The courage to SPEAK UP


New Member
I often read in stylist threads on how the stylist was doing something horrible to our hair and we've sat there in silence, not speaking up for fear of...i'm not sure what. I have done this many a time as well, but I think around last year I decided "no longer". I decided to get my hair braided this weekend, and I went to a new stylist shop. she was understanding about what I wanted and she got off to a really good start, not braiding too tightly or on my edges, which is just want I wanted. But then, since I am natural and I didn't blow out my hair before going :wallbash: (my fault), she proceeded to RIP through my hair with the blowfryer with grease to soften it up. usually my hair is pretty tough and can stand this, but this time I literally saw HUNKS of hair flying through the air, HUNKS. Normally I would say nothing and just steam in silence:rolleyes: But this time I just said "no you are ripping out my hair. I am goin to go home, blowdry it myself, and then come back."

I thought it was amazing to me that she couldn't understand why I would not want her to rip out my hair for fake hair. I did not spend a hellish year transitioning (hellish to me :lachen:) so she could ruin all the progress I have gained with the careless swipe of a blowdryer! I"m not goin to ruin my own hair for FAKE HAIR! Why can't stylists understand this? she seemed convinced that blowdrying natural hair meant HUNKS OF HAIR EVERYWHERE. this is not what that means :nono: I have blown out my hair plenty of times with none of that ish going on. I was not going to let her continue

LuckilyShe agreed to meet with me on Monday (she was booked with clients through the weekend), and I'm glad that she was nice enough to do so, but it just made me think of all the other times I have suffered setbacks because of not saying anything to stylists.

So those who are shy, SPEAK UP! I may have lost a weekend (since my hair is half braided I can't really go anywhere haha), but I'd rather lose going out on a weekend than all of my progress!

*is currently sitting under a dryer with apoghee in my hair* i'm tryin to reverse any damage :nono: this is goin to be a DC weekend, and then a HEALTHY blowout, to be braided on monday.
good job, I had this Korean lady yanking through my new growth yesterday. The only problem is she spoke absolutely NO english whatsoever so it would've been useless to speak up. That's why I am determined to become a DIYer, I've never EVER gone to a stylist and came out 100% satisified. Enough is enough dagnabbit!
Good for you! I know I need a reminder to speak up when this is happening to me, so thank you. Next time I go, I'll think of this thread if something goes wrong and say something, for once.
Good for you! I know I need a reminder to speak up when this is happening to me, so thank you. Next time I go, I'll think of this thread if something goes wrong and say something, for once.

I'm not even sure of what we're afraid of, if we speak up. hurting their pride? my hair is more important than their pride dagnabbit! no more of this ish!
good job, I had this Korean lady yanking through my new growth yesterday. The only problem is she spoke absolutely NO english whatsoever so it would've been useless to speak up. That's why I am determined to become a DIYer, I've never EVER gone to a stylist and came out 100% satisified. Enough is enough dagnabbit!

There is only one stylist I will go to in my area, and the woman there has natural hair so she deals with it every day. she knows how to straighten without heat damage and I love how straight my hair comes out when she flatirons it with her chi iron, and not a pressing comb+flatiron

everyone else i have gone to has disappointed me. and i've never said anything. but NO MORE

(where were you that you allowed a korean lady to do your hair? :nono: i'm sorry but with all that silky azn hair, i would not trust that hairstylist to run the comb through my relaxed hair much less natural, no offense)
I'm SO glad you spoke up!

A lot of the bad salon experience threads that get started around here leave a bad taste in my mouth because they CHOSE to sit in the chair and take it rather than get up and leave like you did.

So I always blame the client, not the stylist. It's your hair. Get up!

Plus the fact that you are gonna wait the ENTIRE weekend means that you are NOT a slave to your hair...we try to justify the experience by saying we needed our hair done to go somewhere....doesnt matter. Still your fault.

Glad you had the courage to speak up!
I'm SO glad you spoke up!

A lot of the bad salon experience threads that get started around here leave a bad taste in my mouth because they CHOSE to sit in the chair and take it rather than get up and leave like you did.

So I always blame the client, not the stylist. It's your hair. Get up!

Plus the fact that you are gonna wait the ENTIRE weekend means that you are NOT a slave to your hair...we try to justify the experience by saying we needed our hair done to go somewhere....doesnt matter. Still your fault.

Glad you had the courage to speak up!

my sister said something to that effect when I complained to her: "but what about the weekend?" i told her i have a lovely selection of hats that I now have the opportunity to try out. The entire reason why I'm getting braids is as a protective style. to have that protective style become a setback just makes no damn sense especially if I can avoid it.

Sometimes it is hard to speak up in the chair, I can see why some people stay quiet. but I think if they took the time to visualize all the work and time that they put into their hair, and how much time and work it will take the repair it, they'd find the courage to get up and leave too. I can't DC my way back to healthy hair if its all lying on the salon floor :wallbash:
Good for you. I ain't neva scurred to speak up. :nono: I work to hard to care for my hair for 6 months to turn around and let someone set me back in one weekend. I only get my hair done professionally every 6 months and my lady is really good. But if she ever bumped her head and started doing something that was a no no, I would def say something, STAT. Knowledge is def key because for so many people that is the norm and they wouldn't think nothing of it. I will also be educating my girls too. Q