the choice of Healthy hair or long


New Member
I am thinking do I want the challenge of waist length hair or shoulder length hair. Then I was like how hard is it to have the best of both worlds if I could snap my fingers what would I like?, ofcourse both. But what if my hair does not reach where I would like for it to be (apl) no matter what is there a such thing? would I be happy with shoulder length only? I would be happy maintaining my hair at that length and for me that would be a lot easier, I wonder how other ladies feel? reaching your goal and if you could not would you just try to have the healthest of hair and understanding better hair care products?
I'll take bouncy, shiny, healthy hair any day over unhealthy long hair :yep:

If my hair didn't grow past SL, I'd learn to live with it and rock my bouncy bob :grin:
To me healthy and long hair are more or less the same thing. I have to practise healthy hair care to make my hair grow... :yep:
To me healthy and long hair are more or less the same thing. I have to practise healthy hair care to make my hair grow... :yep:

Yes - exactly!
No matter when I reach my goal, the only way to insure I even have a chance to, is to maintain amazingly healthy hair. It's just - not an either/or choice, for me.

If I never reach my goal, I would still maintain healthy hair - short unhealthy hair ain't cute, either. :lol:
the reason why I ask is some people hair can grow long without much help and maintaining, I know to a lot of people long hair equals care and health but what if no matter what care you took with your hair it would not grow past sl or apl would that be considered genetics?
the reason why I ask is some people hair can grow long without much help and maintaining, I know to a lot of people long hair equals care and health but what if no matter what care you took with your hair it would not grow past sl or apl would that be considered genetics?

I would say it was genetics if you took perfect care of your hair (no heat, no chemicals, gentle treatment, 100% protective styles) for at least 8 years straight, and it never got beyond SL/APL - then yes, I would say that APL was it, for you.

Most people don't have the patience to do that though, so, I am very doubtful that anyone walking around with only SL hair is there because of genetics and not because of hair habits and handling.
If I had to choose, I would go with healthy hair. BUT it's hard for me to believe if you have healthy hair practices that you can only get to shoulder length. This is easier to prove with those who use chemicals (relaxers, coloring). If the hair is not growing a touch up would never be needed. And if it's actually not growing I would think that was a health issue.

I do believe that some have to be more gentle with their hair than others in order to retain their length.
I have to agree with FlowerHair and Kia. For me, long hair follows healthy hair.

I think it's very rare for shoulder length to be a terminal length. I'm not saying it's impossible. I just think that usually it has to do with what someone is or is not doing for/to their hair. Sometimes it takes a while for someone to figure out what's best for their hair. And sometimes people are not willing to do (or not do) what's necessary to have long hair. That's okay. But it doesn't mean the person has reached their terminal length.