The Big Chop


New Member
Okay, ya'll, I am going under the scissors again! (What better day to do this on than Good Friday?)
My hair is uneven and I can not take it anymore!

The problem...
Well, I have a couple of 'issues'. One, as i have complained before, my hair located from the top of my ears and below is much shorter than the hair on top. Now you can not tell this just by looking at my hair b/c my top is SO much longer than the bottom. But with time, what ends up happening is the top starts to really grow faster than that bottom portion, then my hair starts looking thin.

At any rate, my hair stretched out is reaches past the bottom of bra-strap. (about 3 inches from elbow or rib cage) What I plan to do is cut it back up to where the bottom and Top meets which will probably be back up to the top of my bra-strap or even shorter!
So I am gong to loose about 4 to 5 inches of hair. Am I sad? you betcha. But I would take healthier looking THICK hair over long thin-looking scraggly hair any day and this is what I feel my hair is moving toward.

Maybe I can't relate, because my hair has never been as long as yours....but....sounds like you would still have a great length, and since you know not to make the same mistakes which caused the thinning in the first place, your pre-snip length would be back in no time.

BTW...i've seen your pics, and don't see why you would need to cut your hair shorter than bra strap length. The imperfections are so minute and unnoticable.
Hopefully you won't have to cut more than a inch or two max! However, only you know what's best for your hair.

I know how you feel Lee - but are you SURE you have to cut that much? You know un-objective we can be about our hair....what if you think you need to cut it and you don't?
Why don't you wait until your hair catches up to the rest, so that when you do cut you will still be at or below bra strap? Is that an option?? I know how you feel about thin ends though.
i agree with pookeylou. long and thick looks a lot better than longer and thin. i know your hair will still look good and grow back so do what you have to do
Allandra said:
Do you really have to cut off a whole 4 to 5 inches?

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Well, I have placed in my mind that I will have about 'top of bra-strap length" so that I do not leave out of that salon crying! See, if I say to myself, "I only need two inches cut off and it is more like 5, I will probably pass out" So I am expecting more but hoping for less (if that make sense)

CaramelHonee said:
My sentiments exactleeee. Say it aint so lee

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Unfortunately, It's so!
I am going on Friday. To tell the truth, I am not really tripping on the length anymore. I am still salivating over my goal length, but I am so sick of the uneveness, you wouldn't even beleive how sick I am. I can't wait to wear my hair curly again (note, now that it is longer/more uneven, my curly style looks really funny). So I am looking forward to all that and then some. And also, I am going t start a new regimen and really go for my goal this year!

DigitalRain said:
Why don't you wait until your hair catches up to the rest, so that when you do cut you will still be at or below bra strap? Is that an option?? I know how you feel about thin ends though.

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Well, the last time I did a big chop was last July. I got about 3 inches cut off. But still needed more cut off. My plan then was to cut just what was really needed and then let my hair grow out and cut it again. But what ended up happening is the TOP part grew like a weed while the bottom grew at a snails pace. So I was preseented witht he same problem. Now that the bottom (when streched out completely comes bra strap while the top reaches 4 or 5 inches pass the bottom
The cut is inevitable.

leejure said:
And also, I am going t start a new regimen and really go for my goal this year!


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What is your goal Lee? Is it waist length? If so is it when your hair is straight, or curly that you want to reach this goal? By the way hope the cut works out
I know it is going to grow back fast becuase it is summer but I just hate to see yu cut that gorgeous mane of yours!
I vote for healthy and thick! This sounds exactly like what I did in December. I had been hoping I could just deal with my hair and let it gradually even up but it just became annoying b/c I didn't like the "look" of my hair in certain styles. I don't regret cutting it b/c it's growing back nicely and without the ends problems at all!

Good luck, Leejure - I can't wait to see the pictures!
tracyannette said:
leejure said:
And also, I am going t start a new regimen and really go for my goal this year!


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What is your goal Lee? Is it waist length? If so is it when your hair is straight, or curly that you want to reach this goal? By the way hope the cut works out

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Yes my goal is Waist length (STRAIGHT) and Bra-strap Curly.


pookeylou said:
What caused the breakage?

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Well, the bottom/back part of my hair broke off all the way across like a curly afro about 4 years ago (swimming in the Caribbean Sea for 10 days and not washing the salt out properly caused the breakage). And since then, it never really recovered. Right now, it has grown to about 4 inches pass my shoulders, but the rest of my hair is well pass the Bottom of my bra-strap!
So you see how crazy that could be. It actually makes my hair look less thick than what it really is! My hair usta be MUCH thicker looking, but due to the uneven lengths from top to bottom, it lost that "look" - and I want it back despreately!!!

I don't like the idea of cutting if you are still doing the braid challenge, as no one will see it anyway. However, if you are wearing it down, then I guess it may need trimming if it really is bothering you. Please go on the more conservative side when trimming....
leejure said:
pookeylou said:
What caused the breakage?

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Well, the bottom/back part of my hair broke off all the way across like a curly afro about 4 years ago (swimming in the Caribbean Sea for 10 days and not washing the salt out properly caused the breakage). And since then, it never really recovered. Right now, it has grown to about 4 inches pass my shoulders, but the rest of my hair is well pass the Bottom of my bra-strap!
So you see how crazy that could be. It actually makes my hair look less thick than what it really is! My hair usta be MUCH thicker looking, but due to the uneven lengths from top to bottom, it lost that "look" - and I want it back despreately!!!


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Lee - waist length straight and bra stap curly is exactly my long term goal, also!

The breakage you're referring to...I had similar breakage from wearing my hair in a high ponytail at night with a COTTON scrunchy. I was waiting patiently to let it grow out and catch up but when I got it cut in December, I didn't have to worry about it anymore. If anything, you could let that shorter hair grow to a length you're comfortable with and let it be a guide as to where you want to cut your hair. Just a thought...
I cut 2.5-3 inches off of mine on March 29th. I'm going to blow dry it today and see how long it is. I really need to trim up to an inch or 2 above bra strap to get it completely even. The stylist who raked that small comb through my hair (and she didn't even put conditioner on it after she used her harsh shampoo) really wrecked havoc on it.

You hair grows pretty fast anyway. So maybe with it all even you'll regain that length in a couple of months or so.

leejure said:
Allandra said:
Do you really have to cut off a whole 4 to 5 inches?

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Well, I have placed in my mind that I will have about 'top of bra-strap length" so that I do not leave out of that salon crying! See, if I say to myself, "I only need two inches cut off and it is more like 5, I will probably pass out" So I am expecting more but hoping for less (if that make sense)


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Yeah that makes perfect sense. Just remember it grew back before, a couple of times in fact. So maybe this is what it needs to jump start that underside/bottom hair.

leejure said:
tracyannette said:
leejure said:
And also, I am going t start a new regimen and really go for my goal this year!


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What is your goal Lee? Is it waist length? If so is it when your hair is straight, or curly that you want to reach this goal? By the way hope the cut works out

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Yes my goal is Waist length (STRAIGHT) and Bra-strap Curly.



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Girl this is my goal length too. Let me know what you come up with in way of a new regimen. Mine needs a lot of work. But I'm totally committed to reaching my goal and am now back on the bandwagon.