the bishop wife, your thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Our bishops wife is having a birthday party soon at a fancy restaurant that the bishops care ministry will pay for. She wants the ministry named bishops care ministry to attend, but wants to exclude 1 or 2 members. One lady's husband does not like her husband. The other lady also has dementia. The wife says that the lady with dementia gets on her nerves so she cannot come either. I was really disgusted. These ladies have paid up their dues for the whole year.I think it is so wrong for them to exclude 1-2 people but invite the other members.

Am I wrong?
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Our bishops wife is having a birthday party soon at a fancy restaurant that the bishops care ministry will pay for. She wants the ministry named bishops care ministry to attend, but wants to exclude 1 or 2 members. One lady's husband does not like her husband. The other lady also has dementia. The wife says that the lady with dementia gets on her nerves so she cannot come either. I was really disgusted. These ladies have paid up their dues for the whole year.I think it is so wrong for them to exclude 1-2 people but invite the other members.

Am I wrong?
Oh Lord.....:nono:

Where oh where are the servants of the Lord in these times of trouble.:nono:

You are not wrong...this is ridiculous and you shouldn't have to be subjected to this kind of nonsense. SHE should be the one to tell them they aren't invited. Things like this can cause splits in the church.

I will be praying for you....this is a mess. It would make me step down from that particular ministry just so that I wouldn't subject myself to things like this.
I just was not sure if I was right to feel this way. I am over this ministry, by the way. She called me and explained to me that whether it was right or wrong christian or not, it was her party and she wanted to feel comfortable at it. She said if she had to invite the whole ministry group, she would host it herself and invite who she wanted to be there. She kept saying she wanted me and my family to be there. :perplexed

I just cannot go. I will have to resign as the leader. I am dealing with too much with other things going on in my life.

I am so disappointed that the bishop is o.k. with his wife acting like this.
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She is out of line and behaving in an inappropriate way. This is not Christian behavior. If she wants to have a birthday party and invite only those people she likes, then she should fund the event out of her own pocket. To throw an event to celebrate her birthday, and not invite members that pay their dues, but expect the group to pay for it is...disgusting. She should be ashamed to even make that suggestion.
Our bishops wife is having a birthday party soon at a fancy restaurant that the bishops care ministry will pay for. She wants the ministry named bishops care ministry to attend, but wants to exclude 1 or 2 members. One lady's husband does not like her husband. The other lady also has dementia. The wife says that the lady with dementia gets on her nerves so she cannot come either. I was really disgusted. These ladies have paid up their dues for the whole year.I think it is so wrong for them to exclude 1-2 people but invite the other members.

Am I wrong?

Oh Mensa, this just makes me cry. My Mom (blessed her heart) had dementia and we did everything to make her days happy in spite of it. We did not exclude her from anything we did. I even taught her 'Hula' and Belly Dancing... yes I did, and I even have her dancing on video doing her shimmies. Life does not exclude those who have an illness, most of all, neither does Love.

My point is that if there is ever a time that this woman needs God to use her and to give Him glory in her, is now, with these people whom she is so cruely excluding from her so called party. To be honest, God will not be there among them. As Jesus always did, He was always with those who were alone and excluded.

I would love to speak to this woman. Yes... I'm serious.
Oh Lord.....:nono:

Where oh where are the servants of the Lord in these times of trouble.:nono:

You are not wrong...this is ridiculous and you shouldn't have to be subjected to this kind of nonsense. SHE should be the one to tell them they aren't invited. Things like this can cause splits in the church.

I will be praying for you....this is a mess. It would make me step down from that particular ministry just so that I wouldn't subject myself to things like this.

Thank you, sis. :yep:
I just was not sure if I was right to feel this way. I am over this ministry, by the way. She called me and explained to me that whether it was right or wrong christian or not, it was her party and she wanted to feel comfortable at it. She said if she had to invite the whole ministry group, she would host it herself and invite who she wanted to be there. She kept saying she wanted me and my family to be there. :perplexed

I just cannot go. I will have to resign as the leader. I am dealing with too much with other things going on in my life.

I am so disappointed that the bishop is o.k. with his wife acting like this.
You do what is best for you. Sometimes, men..whether they are pastors/bishops or whatever have to deal with attitudes like this from their wives and I am almost certain he doesn't agree with her.....BUT to keep peace, he is allowing it. It isn't right...but, it is what it is...:nono:

She sounds controlling and manipulative and I don't blame you if you step down...but don't let it be because of this party. Be prayerful and make sure its what the Lord wants. You don't want to be outside of His will because certain "leaders" aren't doing what He wants them to do or be.

My prayers for your church and this entire ministry.

Oh Mensa, this just makes me cry. My Mom (blessed her heart) had dementia and we did everything to make her days happy in spite of it. We did not exclude her from anything we did. I even taught her 'Hula' and Belly Dancing... yes I did, and I even have her dancing on video doing her shimmies. Life does not exclude those who have an illness, most of all, neither does Love.

My point is that if there is ever a time that this woman needs God to use her and to give Him glory in her, is now, with these people whom she is so cruely excluding from her so called party. To be honest, God will not be there among them. As Jesus always did, He was always with those who were alone and excluded.

I would love to speak to this woman. Yes... I'm serious.
This would be wonderful. It would be even greater if she listened to the Lord...that would straighten this whole thing up real quick:nono:
I just was not sure if I was right to feel this way. I am over this ministry, by the way. She called me and explained to me that whether it was right or wrong christian or not, it was her party and she wanted to feel comfortable at it. She said if she had to invite the whole ministry group, she would host it herself and invite who she wanted to be there. She kept saying she wanted me and my family to be there. :perplexed

I just cannot go. I will have to resign as the leader. I am dealing with too much with other things going on in my life.

I am so disappointed that the bishop is o.k. with his wife acting like this.

Then tell her that's exactly what she should do. Using the name of a church organization to discriminate against somebody you don't like puts a bad name on the church. If she wants to play high school, let her do it on her own nickel. If you resign, I'd explain something to the effect that you wish to be part of a committee/org. that actually abides by the principles of the church, "love," being the second commandment. There are many christians who hate others and try and pass it off as something else like, their lack of comfort level.
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Thank you Ms Shimmie. God bless you.

God bless you too, Angel. :love2: I pray that this works out. It's just so sad to see and here this.

I'd tell the Bishop's wife that her gift from me will be given expressly to those she chose to leave out.

In 'Love' of course. :look:
You do what is best for you. Sometimes, men..whether they are pastors/bishops or whatever have to deal with attitudes like this from their wives and I am almost certain he doesn't agree with her.....BUT to keep peace, he is allowing it. It isn't right...but, it is what it is...:nono:

She sounds controlling and manipulative and I don't blame you if you step down...but don't let it be because of this party. Be prayerful and make sure its what the Lord wants. You don't want to be outside of His will because certain "leaders" aren't doing what He wants them to do or be.

My prayers for your church and this entire ministry.

This would be wonderful. It would be even greater if she listened to the Lord...that would straighten this whole thing up real quick:nono:

This is why I 'listen' to you. You minister sound wisdom and advice for a peaceful, Godly outcome. :yep: :love3:
Oh Mensa, this just makes me cry. My Mom (blessed her heart) had dementia and we did everything to make her days happy in spite of it. We did not exclude her from anything we did. I even taught her 'Hula' and Belly Dancing... yes I did, and I even have her dancing on video doing her shimmies. Life does not exclude those who have an illness, most of all, neither does Love.

My point is that if there is ever a time that this woman needs God to use her and to give Him glory in her, is now, with these people whom she is so cruely excluding from her so called party. To be honest, God will not be there among them. As Jesus always did, He was always with those who were alone and excluded.

I would love to speak to this woman. Yes... I'm serious.

Shimmie :bighug: my mom had dementia/Alzhiemers as well and I now what you mom was right here with me, her son in law and her 2 grandkids until the end and I know she was happy.
Shimmie :bighug: my mom had dementia/Alzhiemers as well and I now what you mom was right here with me, her son in law and her 2 grandkids until the end and I know she was happy.


:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

Patients with Dementia are so 'gentle' and childlike. All they need is love and attention. They love 'parties' and presents... :yep:

This Bishop's wife is truly missing a wonderful opportunity to give into someone's life, the richness of God's love.

Rhonda, to 'our' Moms and all patients with dementia and their families ...

'We' wish them God's love, being surrounded by those who care and love them, and to make their time on earth happier than ever before.

In Jesus' Name, :amen:
Amein ...

Hugz to you and MzRhonda, to witness the richness of God's Love in both your lives!


:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

Patients with Dementia are so 'gentle' and childlike. All they need is love and attention. They love 'parties' and presents... :yep:

This Bishop's wife is truly missing a wonderful opportunity to give into someone's life, the richness of God's love.

Rhonda, to 'our' Moms and all patients with dementia and their families ...

'We' wish them God's love, being surrounded by those who care and love them, and to make their time on earth happier than ever before.

In Jesus' Name, :amen:
LORD have mercy on us your church we don't walk in the demonstration of love towards our sister and brother, because you are love. How can we say we love you and hate our sister and brother show us you again and remind us of your great love towards us.

Mensa this is so sad, I'm praying for you all.
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I have nothing to add ... just stopping to by to co-sign all of the Godly wisdom that has already been said. I am deeply saddened by this woman's attitute and the position she has put you in. Do you feel led to speak to her about it? If so, I pray her heart will be softened so that she will be able to receive sound counsel.
I have nothing to add ... just stopping to by to co-sign all of the Godly wisdom that has already been said. I am deeply saddened by this woman's attitute and the position she has put you in. Do you feel led to speak to her about it? If so, I pray her heart will be softened so that she will be able to receive sound counsel.
She did and here is what she (bishop's wife) said to her:

She called me and explained to me that whether it was right or wrong christian or not, it was her party and she wanted to feel comfortable at it. She said if she had to invite the whole ministry group, she would host it herself and invite who she wanted to be there. She kept saying she wanted me and my family to be there.
post #3
I got a very chilly reception from the bishops wife and her 4 supporters who are helping her plan her party. Because they do not want to include all of the members I will not go along with them using money from the treasury or using the bishops care ministry name to plan this party. My name with them is mud.
This was the conversation after church yesterday in the bishops study...
bishop wife to her #1 supporter::perplexed
I made reservations yesterday for my thing.

#1 supporter (who is very hostile): :nono:
Oh you did? It's going to be nice.

I ignored them and kept on putting the pulpit things away. The bishop did not say anything either but he did thank me for putting the things away.

We have a ministry of 8 women but 2 cannot be included in everything.:sad:

I will not go along to get along. I will not give in to peer pressure. I will not do what they want even though it is wrong so that they will accept me. So what. I have been accepted by Jesus!

Can not wait to resign. I am trying to wait until the end of the year.
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I got a very chilly reception from the bishops wife and her 4 supporters who are helping her plan her party. Because they do not want to include all of the members I will not go along with them using money from the treasury or using the bishops care ministry name to plan this party. My name with them is mud.
This was the conversation after church yesterday in the bishops study...
bishop wife to her #1 supporter::perplexed
I made reservations yesterday for my thing.

#1 supporter (who is very hostile): :nono:
Oh you did? It's going to be nice.

I ignored them and kept on putting the pulpit things away. The bishop did not say anything either but he did thank me for putting the things away.

We have a ministry of 8 women but 2 cannot be included in everything.:sad:

I will not go along to get along. I will not give in to peer pressure. I will not do what they want even though it is wrong so that they will accept me. So what. I have been accepted by Jesus!

Can not wait to resign. I am trying to wait until the end of the year.
Her lost, your gain. Too bad that the Bishop will lose a wonderful asset to his ministry:nono:.
mensa...This is a hot mess. I do not know you but I am so proud of you. We have to tell the truth and shame the devil. We are supposed to be doers of the word. The Bishop's wife. The devil does not care who he uses. When men compromise on what is right to side with their wife what does it mean? The scripture says, he that ruleth the church and his own wife well. I do not necessarily get overwhelmed with a lot of titles. The pastor is supposed to correct this. He is her pastor first and then her husband. When will the saints learn how to act? :nono: