So depressed!

NEVER comb dry hair. it will just brake offf!! put some s curl or care free curl in it becuase that helps natural hair well. do condition often. you might not have to cut. just give it a chance and baby the hair back to health. and please dont let no one comb your hair...please dont do it.
I have been transitioning for six months and 75% of my hair has broken off. I have no choice but to BC. But the worst part is that even my new growth is damaged because I have not been combing. I do not comb on dry hair since I learned not to here. But then when I tried to comb on wash days, I only made it through the ends of my hair because the new growth was so tangled and just snapped off. Nothing worked on detangling my natural hair so I just kept going week after week not really combing it. I guess I also did not have the right comb. I could not find the jilbere comb anywhere and I was trying to use this weird detangling comb I bought from Sallys that did not seem to work because it was the widest tooth comb I could find. My friend just put a weave in my hair and she combed my hair dry and there was so many broken hunks of hair. She was talking about how I might have to shave my head! I really don't know what I am going to do.
I remember going through this a couple years back and I ended up cutting my entire hair off. I cut it very, very short and started over. My hair was too damaged to treat. Even now, I think I used too much protein in my hair and it started shedding and coming out like CRAZY! I didn't sew in a weave because I knew it will only make my hair thinner, so I got braids. I hope my hair will recover and I hope yours will too.