The Four Man Plan - A Romantic Science


New Member

I was looking around the bookstore and I found this book by Cindy Lu. The premise of this book is that you date multiple men, who at the bare minimum equal 1/4 of 1 man... having you date up to 16 men at a time... to find the perfect ONE for you... your 3 1/2, if you will.

It's her scientific formula for romantic success. Well, let me tell you, I don't care if I'm married, I bought that book, and am checking out the website. It reminds me of assertive, feminine dating for dummies and appears along the lines of WMLB and WMMB. Shoot, even if I am married, I may still learn something.
Uh oh this sounds like the book my crazy coworker bought! She said it tells you to date x number of men in order to find the right one, because for every 20 men you date, 10 call back, and out of those 10, only 3 will be serious etc. Then the author says to go on to set up a profile because what working woman has time to go out and meet so many men at once?

I guess this logic is ok but my coworker has gone crazy behind this idea, flying around the country to meet men she's been online with for only a few weeks. I wrote about her escapades a few times. Now she does not want to go out and meet men the old fashioned way, she feels the only way to meet someone is online.

The idea is not for me, but if you have common sense (unlike my coworker) it might provide good advice.
This reminds me of a book I read years ago. I don't remember the name of it but the author said that every woman should have a "pair and a spare." That's 3 men. One that you are really into and getting to know, another that you may be keeping on the back burner (kind of like an understudy), and a third one for maintenance. You drop the others if the first guy works out. If he doesn't work out, you focus on the understudy. You can always drop the maintenance guy if he acts up but the idea is that you are always moving toward your goal of a fulfilling relationship and still having your current needs met.