The cost of being a woman..

Here is something I've never understood. The new generation of independent women has society questioning the financial roles of men. Nowadays you have both men and women who feel that expecting a man to pay for dates and be the breadwinner in a household is too much.

Now today I was on the phone with a friend who has been doing the casual dating thing for a bit. She is coming across guys who are hesitant to spend money on dates. They say "paying for dates and spending money on women can become expensive. It's a lot of pressure on men." My friend is really starting to believe this. I'm coming across more and more people, men and women, who agree with this. They feel that this financial pressure is too heavy on men, and all women have to do is just sit back and enjoy being pampered.

I pondered this for a while and realized that this is absolutely not true. Consider this...

The Cost of Being A Woman
Hair products and salon trips
Manicures and Pedicures
Clothing for various occasions
Shoes to match clothing
Scented soaps, lotions, and body sprays from stores like BBW
Nice Bras and Panties, matching sets, a few sexy pieces
Methods of hair removal: depilatories, razors, and waxes (we have more areas to remove)
Keeping eyebrows groomed
Skincare (peels, expensive skincare systems, scrubs, masques, anti-aging)
Body Care (soft skin, feet, and hands)
Pressure to stay in shape after pregnancy
Painful methods of beauty such as waxing, tweezing, threading
We need tiny waists and toned butts

There is so much more. This doesn't include the time and energy it takes to do all of this. How long are many of our hair regimens? Men don't have 'wash days'. They drop a couple of bucks to get their hair cut and go on about their business.

If men feel like the burden of pampering a woman financially or being the breadwinner is too much, fine. They should be okay with us having unkempt hair, hairy legs, and busted skin. If they let us get away with wearing sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt everyday, well we can make things equal.

The point is, the cost of being a woman is worth being pampered. A real man knows this and has no problem doing what he can within his means. Aside from keeping up the outside, we are the mothers, the caretakers and homemakers. When a man is paying for a date, he is paying for your time. He is paying to get to know you, to look at your pretty face, smell your sweet perfume, peak at your manicured nails and toes, admire your outfit and accessories, stare at your perfectly styled hair--he's gotten his trophy for the afternoon/evening and she makes great conversation. Any man who gets that for free has truly gotten a bargain.

Don't feel guilty for expecting the same thing our mothers and grandmothers got with no question. I look at it like this--I can treat myself to a dinner and a good time at home with my pj's and head scarf on. If I have to get up and impress some guy, I should at least get some sort of meal. :lachen:
Sometimes we just need a pep talk and need to be reminded of what to expect from these guys. Thanks girl!
I agree, my time and company are worth the money a man spends on a date and much more. However, these same men who don't want to pay for dates or pay the bills expect full access to our bodies :rolleyes:.

Many women have given in to this 'let's go dutch' or 'going half' on everything. If a man starts with all that crap and gets to mentioning how I think they're supposed to cater to me and fall at my feet etc. I know that it's time for me to move along. I don't want to spend time with a man who thinks he's entitled to spend time with me, but shouldn't have to do anything for me.

I actually think it's outrageous. Some men are so protective of their wallets, yet will put out feelers on a date "Are you into threesomes?" or "How long do you usually wait to have sex?" and so on. These men absolutely expect you to look like a fantasy woman (as well as fulfill their x-rated fantasies), yet a woman who expects a man to pay for dates is nothing but a gold-digger. Remember ladies, if you're not giving everything away for free you're just a money grubber :rolleyes:.
Preach it!
Like my mom says, "Women are expensive. If you don't want to pay for all the beauty, then don't get married."
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be equality in marriage/dating and all that, but there are some things that a man should just swallow and take. Like the OP says, when I spend two hours (showering, facials, hair removal, makeup, hair, clothes, nails, etc) getting ready to go - and spending MY MONEY to make it happen, what's dinner and a movie? To me, the man actually got the bargain!
Great post OP!
What's this stupid song now, "Miss Independent?" That's why he loves her because she pays her own way? Hahahaha. Pretty soon, marriage will consist of a pre-nup, a 1 night stand, a test-tube baby, immediate split up and that's it...nothing else. What has happened to men??? Great post.
Don't feel guilty for expecting the same thing our mothers and grandmothers got with no question. I look at it like this--I can treat myself to a dinner and a good time at home with my pj's and head scarf on. If I have to get up and impress some guy, I should at least get some sort of meal. :lachen:

LOVES it! Great, great post OP!
I agree, my time and company are worth the money a man spends on a date and much more. However, these same men who don't want to pay for dates or pay the bills expect full access to our bodies :rolleyes:.

Many women have given in to this 'let's go dutch' or 'going half' on everything. If a man starts with all that crap and gets to mentioning how I think they're supposed to cater to me and fall at my feet etc. I know that it's time for me to move along. I don't want to spend time with a man who thinks he's entitled to spend time with me, but shouldn't have to do anything for me.

I actually think it's outrageous. Some men are so protective of their wallets, yet will put out feelers on a date "Are you into threesomes?" or "How long do you usually wait to have sex?" and so on. These men absolutely expect you to look like a fantasy woman (as well as fulfill their x-rated fantasies), yet a woman who expects a man to pay for dates is nothing but a gold-digger. Remember ladies, if you're not giving everything away for free you're just a money grubber :rolleyes:.

You want me to look like that dream girl you are proud to show off, a nice dinner (doesn't have to be expensive at all!) shouldn't be out of the question. :rolleyes: at the men who want to chill at home and order a pizza for the first date. Well I'm not using the good smelling conditioner, shaving, and spraying on Dream Angels to sit on the couch. That's ridiculous.
Preach it!
Like my mom says, "Women are expensive. If you don't want to pay for all the beauty, then don't get married."
I'm not saying that there shouldn't be equality in marriage/dating and all that, but there are some things that a man should just swallow and take. Like the OP says, when I spend two hours (showering, facials, hair removal, makeup, hair, clothes, nails, etc) getting ready to go - and spending MY MONEY to make it happen, what's dinner and a movie? To me, the man actually got the bargain!
Great post OP!

Highway robbery I tell ya!:yep:
Here is something I've never understood. The new generation of independent women has society questioning the financial roles of men. Nowadays you have both men and women who feel that expecting a man to pay for dates and be the breadwinner in a household is too much.

Now today I was on the phone with a friend who has been doing the casual dating thing for a bit. She is coming across guys who are hesitant to spend money on dates. They say "paying for dates and spending money on women can become expensive. It's a lot of pressure on men." My friend is really starting to believe this. I'm coming across more and more people, men and women, who agree with this. They feel that this financial pressure is too heavy on men, and all women have to do is just sit back and enjoy being pampered.

I pondered this for a while and realized that this is absolutely not true. Consider this...

The Cost of Being A Woman
Hair products and salon trips
Manicures and Pedicures
Clothing for various occasions
Shoes to match clothing
Scented soaps, lotions, and body sprays from stores like BBW
Nice Bras and Panties, matching sets, a few sexy pieces
Methods of hair removal: depilatories, razors, and waxes (we have more areas to remove)
Keeping eyebrows groomed
Skincare (peels, expensive skincare systems, scrubs, masques, anti-aging)
Body Care (soft skin, feet, and hands)
Pressure to stay in shape after pregnancy
Painful methods of beauty such as waxing, tweezing, threading
We need tiny waists and toned butts

There is so much more. This doesn't include the time and energy it takes to do all of this. How long are many of our hair regimens? Men don't have 'wash days'. They drop a couple of bucks to get their hair cut and go on about their business.

If men feel like the burden of pampering a woman financially or being the breadwinner is too much, fine. They should be okay with us having unkempt hair, hairy legs, and busted skin. If they let us get away with wearing sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt everyday, well we can make things equal.

The point is, the cost of being a woman is worth being pampered. A real man knows this and has no problem doing what he can within his means. Aside from keeping up the outside, we are the mothers, the caretakers and homemakers. When a man is paying for a date, he is paying for your time. He is paying to get to know you, to look at your pretty face, smell your sweet perfume, peak at your manicured nails and toes, admire your outfit and accessories, stare at your perfectly styled hair--he's gotten his trophy for the afternoon/evening and she makes great conversation. Any man who gets that for free has truly gotten a bargain.

Don't feel guilty for expecting the same thing our mothers and grandmothers got with no question. I look at it like this--I can treat myself to a dinner and a good time at home with my pj's and head scarf on. If I have to get up and impress some guy, I should at least get some sort of meal. :lachen:

Perfect post. Thanks just isn't enough. I agree 1,000,000 % percent with everything you said!