The Difference Between Soulmates And Life Partners


Well-Known Member
Soul Mate: Someone who is aligned with your soul and is sent to challenge, awaken and stir different parts of you in order for your soul to transcend to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Once the lesson has been learnt, physical separation usually occurs.

Life Partner: A companion, a friend, a stable and secure individual who you can lean on, trust and depend on to help you through life. There is a mutual feeling of love and respect and you are both in sync with each others needs and wants.

Everyone wants to meet their Soulmate. In fact, one of the most common questions I receive in my readings and coaching sessions is- “When am I going to meet my Soulmate?”

We have many Soulmates in this life but their purpose is all the same- they are here to challenge and awaken us so our soul can evolve into a higher state of consciousness.

Our Soulmates always arrive when we are ready for them and not a moment sooner. They arrive when we are ready to learn the lessons that we were destined to fulfill.

Soulmate relationships are often not forever, this is because sometimes the relationship can be too intense or there is a certain karmic energy to the relationship that sees it come to a close once the necessary lessons have been learnt.

Soulmates can also be friends and relatives; they don’t always have to be romantic partners. Regardless of this, you will always feel a strong, energetic connection or a past life history together.

Many of us spend years obsessing about meeting a Soulmate, but fail to notice what we are really asking for. When we ask for a Soulmate we are really asking to grow and develop in consciousness, and not understanding this can sometimes block the energy from coming to us.

If you really want to connect with a Soulmate, you need to align with your own soul. You need to discover who you are, honor yourself and begin following your heart. When you align with your true self, you are then instantly in the vibration of meeting your soul-mate.

Alternatively, if you are done with the soul lessons for now and are just looking for a companion to share the rest of your life with, what you want to be asking for, or manifesting is your Life Partner.

A Life Partner is more like a companion or friend that you feel a strong connection to. It may not be a deep, soul connection like a soul mate, but there would be a mutual feeling of trust, understanding and respect. A life partner is someone who is dependable and considerate of your needs and wants. Of course, a life partner is also someone that you are attracted to and that you love and care for.

While you will still be learning lessons from a life partner, they are more about lending support and giving you a guiding hand as you navigate through your own soul journey.

Meeting your Life Partner is usually not something you spiritually or energetically prepare yourself for like you would with a soulmate. Instead it requires emotional and mental preparation and physically putting yourself out there.

It is possible to have your Soulmate also be your Life Partner and it is also possible that you and your Life Partner can develop a deeper, soul connection- it all just depends on which direction you choose to steer.

Here are the different characteristics of each relationship:

Soulmate Relationship

  • You feel a deep, spiritual connection to this person almost like you have known them for a long time.
  • You have flashbacks or deja vu moments where you feel that you have been together before.
  • You seem to understand each other and have a similar way of thinking.
  • You may have similar flaws or habits, or you both had similar challenges during childhood.
  • Your connection is intense and so too is the relationship. Often it can move from extreme highs to extreme lows.
  • You feel in sync with each other even when you are not physically together. There may be a feeling of having to team up together to conquer something.
  • You know intuitively what the other is thinking or feeling. You feel very in-tune and connected with their thoughts and actions.
  • Your relationship is emotional, challenging and can bring things out in you that you didn’t know existed.
  • You may experience huge shifts and changes in your life when you first meet this person.
  • Your relationship may not last forever but the love is always there.
Life Partner Relationship

  • You feel attracted to each other physically and resonate with each others values.
  • You enjoy getting to know each other and learn about your differences and similarities- everything about each other feels new and exciting.
  • You get along like best friends- your relationship does not suffer from extremes.
  • Your relationship is based on logical or intellectual decisions.
  • You resonate with each others beliefs, ideas or religion/philosophy.
  • You both feel a sense of financial and emotional stability by being together.
  • Your relationship is based on being physically present and creating new memories.
  • You feel the need to marry or start a family in order to ‘cement’ your relationship.
At different times of our lives we will need and want different types of relationships. Neither is better or worse than the other, it is all a personal decision and one that you will feel guided to as long as you are following your heart.
I'm tired of these labels.

My best friend, seems to fall in the category of "life partner". 18 years of friendship, but we are not attracted to each other. She is a female. The way we vibe is just not earthly.

My younger brother is one of my soul mates (not all of my siblings are). I suspect that I was his mother in a past life. Even our own mother recognizes that our dynamic is strange.

I can go on and on about my "mates" and "partners". I'm fortunate enough to have the "perception" in this life to recognize my spiritual family.
I was engaged to one of my soulmates. We had the most volatile relationship ever. So glad we didn't make anything permanent but I do thank him everyday for making me better.

When I did make the decision that I did indeed want a family, I started looking for a life partner. FH fits the bill and I am so happy to have him. I fully expect to meet another soulmate in this lifetime though.
Very interesting article. I married my soulmate and everything they said here is true. I don't think most people really understand the difference between the two. I have had many soulmate-type relationships and they are always intense and help me grow. I actually think the life partner one is harder to find.
I've had 2 soul mate relationships that were very intense, very extreme highs and lows and yes sir, dud they awaken and challenge me! One of them was with my first husband who died suddenly at age 29, I was 27. Gosh he taught me a lot. And his death, dealing with it all taught me a lot as well about myself and life. The second was with my female best friend in which that relationship turned into more. The passion, wow, the intensity of it all. That relationship showed me a different self I never knew I was (same sex relationship). But it ended after some extremely intense disagreements and just
differences but nonetheless there were quite a few lessons to present day...I can truly say I am with my life partner. I dated him in high school. He took me to prom and here we are again after some 16 years later, now married, with a daughter and one on the way! I feel so settled and comfortable. There are no rocky roads. We are happy and love and respect each other so much. I know and feel that we will be together for life. He is definitely my life partner.
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Soulmate relationships are often not forever, this is because sometimes the relationship can be too intense or there is a certain karmic energy to the relationship that sees it come to a close once the necessary lessons have been learnt.
I am sure going to miss my soul mate but it was too intense, was going on for far too long, and prevented me from finding a life partner. I felt like I knew him forever. He never wanted to leave but I had to at the beginning of this year. That list is correct. I kept saying we read each other's mind. I don't do anything like that for my potential life partner. In fact the list for life partner sounds like my potential life partner. Strange.
I do somewhat feel like I had a soul mate friendship/relationship. We were friends first then became more. That relationship brought out so many aspects of my personality I didn't even know existed. How intensely I could care for him, but how spiteful I could be when I felt wronged by him. But it also forced me to really think about myself, how I love and my own insecurities. Lord, knows I would have held on to him and the hope for something concrete, it was Lisa Dianne (psychic) that literally forced me to let go, but I knew deep down that it wasn't going to last.
Great info! I've met a few people that I believe were soul mates. I'm in the process of disengaging from one now. Too intense. We finished each others thoughts, let alone sentences.
I needed to read this. For a while I was hung up on meeting "THE ONE" like is I made the wrong decision and sat in row 4 instead of row 8 at the movies I would miss him/her and put all this time and effort into stupid little decisions and stress out on whether I went to the right place at the right time. How in the hell am I supposed to know!?! I stopped doing this thankfully. There are many "one's out there and I feel I have met a couple. It will happen. Just continue to prepare and improve yourself and it will happen.
This was an interesting read. That made me think of this.

A student asked a teacher, "What is love? The
teacher replied, "in order to answer your
question, go to the wheat field and choose the
biggest wheat and come back. But the rule is:
you can go through them only once and cannot
turn back to pick.". The student went to the
field, and going through first row, he saw one
big wheat, but he wonders....may be there is a
bigger one later. Then he continued the search
and saw another bigger one and still
wonders..... but may be there is an even bigger
one waiting for him. He continued. Later, when
he finished more than half of the wheat field, he
started to realize that the wheat is not as big as
the previous one he saw. It then occurred to
him that he has missed the biggest one, and he
regretted. So, he ended up and went back to
the teacher with empty hands. The teacher told
him, "this is love! You kept looking for a better
one, but when later you realized, you have
already missed the person". "What is marriage
then?" the student asked. The teacher replied,
"in order to answer your question, go to the
corn field and choose the biggest corn and
come back. But the rule is: you can go through
them only once and cannot turn back to pick."
The student went off to the corn field, this time
he was careful enough not to repeat the
previous mistake. When he reached the middle
of the field, he has picked one medium-sized
corn that he feels can satisfy him, and came
back to the teacher. The teacher now told him,
"this time you brought back a corn, you looked
for the one that is JUST NICE, and you have
faith and believe this is the best one for you.
This is marriage!"
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i really do not meet soulmates, tbh. most of the guys i click with are in a life partner companionate way. unfortunately they always seem to be guys who would prefer the passionate soulmate thing instead.

i did meet one guy and when we were talking it was like we were skipping several steps and sentences because of an intuitive understanding. but then he didn't want to date me for whatever his personal reasons were. judging by the fact that i keep running into his stupid self all over the city maybe he was a soulmate after all :lol:
I feel like soulmates can be family members, friends, randoms, not necessarily guys we meet. (I think your experience is probably the norm @CaraWalker, it's probably the least likely to meet or date a guy and have him be a soulmate)
i really do not meet soulmates, tbh. most of the guys i click with are in a life partner companionate way. unfortunately they always seem to be guys who would prefer the passionate soulmate thing instead.

i did meet one guy and when we were talking it was like we were skipping several steps and sentences because of an intuitive understanding. but then he didn't want to date me for whatever his personal reasons were. judging by the fact that i keep running into his stupid self all over the city maybe he was a soulmate after all :lol:
I always thought that bumping Into the same person often is a sign to be close to that person for whatever reason
The last guy I had chemistry with was a soulmate. Fit the description to a tee. I felt things with him I've never felt before or since. But a life partner he is not. We are not compatible like that.

I believe you can have many soulmates like my BFFs are all soulmates to me because they get me in a very unique way that I can't find with anyone else. I just hope I'm lucky enough to find a life partner who is also my soulmate.
Interesting. Dh and I have all of the life partner characteristics and most of the soul mate characteristics. So are we life partners and soul mates?
I'm pretty sure my last two relationships were with a twin flame/karmic mate. Boy oh boy...we all went through some heavy emotional changes. I realize that I want a life partner now, going by those definitions.