The Best Hair Salon


New Member
Hello Ladies:

I was thinking really hard about this over Thanksgiving (sad isn't it) and I realized my bathroom and kitchen are the best hair salons I have ever been to. And I think the same goes for many of you ladies on this board. Yes I see my Marcia for my touch-ups because I don't trust myself, but all in all I have found that my hair does its best when I take care of it myself.

I have been MIA on the boards for awhile. During this time I was going through major setbacks in my hair growth challenge. My hair was dry, brittle, damaged and breaking. I saw every kind of salon in Brooklyn and Manhattan and coudln't figure out what was wrong. Then I realized I stopped doing my own hair for an entire year! I had even forgotten how to roller set. So now I am taking back my time and money and doing my hair MYSELF. I still have a long ways to go and am very disappointed that my hair will not reach its goal by graduation but better late than never. I want this to be a lesson for you lovely ladies who have reached or are reaching your goals. When it comes to hair health only you do it best.
I'm glad you realized it Pumpkin.

Often times salons are too interested in the style, and not interested enough in hair health. An added benefit is all the money you will be saving.