The Bible Series on History Channel

This looks like it might be pretty good... prayerfully they will remain true to the Biblical account.
Thanks for posting this... That's one of my fave channels, so I'll check it out, and pass it on!
I love the cinematography so far. It draws you in. I can't imagine being the only person on earth to hear GOD and obeying , despite the risk of losing your family. Thank God for his obedience
This looks like it might be pretty good... prayerfully they will remain true to the Biblical account.
^^^This right here:yep:. So far so good but they totally glossed over what really happened in Sodom and Gomorrah:ohwell:. I guess Hollywood/ political correctness struck again...:nono:
Yeah....they did not even mention them demanding sex with the angels...or Lot offering his daughters instead
Watching with my far, so good.

I believe they kept Sodom and Gomorrah "clean" to make it more family friendly otherwise, it would be on HBO.
Watching with my far, so good.

I believe they kept Sodom and Gomorrah "clean" to make it more family friendly otherwise, it would be on HBO.

I was expecting to cover my babies eyes ... They did show that there were all men knocking on the door asking for the "men" so you could sort of read between the lines.
Watching with my far, so good.

I believe they kept Sodom and Gomorrah "clean" to make it more family friendly otherwise, it would be on HBO.
Hmm, I guess but considering you can see 2 women or 2 men kiss etc as part of several regularly scheduled TV shows that are not on cable or PPV... I guess I was thinking that along with the scenes shown of Sodom and Gomorrah tonight where they had many hetero couples embracing, showing 2 women or 2 men holding hands and sharing visual cues would have been effective and family friendly without being risque. You know? But I understand what you are saying:yep:. It's just that that (homosexuality) played a HUGE part in why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed in the first place. So emphasis here seems warranted IMHO.:yep:
We watched as well... I enjoyed the cinematography... they did 'clean up' Sodom and Gomorrah, and I thought it would be more accurate but I'll chuck to time restraints? (The angel fight scene was interesting) Glad that they depicted a 'mixed multitude' leaving Haran with Abraham and leaving Egypt with Moses ...
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I'm watching now. It's hard to break away.

The scene with Abraham and Issac as the 'sacrifice'. :cry:

God was sharing with us His ultimate sacrifice, Jesus, His only begotten Son.

Now, it's Moses...

It's holding my attention as I'm also comparing how true it stands with the Bible.
Hubby and I are really enjoying the series. We record it on Sunday and watch the first hour....skipping through the commercials and watch the second hour on Monday. I was a bit skeptical at first, but I'm impressed with how they have tried to stay close.
My co-workers are really talking about this! I totally missed this, but I will catch the re-runs and I will make an appointment for Sunday night at 8:00 pm! I'm so excited about this, I will be watching with DS.
Me and my sister must be the only people in the world who didn't like this series at all...

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^^ I'll be watching the entire series for now..what did you not like about it?
^^ I'll be watching the entire series for now..what did you not like about it?

I didn't like how they portrayed Abraham when God told him to sacrifice Isaac or how they had Sarah running up the mountain to protect Isaac when she never even knew about what God told Abraham. And Sodom and Gomorrah... The angels sword fighting? It would have been humorous if I wasn't so irritated by it. It was so melodramatic.

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Yeah that sword fight got me too... I thought I was the only one who noticed. It did seem Sarah was about to show up on the hill for a minute.

I love the cinematography but I understand what you mean about the melodrama

I didn't like how they portrayed Abraham when God told him to sacrifice Isaac or how they had Sarah running up the mountain to protect Isaac when she never even knew about what God told Abraham. And Sodom and Gomorrah... The angels sword fighting? It would have been humorous if I wasn't so irritated by it. It was so melodramatic.

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I will be watching the entire series as well, but so far I do not like it. it skims over to much and not clear about certain things for example the scene with Abraham and Issac when Sarah comes to "see about " her boy. HE refuses his fathers hand there was a point made that they no longer had a close relationship. but we can guess that but we actually do not know. but Issac was a young child and yet he taught his children the laws of God and Jacob took to it and raised his children with the law of God.