drip!

My mix this week included:
2 room temperature eggs
2 teaspoons of ACV
~3/4 cups of EVOO (pour in gradually, mixture will start to thicken after about 4-5 minutes of blending)
2 tablespoons of warm water (this was a new addition for me this week, but I think it helps with the emulsion and my hair felt silkier then before when rinsed out)
~ Squirt of honey
I really can't stand the drippiness of eggs. Next time try to use room temperature eggs or place the eggs in hot water for about 10 minutes before using them, the mixture should thicken to a creamy consistency.
View attachment 391451 Consistency of a cream moisturizer no drip!

My mix this week included:
2 room temperature eggs
2 teaspoons of ACV
~3/4 cups of EVOO (pour in gradually, mixture will start to thicken after about 4-5 minutes of blending)
2 tablespoons of warm water (this was a new addition for me this week, but I think it helps with the emulsion and my hair felt silkier then before when rinsed out)
~ Squirt of honey

I will definitely use at room temp next time. I know now.

I will also use my immersion blender.
So.... I liked it.

It definitely weighs your hair down, the egg. When I rinsed, my hair was super soft and hung really nice. After washing, it was "filmy" but still really nice. And no tangles. I applied DC and no tangles. Rinsed, no tangles. Applied my leave ins and stuff, not tangles. An SSK here and her, but they untangles easily.

I really liked this. Made my wash day a real pleasure. I'm not sure of the long term affect, but I'll wait a couple weeks to try it again.
Did a little *cough* Research on Cholesterol Treatments :brainy:and naturally most referred to Eggs & Olive Oil (and Mayo of course).

A few articles referenced using Honey in their mixtures as well.

Most Articles said to leave it on at least 15 minutes to 1 hour

Very interesting stuff.:scratchchin:
I went on a few more a few more reviews and ended up getting it.:look:

The ingredients are a little "iffy"for me, but I'll give it a try.

Who knows, I may throw another egg and some oils up in it if I have to.:drunk:

But all the reviews I've read (other than the scent) has been great.

And you put my mind at ease about that.:hug2:

Thank you for your review and for responding.:yep:

Yay! I can't wait to read your review.
So.... I liked it.

It definitely weighs your hair down, the egg. When I rinsed, my hair was super soft and hung really nice. After washing, it was "filmy" but still really nice. And no tangles. I applied DC and no tangles. Rinsed, no tangles. Applied my leave ins and stuff, not tangles. An SSK here and her, but they untangles easily.

I really liked this. Made my wash day a real pleasure. I'm not sure of the long term affect, but I'll wait a couple weeks to try it again.

Yesssss there's something about protein that I've noticed gets rid of my hair's propensity to tangle!

I'm definitely trying this out maybe this weekend