The Discussion About My Hair Between My Co-Workers


With Love & Silk
There are only 5 black teachers in my school. The others are older and wear their hair in short hairstyles.

So today, two of the white ladies debated one another about whether or not my hair is really all my hair. This was after a group of them had complimented me on my hair. The debate: (not in my presence) Well #1 says that my hair is not real because black women's hair does not grow this long. #2 tells her that it does if they take care of it. Actually, I was kind of surpirsed that #2 had such wisdom about our hair and I can't really say that I was offended at #1's comment, because she genuinely thought what she thought. I know it would probably have offended some, but I chose not to be offended.

Anyway, #2 decided to just come and ask me if it was my hair and she told me about their little debate. So I went back to her classroom with her because #1 was in there and I explained to them that it is my hair and that black women can and do have long hair. I told them that I get more compliments on my hair from white women than black and #1 says that it's so gorgeous and that's why she thought it wasn't real. Anyway, wasn't that fun! :ohwell:
There are only 5 black teachers in my school. The others are older and wear their hair in short hairstyles.

So today, two of the white ladies debated one another about whether or not my hair is really all my hair. This was after a group of them had complimented me on my hair. The debate: (not in my presence) Well #1 says that my hair is not real because black women's hair does not grow this long. #2 tells her that it does if they take care of it. Actually, I was kind of surpirsed that #2 had such wisdom about our hair and I can't really say that I was offended at #1's comment, because she genuinely thought what she thought. I know it would probably have offended some, but I chose not to be offended.

Anyway, #2 decided to just come and ask me if it was my hair and she told me about their little debate. So I went back to her classroom with her because #1 was in there and I explained to them that it is my hair and that black women can and do have long hair. I told them that I get more compliments on my hair from white women than black and #1 says that it's so gorgeous and that's why she thought it wasn't real. Anyway, wasn't that fun! :ohwell:

Absolute fun! And I like how you chose not to be offended . . . so easy to BE offended these days, even when none intended. . .
First off, your hair IS GORGEOUS!

Secondly, its so sad that it seems to be a concensus across races that WE can't grow hair. Seriously, it makes me sad cause it makes us seem less desirable or less celebrated in some way. When I had short hair, I was always as confident as ever, but I know that there is a certain "something" that comes with long hair.

Lastly, I cannot wait until people start having those convos about my hair. :lol:
Absolute fun! And I like how you chose not to be offended . . . so easy to BE offended these days, even when none intended. . .

I agree. Black women already carry around the stigma of having neck-turning, finger-snapping attitudes. You handled it with such class. :yep:
GOOD FOR YOU GIRL !!!! Alot of people don't believe that we CAN grow beautiful hair !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you broke her face and made her pick it up off the ground........& that you weren't offended. " SOME PEOPLE JUST NEED TO BE TAUGHT BETTER !!!!! :yep:
First off, your hair IS GORGEOUS!

Secondly, its so sad that it seems to be a concensus across races that WE can't grow hair. Seriously, it makes me sad cause it makes us seem less desirable or less celebrated in some way. When I had short hair, I was always as confident as ever, but I know that there is a certain "something" that comes with long hair.

Lastly, I cannot wait until people start having those convos about my hair. :lol:

And the irony is that my hair is much longer than the lady that thought black women can't grow long hair! (I'm sure she keeps it at her current length intentionally though :) )
Well your hair is gorgeous. It doesn't look fake to me, although I can't say that I wouldn't have done a quick weave check b/c it's is unusual to see a black women with such long, full hair. Seeing pictures of yours makes me want to relax instead of transitioning! :lick:
ITA, with what Neroli said. Supergirl, your hair is beautiful. It a shame that the compliments don't come from black women as often as they do from white women. I am so glad you put a positive spin on a potentially negative situation.

Absolute fun! And I like how you chose not to be offended . . . so easy to BE offended these days, even when none intended. . .
Well your hair is gorgeous. It doesn't look fake to me, although I can't say that I wouldn't have done a quick weave check b/c it's is unusual to see a black women with such long, full hair. Seeing pictures of yours makes me want to relax instead of transitioning! :lick:
It is :love:...and lets be real the majority of us on this forum prior to us joining thought the same thing to some extent. So I can see why its hard to get offended but at the same time wonder if you should be :lol:
Wow Supergirl. :nono:

You know what? So many other women would have gone OFF in a situation like reacting the way you did you have once again proven yourself to be a classy, understanding woman.

And your hair is amazing! :grin:
You did good. I understand how she had a hard time believing it was all yours with so many women (black and white) adding hair in with theirs.
ohmygosh! i would think your hair is real simply because who would put THAT much weave in their head?! lol. It's so long and thick, no one in their right mind would be so drastic with a weave...

anyway, you handled it really well, good for u!!
ohmygosh! i would think your hair is real simply because who would put THAT much weave in their head?! lol. It's so long and thick, no one in their right mind would be so drastic with a weave...

anyway, you handled it really well, good for u!!

I was thinking the same thing but I didn't want to say it and offend anyone!! Just think of the headache all that weave would cause! I personally, would never EVER sport hair that long unless every strand was mine, but I have seen some women sew all kinds of crazy ridiculous looking things to their head. :lachen:
Hey supergirl!!! I commend you on the awesome and professional way you handled this situation.. I am so proud to have you as a representative of AA females at that school... I know they look at you as a positive example of AA women.. Your hair is gorgeous, followed by that gorgeous personality.....:drunk:
Your hair is beautiful and your handled the situation with class and many people just don't the class to deal with such situations today. They will go off about any little thing......sometimes there is no point. Good for you!:yep:
I was thinking the same thing but I didn't want to say it and offend anyone!! Just think of the headache all that weave would cause! I personally, would never EVER sport hair that long unless every strand was mine, but I have seen some women sew all kinds of crazy ridiculous looking things to their head. :lachen:

yeah, you've got that right. i guess u can't put it past anyone to do anything! by the way, if YOU relax that beautiful head of hair, i'm gonna slit my wrist!!! :) so please don't.
yeah, you've got that right. i guess u can't put it past anyone to do anything! by the way, if YOU relax that beautiful head of hair, i'm gonna slit my wrist!!! :) so please don't.

Uhm...I was young and stupid?? :ohwell: If it makes you feel any better - I'm joining the C&G challenge this weekend to help me grow it out. I'm already 17 wks post and I was scared, and I still am, but I know better now and I want my BAA back. If it kicks my butt I'll texlax, but I needs some coilies!!:lachen:
Wow Supergirl. :nono:

You know what? So many other women would have gone OFF in a situation like reacting the way you did you have once again proven yourself to be a classy, understanding woman.

And your hair is amazing! :grin:

Yea. Very much true. If people don't know any better, then what do you expect?

Supergirl, You're the Queen of hair at this site.... No wonder you're hair looks the way it does. I haaaate you.:swearing:

Thank you--y'all are very sweet and have made my day. I am a goof ball, and so yes they probably felt comfortable asking me and 2 of the 3 women in that department actually used to work with my hubby at another school in another district. Small world, huh? Anyway, maybe them knowing my hubby and how goofy he is, also makes them feel comfortable around me.

Oh and they won't hear LHCF from me. I don't even share LHCF with my SISTA sisters! It's not out of selfishness, but more out of me not wanting others to know how obsessed I am. :D

Anyway, I will remember how thoughtful you all were in complimenting how I handled the situation when one day I do feel like getting down with someone! And I'll choose to represent us well. :lol:
You handled this so maturely and beautifully!

Your hair is so pretty...I just went to the Fotki.

The last pic in the "baggy jeans"... I don't think they even make a weave hair that fabulous looking :lachen: What is that? 75inch Royal African Full Moisture Protein Yaki?

I'm glad girl #2 asked. I hate when people talk and assume behind someones back without even bothering to ask. She seems educated and aware :yep: err... at least a lot moreso than #1.
Did they ask to touch it...did you allow them? Did you show them your scalp, and proof that there were no tracks? <-----That's how I imagined the encounter going in my mind.:look:

I think the way you handled it was great. Your hair is beautiful:yep: