The first time you realized...


New Member
As a child, the longest my hair has ever been was a tad bit below shoulder length. I have spent the majority of my adult life with a Halle Berry style hair cut. Everytime I've attempted to grow it out, a stylist would come in and put me right back at my starting point. In May after finding this board, I never realized that black women could have such long, gorgeous hair. Furthermore it never even occured to me that I could be one of those women. I decided to transition in May, and although it's been a hard road of horrible, horrible hair days, I must say THANK YOU to all of you ladies that have been a great inspiration to me and others through your pictures, advice, and knowledge.

With that said, last week I flat ironed my hair, and it was truly the first time I realized that not only has it grown and is touching my chin (chin length is kind of a big deal for me!),but it is the healthiest it has been in a LONG time, acutally probably ever. I have been relaxed since I can remember and it never occured to me that my natural hair could get straighter than my relaxed hair AND have more bounce and body. I know it's going to be a long road ahead to bra strap, but I now that IT IS possible!
I was right there were you were. Back in 2003 when I first came here, I was awwwwed. Being just past shoulder length all my life while most of the women in my family had such long hair. I was miserable thinking I got the "Brokedown hair gene". What I didnt realize was that our hair is ALWAYS growing hence the need for the 6 week relaxer touchups, :lol:. Once I started really learning my hair and babying the hell out of my ends, and wearing my protective styles for a set amount of time, it was over. My hair was retaining damn near all its length making it appear like my hair got to where it is now over night. You will definitely have the length you want. Your hair looks very healthy.
welcome. I know the feeling when your eyes get opened that you can actually be one of those people to grow long hair -me too. your hair looks sooo thick and healthy and pretty and it is a $%^&* growing out a short cut at least I can speak for myself from a relaxed standpoint let alone NATURAL. but you are doing great!! keep up the good work. Happy Growing sister.