The Benefits of Vitamins

Vitamins & Growth

  • Yes, Vitamins are essential for growth.

    Votes: 93 66.4%
  • No, Vitamins are not necessary.

    Votes: 47 33.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
I would like to know if vitamins have an impact on growth or can people achive the same amount of growth without the use of vitamins. The reason I ask is because since I started taking hair vitamins I get those deep red bumps/pimples. I know it is the vitamins because I ran out for a few weeks last month and my skin was clear and glowing. I know it is the vitamins because as soon as I started the vitamins again the breakouts return and I don't normally suffer from acne. Also, If anyone has had the same problem and have found a product that does not cause breakouts let me know the names.
I voted no because our hair grows no matter what; as long as we are breathing our hair is growing; so vitamins are not necessary. But I think they can aide in the appearance and strength of the hair after it pops out of the hair follicle and onto the head.
I don't think vitamins are essential for hair growth your hair will grow no matter what you do however for obtaining maximum growth it can certainly be help.

Kari107 does the vitamin your taking contain biotin or msm. If so you may just need to increase your water intake.
What vitamins are you taking?

I take vitamins, but recently switched over to a liquid multivitamin since I hear that your body doesnt absorb all of the capsules most of the time. Really dont know if its true or not, but just decided to try it anyway. I do know that when I was taking biotin that my face was not in the best shape.
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NO! They are NOT necessary or growth, and I will say it is again. NO, they are not necessary for growth.

If you are eating a balanced meal and taking care of yourself internally your scalp with flourish. Hell, if you are eating PERIOD your hair will grow. :look: I know I didn't have the best diet all the time and my hair STILL grew. I recently changed my diet to a more healthier diet and it grows the same as it did before when I was eating pizza and french fries. You don't NEED vitamins or growth aides to make your hair grow. It will grow on it's own.

Now, taking them because you want to, I see nothing wrong with that. For some people it adds extra growth. But no doubt their hair already grew. I just don't want you to think that you have to walk around with bumpy, red skin all in the name of growth and your hair will grow regardless. It's not that serious.If it gets to the point where it is causing adverse reactions please discontinue use-THEY ARE JUST NOT FOR YOU.

Sorry if I seem so passionate about this, but I don't like the notation that we NEED something to make our hair grow. It is (IMHO) kind of along the same line as black women can't grow hair unless we do extreme things. We don't have to. And once again I am all off on a tangeant, but I don't want people to think this whole hair game is all about growth vitamins, and topical growth aides without proper care. What's extra growth if you can't retain the length you have? All you need is proper nutrition (note that I didn't say THE BEST HEALTHY diet:look: :lol: ) and taking care of the hair you have.
No. My first year of growing my hair was great and i didn't use any vitamins. I use them off and on now. I don't think it's helping my hair but my skin looks better when i do use them.
You don't NEED vitamins, as everyone has said, hair will grow regardless. Vitamins tend to help it grow at its best (in conjuction with a healthy diet). I can testify to this. When i was living at my Grandma's house in 2003. I had a weave and i would my vitamins everyday my Grandma's also health concious (she's a nurse) so it was all about the vitamins juice, and balanced diets. My hair grew like CRAZY, it was growing atleast an inch a month and my skin was so clear. Now im taking my vitamins and trying to eat far so good.
It's not a necessity to grow hair, just like they are called they are only supplemental to the state of your hair's health. For strong healthy hair that grows steadily and improves in overall condition, I believe that necessity for a supplement is relative to each individual. For example, someone who has a poor diet or lacks some level of Biotin may notice a great improvement from incorporating it into their diet, though it's rare, it's possible in some people. An iron deficiency can cause your hair to easily break also shed more often then normal, taking iron may change that.

All I can say though is I'm loving the energy I've been having lately, I wake up every morning on my own at 6 am and I'm no longer fatigued or have that I wanna be lazy feeling. I've had alot more get up and go since taking vits and my skin is practically glowing.
You don't need them to grow hair but it can have added benefits! I just don't take vitamins for hair growth, I also take them for other health benefits and believe me there's many!!!!
I can't help but be kinda of at shock and sort of dissapointed that almost 50% of the voters say we NEED vitamins, but yet not one of them came into to say why.:confused: All of this information here and yet people still believe we need growth aides to make our hair grow.

I would love to read their reasoning why.
LocksOfLuV said:
I can't help but be kinda of at shock and sort of dissapointed that almost 50% of the voters say we NEED vitamins, but yet not one of them came into to say why.:confused: All of this information here and yet people still believe we need growth aides to make our hair grow.

I would love to read their reasoning why.

I think many people say that but the combo of a good diet (which vitamins can help add too) with proper care is what does it. I am one of the biggest vitamin people here but NO vitamin or diet is going to combat overprocessing, harsh styling processes, dye jobs, daily heat use and piss poor products. I think vitamins can help contribute to better growing conditions by added to a healthy diet. With that said, taking vitamins isn't an excuse to eat whatever you want either.
Thanks for the replies. I guess I just didn't word it correctly I do know that hair grows regardless but my question was if vitamins are THAT beneficial or can one do without them. I don't drink enough water so I'm starting to think that may be the cause. But as another poster said it's not worth walking around with bumpy skin so if increasing my water intake doesn't help then I'll give up the vitamins and just stick with a multi. The vitamins I had been taking were gnc hair, skin, and nails and now I'm taking ultra nourishhair.
Vitamins have been helpful for me because my diet is horrible. It is unbalanced, i eat irregularly, too much sugar and not enough veggies, not enough water.... the list goes on. While Im currently working on improving my diet, and overall lifestyle, i am really glad to have the vitamins, as they really do serve to provide me with the nutrients that im otherwise lacking. While my hair grows regardless, i have certainly seen a difference in rate of growth and thickness since i incorporated certain vitamins into my regimen.

Even though I recently began taking supplements, I voted NO. My hair grew at a nice pace before supplements, and truthfully, I can't tell if they're really making much of a difference. My main reason for taking supplements is to improve the health of the new hair growing in because my diet isn't the greatest. I also like the affect the HSN supp is having on my nails.:yep: Plus I have a milk alergy, so I need the added calcium. Although supps have their benefits, I don't believe they're "essential" for growth...
LocksOfLuV said:
I can't help but be kinda of at shock and sort of dissapointed that almost 50% of the voters say we NEED vitamins, but yet not one of them came into to say why.:confused: All of this information here and yet people still believe we need growth aides to make our hair grow.
LocksOfLuV said:
I would love to read their reasoning why.

I just came across this thread and of course stepped in because anything relating to vitamins, minerals, herb + hair growth is my banner.

My vote was yes. Why?

There are two questions here that seem to be crossed:

1. Can vitamins contribute to hair growth?
2. Can hair grow without vitamins?

Yes, vitamins can contribute to hair growth. Our bodies as we know is a living organ, just like a plant and needs the necessary nutrients to thrive and grow (like a plant). Our bodies are easily depleted of the nutrients we need, when we sleep at night, walk to the bathroom, stress, workout, etc. Thus, we need to replenish was is excreted or lacking through nutrients via food or supplements.

Now, supplements are NECESSARY because the food we eat today IS NOT in it's maximum nutrient form because it has been through processing, etc. Also, how many people (LHCF members and all) eat the proper amount of servings of food groups PER DAY/EVERYDAY?

For women (18-50) we need the following per day:

Vegetables- 2.5 cups (17.5 cups per week consisting of dark leafy green, orange, dry beans and peas, starchy and other).

Ages 19-30 - 2 cups
Ages 31-50 - 1.5 cups

Grain- 3-6 oz per day (1/2 of the servings should be WHOLE WHEAT)

Milk-3 cups
If you are lactose intolerant, you can supplement with Soy milk, cheese, yogurt, carrots, calcium fortified fruit juices like OJ.

Meat and/or Beans- 5.5 ounces

Oils (good oils like fish oils, canola, etc) -5-6 teaspoons

Now how many of you reading this eating the above amount on a DAILY basis? Furthermore, how many of you actually ask for a nutritional guide when you walk into a fast food place to see if what you are eating is meeting your nutrient needs based on the above?

Okay, if you answer is to no to either then this is why supplements (vitamins, mineral or herbal) become your best lookout friend.

If you say that you are eating all the above and have NO BREAKAGE, EXCESSIVE SHEDDING OR HAIR LOSS, then great please chime in on my post.

If you want to make sure you are getting all your required nutrients, use this as a tool: This really helped me, I logged my food intake fore 4 weeks, 2 weeks eating normal and 2 weeks improvements suggested by the reports. This helped me get and idea of what I can continue to eat and what I need to stop eating to be at my healthy best for my hair.

#2 Can hair grow without vitamins?
Yes, they can but you will experience minimal stagnate growth without them (again via food or supplements). So there isn't any room for complain or questioning hair growth or lack there of when you are not meeting your internal nutrient needs.

For me, its more discipline because I would always run to the hair product quick fixes thinking that would solve my problem regarding hair loss/shedding (excessive shedding is hair loss). But what I quickly realized was that I can't complain about something I caused because of my negligence when it comes to not eating properly or supplementing with vitamins. I have since seen the benefits and have very minimal shedding or hair loss during prewash comb outs, detangling, brushing (yeah brushing) and combing.

Remember the roots to our hair are INSIDE not OUT, which means we need to feed our inside to see outside benefits. Vitamins play a part.

I could go on but now its time for offering...

Here are some links that I read early on that help me realize vitamins, minerals, and herbs play an important part in health, hair, skin, etc. (clinical test report)

Most of the data found on the web pertaining to vitamins is bundled with hair loss which proves the point that vitamins contribute to hair growth and prevents loss (or else there wouldn't be ANY association of the two).

If you want a great vitamin that includes the necessary green vegetables you need per day as well as essential fruits, try this one:

I take it and have noticed HUGE improvements in my hair, skin, energy levels and I no longer have to worry about not eating ALL my daily vege and fruit requirements.

Also, here is the recipe for the SEVEN WONDERS HAIR COCKTAIL drink that contains all the necessary HAIR vitamins needed for hair growth (trust it works, I drink it every day.)

Seven Wonders "Hair Food" Cocktail
The following drink contains Protein, Choline, Inositol, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin E and Zinc: The seven ingredients' nutritionists most often recommend for growing healthy hair.
8 Fl oz Plain Yoghurt
8 Fl oz Orange Juice
3 Tablespoons Wheat Germ
3 Tablespoons Brewers Yeast
1 Tablespoon Lecithin Crystals
1 Teaspoon Vitamin C Crystals
1 Raw Egg Yolk
1 Tablespoon Unflavored Gelatine Powder
Honey to Taste (optional)

Combine all the ingredients and blend until smooth. If a blender is not available put all the ingredients into a jar with a lid and shake vigorously.
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I voted yes- yes my hair grew without vitamins but I personally believe the "quality" of my hair growth has been better with the vitamins I take.
Growing up I was fine haired, and even at the time of the most hair abuse - taking out braids bleaching coloring and re-bleaching all on relaxed her (on the same day) with NO treatments just wash and condition in less than 10 mins every 6-8 weeks my hair never fell out. At this time I was on Perfectil Skin Hair & Nails (for my skin and nails - it gave a nice glow) my hair was thick if EXTREMELY dry and did not break. I did the same about 2 years ago when I stopped my vitamins and my hair fell out in clumps (believe me it wasn't the chemicals cause I had done worse to my hair before) I didn't connect this until i went through the process again while on Perfectil after a BC and my hair was dry but DID NOT shed or break. Then I found LHCF and I'm glad my hair and scalp are forgiving.
I don't know about y'all, but I have found out recently that my body needs vitamins to facilitate hair growth. I have been "slightly" anemic for as long as I remember. Recently, I began taking a b complex for energy. I also have enjoyed a recent growth spurt which I contribute to several things including the addition of the b complex. I recently had blood work done and for the first time I was not anemic. Having blood that has the capacity to oxygenate the cells adequately must contribute to faster hair growth.
KiniKakes said:
Vitamins have been helpful for me because my diet is horrible. It is unbalanced, i eat irregularly, too much sugar and not enough veggies, not enough water.... the list goes on. While Im currently working on improving my diet, and overall lifestyle, i am really glad to have the vitamins, as they really do serve to provide me with the nutrients that im otherwise lacking. While my hair grows regardless, i have certainly seen a difference in rate of growth and thickness since i incorporated certain vitamins into my regimen.


ITA! This is why I take vitamins. When I stop I feel like I need to sleep all the time even if I have gotten 8 hours the previous night. They give me most of what I am lacking and it benefits my hair. When I am consistently taking Biotin my new growth comes in EXTRA thick (check out my fotki for the broken comb incident:lachen: :lachen: ).
Although I agree that we do not need vitamins to grow hair, vitamins can aid in growing hair if you are not eating a blanced diet high in hair freindly nutrients (bition, msm, bcomplex, etc)- so I voted YES.

Many people fall in this group - remeber your body is going to use nutrients for your major systems and body functions first, so only the extras would benefit your hair or nails. Also, unless you are eating organic, foods, many of the nutirents have been deleted by the harvesting and cooking methods that are used and offer less benefits.
Vitamins are beneficial, especially since the average American lacks essential nutrients from a poor diet. It has been demonstrated that the average American diet severely lacks Omega's, antioxidants from green, leafy veggies, and calcium (esp. for women). The average diet also lacks sulfur (MSM) and B-12 that you get from various beans like legumes, which also contain good proteins. And since, many women need iron, the average diet certainly doesn't have enough, esp. for those of us who are vegetarians. So, yes, vitamins and supplements are beneficial, though they may not be necessary. Though I would argue that a good multivitamin is always necessary. I would also add that it is crucially important to drink enough water. You can take all the vitamins and herbal supplements in the world, but if you're not drinking enough water, you are wasting your time and money.

So, drink dat water, ladies!!! ;)
I also voted yes because just as others have already stated yes your hair will grow without them but the quality and rate of growth for me personally is very different and better when i supplement compared to when i don't.
Can anyone tell me how to take powdered MSM? I made a horrible mistake & mixed it with water. The taste was soooo nasty, I sprayed it all over my carpet & dashed for a can of coke :(
Can anyone tell me how to take powdered MSM? I made a horrible mistake & mixed it with water. The taste was soooo nasty, I sprayed it all over my carpet & dashed for a can of coke :(

I usually mix mine in with my orange juice. It's not bad at all that way. :)
i voted "yes."

we all know that hair grows REGARDLESS of whether we are taking vits or not. but that is not the way that i understood the OP's question.

there is endless amounts of scientific evidence that proves that hair growth cycles can be extended AND accelerated when one's diet is rich with such vitamins/minerals as biotin, group B vitamins & MSM (to name just a few).

that does NOT mean that vitamins somehow "override" growth cycles. meaning, i don't beleive that vitamins can push out hair in excess of 1" inch per month. did that make sense?

my pointis that vits will accelerate growth. it is proven scientific fact. :yep:
The reason I take a multi-vitamin is because I do not get the necessary daily nutrients that I need. Naturally this will benefit my hair.
i voted "yes."

we all know that hair grows REGARDLESS of whether we are taking vits or not. but that is not the way that i understood the OP's question.

there is endless amounts of scientific evidence that proves that hair growth cycles can be extended AND accelerated when one's diet is rich with such vitamins/minerals as biotin, group B vitamins & MSM (to name just a few).

that does NOT mean that vitamins somehow "override" growth cycles. meaning, i don't beleive that vitamins can push out hair in excess of 1" inch per month. did that make sense?

my pointis that vits will accelerate growth. it is proven scientific fact. :yep:

Exactly! Different vits do different things. And most of the time, they make our hair stronger and longer. So when it comes out of the scalp, the hair strand is more healthy and thus less prone to breakage and shedding (more than usual or normal). This aids in retention. Thus making the hair longer.
Vitamins are necessary for me because I know I am not getting the full nutrition I need throughout the day. Also, before taking hair vitamins I noticed some thinning. Since I've started on the vitamins my hair has gotten fuller and longer. So vitamins combined with better care and better products are a winning combination for my hair.
When i was taking thousands of Mgs of Biotin and other vitamins, my hair did NOT grow. I only got growth when i had stopped using them and just ook care of my hair with little maintenance.