The best condoms

What's a good non-latex brand? I think I may be allergic to most brands (even the golden Magnum)

Do you guys use the ones w/ the spermicide in them? Or no?

TMI: Condoms dry me out and make it painful to have sex. Feels like I'm being rubbed raw..smh

Those durex bare ones are non-latex.
DH and I use durex the most, but we prefer the sheep skin ones that they sell at wal-mart.

I LOVE sheepskin. But they are kind of expensive and only come three to a pack. But they feel like nothing.
^^ You're married so it probably doesn't matter, but does sheepskin protect against the std's? I know nothing protects 100%.
Ok I have a question for the single ladies, why are you buying the condoms?

I understand married or living-together folks have ONE shopping list, but for single women:

Any man who does not come readily equipped with supplies - I would assume does not practice safe sex.

Shouldn't he buy his own condoms, just as you would be buying your own tampons or pads?

And those of you that would say that they are sharing the cost - would you ask him to reimburse you for half of the price of your birth control pills or a IUD, etc....just curious.
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I'm not single, and I don't have any experience in this area, but my assumption would be that they are wanting to be prepared.

I think that a guy who is sexually active should have condoms around at all times, but I can see where there could be a circumstance where they're not at hand. Like if they're at her place or his condoms are in the car.

It could be easy in the heat of the moment to want to forgo protection, especially when it might kill the mood ("hold on, I've got to get a condom out of my glove compartment). But if she comes prepared there's no excuse.

But yeah...I see the general point that you're making. A dude that's not being proactive in the purchasing and keeping of protection is a bit suspect in my book.
Yes, I think men should be prepared. However it doesn't hurt to have your own stash of what you like :look:

But IME, I was never the one to regularly buy the condoms in a relationship. Yes it was awkward to buy them. Just a new experience for me.

I've split the cost of BC w/an SO in that past. I think we switched pick up and payment every other month iirc. I like to make it clear that we both need to bear the responsibility of birth control, not just me. Especially since I'm subjecting my body to the meds for our benefit. Side comment: Also, I'm terrible about dates and he kept better track of when new BC was needed TBH. He'd have a new Rx picked up a week or two early. :grin:

Shouldn't he buy his own condoms, just as you would be buying your own tampons or pads?

And those of you that would say that they are sharing the cost - would you ask him to reimburse you for half of the price of your birth control pills or a IUD, etc....just curious.
Ok I have a question for the single ladies, why are you buying the condoms?

I understand married or living-together folks have ONE shopping list, but for single women:

Any man who does not come readily equipped with supplies - I would assume does not practice safe sex.

Shouldn't he buy his own condoms, just as you would be buying your own tampons or pads?

And those of you that would say that they are sharing the cost - would you ask him to reimburse you for half of the price of your birth control pills or a IUD, etc....just curious.

I buy my own condoms because I need to be in complete control over what happens to and goes inside of my body. If I buy them and they have been in my possession I know for a fact that they haven't been tampered with. Has he stored them properly? Has the condom been in his wallet for 5 years? I'm just not taking chances like that. Not to mention, I am particular about the brand and type that I like.

Oh, and for the inevitable, "You shouldn't be sleeping with anybody you don't trust" blah blah that I'm sure someone will say, I will just say this:My body is MY responsibility and I am the only person that I trust to look after it. Condoms ARE my birth control, why wouldn't I take care of it myself? I will never leave my method of birth control in anyone else's hands.
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Another vote for the Trojan Ecstasy. Love these things. They have a dual action lubricant so we never need anything extra. Some of the other condoms would dry me out as well but not these....We were like whoa the first time we tried them and have not looked back sense.
Durex. Everything else itches:blush:

I have never purchased condoms and never will. It's the man's job IMO. My friend's bf told her that he's tired of always buying the condoms. We were outraged:nono::lol:.
What's a good non-latex brand? I think I may be allergic to most brands (even the golden Magnum)

Do you guys use the ones w/ the spermicide in them? Or no?

TMI: Condoms dry me out and make it painful to have sex. Feels like I'm being rubbed raw..smh

Durex. When I was sexually active, he went to the pharmacy and explained the problem and they give him Durex. You can also use a lubricant like KY.
Has anyone tried Sir Richard condoms? I got a Refinery29 Reserve offer for 2 for 1 and bought it, I was just wondering if anyone likes/dislikes?

As of now, my fave are magnums with liquid silk lube. I HATE KY. Astroglide is as back up.
Single ladies. Do you also buy flavored condoms? I know a lot of people choose to only protect the vaginal area, but what about your mouth?
i have that same problem.

I don't like to use condoms with spermicide on them bc it causes me to have irritation added to the irritation from using a condom and we might as not have sex, bc I will be misearble.

ETA: my ex and I used trojan magnums:lick:
Thanks! I'm taking notes on what could possibly help me out for whenever I'm done with this celebacy bout.

That is what lube is for. Odorless lube is the best, regular ole KY Jelly will do it.
:look: TMI, but I'm not a dry <ahem> person. Lubrication is no's just when it comes into contact with condoms it takes it all away. Almost like a dry sponge :look: