The Funniest thing your DH, SO or male friend has done


Well-Known Member
or said when it came to your hair?

Recently, my God-brother came over my house and chatted with me while I proceed to rollerset my hair. Once I was done, I got my scarf and was about to put it on when he stopped me and said..."No, You are doing that wrong. It's not suppossed to look like that. Let me show you" Then he proceed to show me the "correct" way to wrap my own hair up.

I was rolling once he left. I guess that with all the black women he has dated, he picked up a few hair tips!:lachen: It's soo funny to me because he is this macho, football playing, fraternity man and he is telling me how to wrap my hair!

Share your stories...
That is too funny!
My husband doesn't bother me much about how to do my hair because my famous statement to him when he mentions in depth (you should wear a part in the middle and curly on the sides, etc) styles he likes is "I thought you were a man?!" It is my way of saying "SHUT UP and stay out of this". He does tell me often that I smell like bacon though, but I don't think its funny :look:
pm1woman, that's funny!! i don't have any stories to tell cause i've never been with a guy long enough to get to that point (commitment phobe here). my brothers always tell me to stop cutting my hair whenever i say i want it to grow. Actually his exact words were: "I have good hair that's why my hair grows faster than yours. you say you want long hair then stop cutting it then!". I almost slapped the hell out of him when he said that. We have the same exact hair which is something i learned recently cause my hair is no longer damaged.
caribeandiva said:
pm1woman, that's funny!! i don't have any stories to tell cause i've never been with a guy long enough to get to that point (commitment phobe here). my brothers always tell me to stop cutting my hair whenever i say i want it to grow. Actually his exact words were: "I have good hair that's why my hair grows faster than yours. you say you want long hair then stop cutting it then!". I almost slapped the hell out of him when he said that. We have the same exact hair which is something i learned recently cause my hair is no longer damaged.

*slaps from snipping*..
My husband constanly thinking I have on a weave even though he knows I don't wear weave.

A couple of mouths ago I had my hair in a pony tail. He comes in the bathroom where me and my daughter was and looks at my hair and says "I thought I asked you not to wear this, this weave". My daughter and I start laughing and she says Daddy that Moma's real hair. But I am going to get a phony pony as soon as I do some research.
I don't think that anything can beat met cathing him putting MTG on his foot and covering it with a sock, but this past weekend, my husband joined me on my search for Jamila Henna. We found a store that sells it for $2.99 a box. So, I took six boxes up to the counter…

Gentleman Cashier: Are you the one who called about Jamila yesterday?
Me: (SMH) No
Gentleman Cashier: You know, we have some wonderful stencils over there
Me: Oh, thanks! Do you have a business card?
My husband: She’s going to put it in her hair!!
Me: :eek: What the ...
Gentleman Cashier: Oh
My husband: It was probably one of the ladies from her hair forum who called yesterday. Now she’s going to put your address on her forum and everyone’s going to come looking for this henna, blah, blah, blah (I left the store at this point)
Me: :mad: Why are you putting all of our (LHCF's) business out there? Do you want him to jack up the price or something?
My husband: Oh…. sorry :(
Me: Thanks for taking me though.
I remember when i had been wearing my hair in a ponytail for awhile and decided to wear it down. When he saw me he sarcasticly said,"Baby is that YOU, is it really YOU? Now THIS,THIS i really like. Just beautiful.You are so beautiful. THIS is how i like you(touching my hair). Not in that ponytail $@!#." I just smiled because i thought he never really paid any attention to how i fix my hair. WRONG. And i didn't know how upset me wearing my ponytail made him. Go figure?:ohwell:
We ran into a friend of mine today and she didn't recognize me at all, but she did recognize my hubby. She said that she didn't recognize me from behind. My hubby said "It's because she changes her hair fron day to day." :eek: I couldn't believe he'd actually been paying attention! Another time, I caught him dancing in one of my braid wigs!:lachen: Yes, he's craazzzy, but I love him!:D
PittiPat said:
I don't think that anything can beat met cathing him putting MTG on his foot and covering it with a sock, but this past weekend, my husband joined me on my search for Jamila Henna. We found a store that sells it for $2.99 a box. So, I took six boxes up to the counter…

Gentleman Cashier: Are you the one who called about Jamila yesterday?
Me: (SMH) No
Gentleman Cashier: You know, we have some wonderful stencils over there
Me: Oh, thanks! Do you have a business card?
My husband: She’s going to put it in her hair!!
Me: :eek: What the ...
Gentleman Cashier: Oh
My husband: It was probably one of the ladies from her hair forum who called yesterday. Now she’s going to put your address on her forum and everyone’s going to come looking for this henna, blah, blah, blah (I left the store at this point)
Me: :mad: Why are you putting all of our (LHCF's) business out there? Do you want him to jack up the price or something?
My husband: Oh…. sorry :(
Me: Thanks for taking me though.

LMAO:lol: :lol: Especially the sock- why???
Lol, I put products in my SO's chin hairs to try it it out. So I added some Amla oil to it, rubbed it in, massaged the skin under the goatee everything. Next day So, just pops up, without saying anything:

Me: What's wrong? You feel okay
Me: Forreal! What's wrong?
SO: :( I don't like that stuff you put on my chin hairs...
Me::lachen: You could have told me that 8 hours ago!!!!!
wheezy807 said:
I remember when i had been wearing my hair in a ponytail for awhile and decided to wear it down. When he saw me he sarcasticly said,"Baby is that YOU, is it really YOU? Now THIS,THIS i really like. Just beautiful.You are so beautiful. THIS is how i like you(touching my hair). Not in that ponytail $@!#." I just smiled because i thought he never really paid any attention to how i fix my hair. WRONG. And i didn't know how upset me wearing my ponytail made him. Go figure?:ohwell:

LMAO!!! Aww he sounds cute!
On my last relaxer and first black rinse, I unwrapped my hair for my SO and he looked at me in amazement, said, "Is that all your hair?" and proceeded to part it down the middle and touch my scalp like he was checking for tracks (he knows that I do NOT mess with tracks because of my first and last bad experiences with a glued weave and a sew-in)! I thought it was hilarious because he hadn't seen my hair down in months and he looked so awestruck!:lol:

When we were talking to one of his guy friends (white), he touched my hair and said, "Did you notice how LONG her hair is getting?" The guy looked at my SO like he was crazy!:lol:
Men are so funny and crazy. When I used MTG in the past, My DH always use to ask me if I put that horse piss on my hair again. He used to always say my daughter's hair smelled really good, then ask my daughter "Why can't mommy's hair smell good" my daughter can't even speak.

I told him I wanted to go natural, just to see what he will say. I told him I had to cut all my hair off. He said to just use mayonaise, so I wouldn't have to cut it:lachen:
PittiPat said:
I don't think that anything can beat met cathing him putting MTG on his foot and covering it with a sock, but this past weekend, my husband joined me on my search for Jamila Henna. We found a store that sells it for $2.99 a box. So, I took six boxes up to the counter…

Gentleman Cashier: Are you the one who called about Jamila yesterday?
Me: (SMH) No
Gentleman Cashier: You know, we have some wonderful stencils over there
Me: Oh, thanks! Do you have a business card?
My husband: She’s going to put it in her hair!!
Me: :eek: What the ...
Gentleman Cashier: Oh
My husband: It was probably one of the ladies from her hair forum who called yesterday. Now she’s going to put your address on her forum and everyone’s going to come looking for this henna, blah, blah, blah (I left the store at this point)
Me: :mad: Why are you putting all of our (LHCF's) business out there? Do you want him to jack up the price or something?
My husband: Oh…. sorry :(
Me: Thanks for taking me though.
PittiPat that's funny :lol:. My husband is an "information volunteer" as well :ohwell:.
One day we we at each other - in a joking manner and I began to ignore him. He then busted out with:

"Yea, thats why your hair looks short"

After that comment, I was like "WHAT??"

We both began laughingbecause that was they only way he could get my attention or his best attempt at at "dig"

It really did push a button!!
My friend put one of my wigs on and started dancing in a drunken moment. Needless to say I hid all my wigs in a box under my bed after that. :lol:
My former SO used to refer to my conditioners and styling products as "hair gravy." One day he came in as I was DCing my hair and was like, "You take deep conditioning seriously, huh? I'm surprised you don't make a conditioner smoothie and drink it so the hair will be conditioned when it grows out of your scalp." :eek: :lol: I punched him in his stomach and then kissed him. :look:

BF and I were going through customs in Vancouver and someone was asking why one of my bags was so heavy and BF blurted out, "One of those bags is full of hair stuff. She's a product junkie." :eek:

Every time I tell my dad some new information he says, "Who told you that? Somebody on the hair board?" I'm always like, "Dang why does EVERYTHING have to come from LHCF?! I have a life outside of the board!" :lol:

A while back a member here (I can't remember who it was) had a SO who was complaining about her keeping her hair in protective styles and she wouldn't let him play in it. He said her hair was like the furniture in your grandma's house with the plastic over it that no one is allowed to sit on. What's the point in having it (long hair, furniture) if you're not going to enjoy it? :lol: I found this hilarious, but there is some truth to it. She said she was trying to loosen up a bit after he made that comment.
Yesterday I was on this site at my SO's house and I was looking at the interacial dating thread. Well my SO thought I was on an Interacial Dating Site (because of the heading at the top of the thread) and he got really mad at me. I had to clam him down and tell him I was on the site that Im on all the time.
LocksOfLuV said:
Lol, I put products in my SO's chin hairs to try it it out. So I added some Amla oil to it, rubbed it in, massaged the skin under the goatee everything. Next day So, just pops up, without saying anything:

Me: What's wrong? You feel okay
Me: Forreal! What's wrong?
SO: :( I don't like that stuff you put on my chin hairs...
Me::lachen: You could have told me that 8 hours ago!!!!!

That's so funny I do the same thing. We just had a similar convo the other day:

Him: Honey where's that stuff that smells good that you put in your hair?
Me: Huh?
Him: You know in the bottle that one. *Gesturing*
Me: Sure honey you know where it all is.

I catch him opening and sniffing all my stuff trying to figure out which one it was that he'd liked so much. Turns out it was Doo Gro. I put some of my bottle in one of his own for his goatee. So he'll stay out of my stuff.
I'm using MN and I moisturize with QP Butter & seal with Kemi Oyl.
So my hair is like kinda fruity smelling.
My SO runs his fingers thru my hair.

Him: [sniffs my hair]
Me: What?
Him: Your hair smells like sparkling grape juice.
Me: What?!
Him: Yeah. That's what it smells like.
Me: Sparkling grape juice?
Him: Uh huh. [sniffs it again] Smells good.

I was too through. LOL.
My man knows that I wash my hair and deep condition on the regular. So one day he wanted to go to a movie. I asked him if I had time to wash my hair first and he was like "Yeah if we see the movie tomorrow morning, cause I know it takes you an entire day to wash your hair."

Unfortunately he was scarred (burned) by my monthly deep conditioning ritual, the previous week. I took all day deep conditioning my hair and washing it out - so now he thinks it really takes me 8 hours to wash my hair!!! I tried to tell him otherwise but he really doesn't believe me.

Me: Baby it only takes me 3 hours max (I'm natural, and I straighten my hair)
Him: Mmm-hmmm (suspicious)
Me: No I promise, last week was just my long deep conditioning day.
Him: Mmm-hmmm (disbelieving)
Me: Baby for real, I promise if I start now we can see an 8PM movie (it was the middle of the afternoon)
Him: Do you mean 8PM today or tomorrow (seriously!)

I about laughed until I cried!
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Oh and because I always tell him "the people on my hair board said this or that..." when we're having a discussion about hair or black people or whatever he will often say: Well what did the people on your hairboard say about it?

I usually have a real answer too, so there!
This IS a great thread! :up:

My SO is so adorable! On new year's eve night, I was frantically trying to upload my start pictures for my challenges. :blush: He sat next to me, asking questions about the hair board, the challenges, and the pictures. He knew that I'd found lhcf and that my hair had been in protective styles for a reason, but this was the first time he actually saw me working online. He sat with me for more than a half hour while I worked on my fotki and posted to a few threads. He was impressed with the various angles that we are able to capture, but I did have to explain to him why we were taking pictures in our bras, though! :lachen: I told him about the Pop Your Bra Strap Ladies 2007 challenge, and he looked a bit confused!! He now understands SL, APL, BSL, etc. He asked me what my goal was and why I chose that particular length. He was genuinely curious and interested!
LOL...I am surfing the threads now and SO saw Asummertyme's avi and was like," helllllllnaw is that a dude"..lmao. I was like well baby...I don't know, gay men can want hair too...I pull the profile and everything:lachen: ...he was like "Mannnn I was gonna say..." He also calls us Old Hens and that he can't get any bc of this stupid messageboard....:lachen:
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jtsupanova said:
Yesterday I was on this site at my SO's house and I was looking at the interacial dating thread. Well my SO thought I was on an Interacial Dating Site (because of the heading at the top of the thread) and he got really mad at me. I had to clam him down and tell him I was on the site that Im on all the time.

That's hilarious...that definitely sounds like something that would happen to me. :lachen:
How about I was doing my hair about to put my hair piece on and I can't find it. All of sudden my son goes hey lookin for your tumble weed and he has it slapped upside his damn head!!!!:lachen: I couldn't do anything but snatch it from him and laugh!! Here is my tumbleweed as he calls it!!:lol:

Oh My. All of these are just to good! I enjoyed reading them all.

(and i can relate to so many of them. lol)
I got another one for you. Earlier this particular day i had shampooed my hair and just let it air dry in a braided ponytail. So later on we were in the process of intimacy. I call myself being romantic and decided to let my braid down (mind you it's still wet so all the fragrances are letting loss). He says," Damn, your hair smells so good, what did you put in it?" I just had to ignore him and act like i didn't hear him just to keep the mood. Plus i couldn't remember what the hell i put on my hair anyway at that particular moment in time. :lachen: