Do Vitamins Provide Faster Growth?

Do Vitamins Help Hair Grow Faster?

  • Yes, I had a noticable difference in my growth rate

    Votes: 30 61.2%
  • I only take vitamins for my overall health

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • No, I didnt have a noticiable difference in my growth rate

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Vitamins really helped me reach my hair goal!

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I'm sure there have been multiple threads on the benefits of taking vitamins while on a hair journey but I wanna ask some more specific questions. Some websites state the benefits of vitamins take around 3 months of continuous use to see the results. As we all know the body thrives and preforms better when it has proper nutrition (when we lack in our nutrition the first things our bodies surrender is the health of our nails and hair) but I want to know if anyone has experienced a significant difference of growth in their hair while taking certain vitamins. So here are some questions:

What vitamins were/are you taking?

How long were/have you been taking them?

What have you noticed while taking them?

Did your growth rate increase?

Do you believe vitamins helped you reach your hair goal?

Thanks! :drunk:
What vitamins were/are you taking?
Frequently changes but right now it's Nature's Bounty Your Life Multi Prenatal DHA.

How long were/have you been taking them?
More than a month.

What have you noticed while taking them?
Stronger hair that is more resistant to relaxer, softer curl, more energy, and better sleeping.

Did your growth rate increase?
Yes but only because I believe that vitamins just fill in the gaps in your nutrition so your hair growth grows to its full potential, not necessarily increase dramatically.

Do you believe vitamins helped you reach your hair goal?
No, not really. I take them for overall health. I owe my hair achievements to dedication, positive thinking, retention, and interest in hair.
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I think unless you had a deficiency, taking vitamins won't increase your growth rate. So if you eat healthy and don't have anything missing from your diet, vitamins wouldn't really help much if at all. JMO.
I think unless you had a deficiency, taking vitamins won't increase your growth rate. So if you eat healthy and don't have anything missing from your diet, vitamins wouldn't really help much if at all. JMO.

^ Yup, the bolded is what I meant.
^ I agree with that, but most people don't get ALL the variety of vitamins they need daily. Vitamin deficiencies is one of the worst things for hair and nails. But what im curious about is whether things like biotin, msm, and other major hair helping vitamins have increased/ maximized growth rate since those nutrients are hard to get daily for every day food.
I think if vitamins were the magic key to this hair growing thing then we would all be taking them and all have long hair.
For me, vitamins specific to hair- NIOXIN, helps.

I've taken multivitamins daily, in different forms, nearly all my life! Then I began taking biotin + bcomplex and didn't see an increase in growth. Finally I began taking NIOXIN and have seen a significant increase in growth. I still take my multivitamin daily I just added the NIOXIN.
MSM did wonders for my nails - super strong and faster growth. I really didn't notice any hair benefits but to be fair I only took it for about 4 weeks. I stopped as it was breaking me out.
I used the pure crystals. 1200mg in half a teaspoon added to my smoothies. Always stuck to this dose.
What vitamins were/are you taking?
I take a multi, b-complex, and fish oil for general health. I also take MSM (which I originally started taking for my joints) and biotin for hair.

How long were/have you been taking them?
Off and on for over a year.

What have you noticed while taking them?
I noticed that the quality of my new growth is better, it's softer and stronger at the same time. It takes way more effort to pull out a hair when I'm consistent with my vitamins. My hair also become thicker over time.

Did your growth rate increase?
Maybe. I think at times it did speed up a bit. BUT I feel that this is because I don't take the best care of myself like lack of exercise, poor diet, high amounts of stress with little sleep, and I don't drink as much water as I should. All of those things effect your hair, skin and nails since they are some of the last parts of your body that receive nutrition since they are not incredibly vital like organs such as your heart.
So with taking such poor care of myself my hair started off as very brittle and extremely dry and I think my hair growth had slowed, my skin was also very dry, and my nails chip and flaked off really bad too. So the vitamins help with getting my hair to grow at its optimum rate.

Do you believe vitamins helped you reach your hair goal?
I think they will help but I have also noticed the same effect when I am consistent about taking care of myself such as working out and getting a good amount of sleep. I want to get to the point where I am in better shape so that I won't even need vitamins anymore.
If I ain't sick then I don't need to be popping pills.
I voted that 'yes' they help

What vitamins were/are you taking?
Nioxin, MSM, flaxseed and D3(this one not for hair purposes). Sometimes i will add liquid biosil to the mix

How long were/have you been taking them?
off and on for different periods - usually 3 months on a couple off, 3 month on, etc. for the past 2 years

What have you noticed while taking them?
Faster hair growth. I first noticed the impact of the vitamins re: hair growth while i was transitioning. i was under wigs and would wash weekly at which time i'd trim at least a 1/2 inch. i noticed how quickly my hair was growing when i started taken certain vitamins because i was cutting every week and it seemed to grow right back in a couple of weeks. unfortunately, i wasn't documenting my hair journey back then so i have no proof! :blush::nono::lol:

Did your growth rate increase?
Yes; i agree with the poster that said
"but only because I believe that vitamins just fill in the gaps in your nutrition so your hair growth grows to its full potential, not necessarily increase dramatically".

Do you believe vitamins helped you reach your hair goal?
Yes and no - i can't say that just yet only because i haven't reached my hair goal. i would say, however, that the vitamins are a great tool, aide, or whatever you want to call it in my reggie. just like a good leave in condish or excellent moisturizer - the vitamins are but an aspect of the overall regimen....the vitamins benefit in my experience is that they have a postive impact on growth.
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I dont think they make your hair grow faster. Since hair is basically the same material as nails you probably would notice a difference if the nails grew faster as well.

My theory is just as nails getting thicker and stronger from vitamin intake, so does the hair. Weak follicles that were maybe deficient stop breaking and splitting because the vitamins are adding strength.

So no. They don't make the hair grow faster. It just makes them stronger and stops breakage, which gives the illusion of faster growth.
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I do not take vitamins but do exercise, drink lots of water and fresh veggies and fruit and I constantly get people commenting about how fast my hair grows.
I take powdered MSM in water, (amount depends on my water consumption for the day) and Futurebiotics Hair, Skin and Nails multivitamin (only 2 tablets daily; not the 3 recommended).

For me, yes! I have autoimmune issues, so vitamin supplements are helping me to obtain something closer the type of growth a generally healthy person would have. Supplements have improved my hair's shedding, strength, and thickness over time. (Of course, revamping my regimen was also key for my hair's health).

Everything won't work for everybody, so I would suggest you try one hair-specific vitamin at a time. Maybe it will work for you.
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I am going to be taking horsetail pills and see if that makes a difference. After diet and exercise I do not notice a difference in my hair health. I always ate junk practically lived off of fried food and doughnuts yet my nails are strong,always get compliments on my skin, and my hair grew just fine.
I began taking 3,000 biotin for a yr while doing sew ins my hair grew from above Shoulder Length to Braw Strap.

When tht bottle ran out i mistakenly bought a bottle of 300 & my hair shed like u wldnt believe. It wasn't until 2months later when i realized what had happened & by then it was too late & I had 2big chop.

Now for a yr I've been taking 5,000 & my hair is back w/a vengeance. Relaxers dnt wrk as well as they did when I was taking the 3k but I enjoy the thickness & hw strong my nails are.


The culprit

This was after a regular relaxer & ends trimmed. None of that weak limp hair I use to have before Biotin.
honeybearmommy32 are you saying that when you stopped taking higher amounts of biotin it caused your hair to shed so much you had to cut it? Biotin has improved my nails as well, and im tracking my hair growth and will be able to have a better idea of its effects soon. Im trying to be fair and give any vitamin I add to my regimen at least 3 months before I check results.

That's exactly what I'm saying. If ur going to take biotin I suggest u take the same strength forever or u may experience the fall-out I endured those 2months...

I hadn't had a setback like that since I bleached once when I was young.

After the chop from stringy braw strap back to above neck I began the 5k u see here & it stopped like someone shut off a flowing water faucet

So use biotin at ur own risk. :'(
honeybearmommy32 I'm sorry to hear about your setback. But your hair looks beautiful now :yep: I've been taking biotin for 2 months and hopefully I don't have a problem if I stop, but I wouldnt mind taking it for life, it's so beneficial.
Right now im taking GNC Ultranourish hair and biotin with my regular womans one a day. I'm excited to see what my growth rate was for this month when I check-in on the 31st. That exactly one month after I last length checked and I've been taking my vitamins perfectly for 3 months.
Back when I was relaxed, I was taking Biotin & had to take a break. My hair was growing so fast, I got sick of having to retouch so often. I should probably go back to taking them. . . .
I wonder why biotin doesn't necessarily wrk on eye lashes its hair too isn't it?

Or how abt arm or leg hair? I've been taking bio awhile now and I don't see the results I've achieved on my head on other parts of my body.

Which is okay bcuz I'd prolly look like a wilder beast..

I wld like longer thick lashes tho, I mean, who doesn't
I wonder why biotin doesn't necessarily wrk on eye lashes its hair too isn't it?

Or how abt arm or leg hair? I've been taking bio awhile now and I don't see the results I've achieved on my head on other parts of my body.

Which is okay bcuz I'd prolly look like a wilder beast..

I wld like longer thick lashes tho, I mean, who doesn't
Biotin works on all my hair not just the hair on my scalp. :perplexed Everything starts to grow faster.
I've been taking hairfinity for about a month now and up until this month I didn't see a need to relax and I was 7 weeks post then... Since taking it I grew in my .5" it may seem small but I've been under heavy stress, poor diet, I'm anemic and, I wasn't very dedicated to my hair. I believe it's doing quite well Considering MY circumstances and I do recommend them.
I tried to vote but the poll is closed. I think vitamins do help. I take. Nature made multi complete and sundown super strength biotin (7500 mcg). I just started really following a strict regimen for about a month. My nails are stronger longer and don't break as easy and my hair is finally retaining faster, longer, and stronger. I have a hard time pulling out a strand despite being a fine stranded relaxed head.

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