The BC face/look?? Can someone be honest and tell me what this is?

Hello everyone,

IMO, on black hair boards across the net there has been almost an influx of women 'going' natural.

...notice I put "go" natural in quotes because I don't believe that a person can GO to comsthing that they ARE.. but..whatever...

We have started to transition and BC in like record numbers
I will admit I am one of those women
I think it has a lot to do with more knowledge and a changing society where we are beginning to break out of the conformities of casual social and romantic rules
Anyway, I love this board NC, Nappturality, BHM, etc and have noticed a few women saying something that I think I am thinking way too hard on.

...."You have the perfect face for BC/to go natural"...

Even offline, I have had people tell me that "you have the perfect look to 'go' natural".

Today, after look at RoundEyedGirl's beautiful BC, I saw the comments again.
So, I am going to challenge my sisters to discussion that may not always be PC. I invite you to answer...

What is the LOOK or face to BC/go natural?
-slim figure?
-slim/wide nose?
-light/dark/medium skin?
-a hair typing that is lower that 4a (3c and under?)
- a woman who wears the right makeup?
-slim/wide eyes?
-perfect shaped eye brows?
-slim/chubby face?
-brown/dk brown/green eyes?
- strong/less defined facial structure?


Does this sentence/line imply that there is one to NOT go natural?
Should the woman without these attributes stick to a perm or texturizer?
What do you think about women who may not be as pretty as RoundEyedGirl (sorry to pick on you honey)?

I can't speak for everyone but, here's my opinion. Every hairstyle isn't for every person. I have a big head (lol) and big eyes, so a short cut may not be the best option for me. If I were to go natural, I'd wait to have my growth to balance out my big features. So ladies with normal heads (lol) look super cute with short cuts - natural or relaxed. Just like there are hairstyles for face shapes, this applies to all hair styles across the board, not just relaxed or natural. HTH
I was told I didn't have the look or the head for it, (big head and extra nappy hair) and then when I bc'ed, people told me it works on me only because I have "the look."

Pure craziness.

It's just fear/an excuse, imo.
When I say someone has the face for a bc I mean that they look good with short hair.

Now I don't believe you have to have a certain look to wear natural hair, it's yours so it fits you. People say that because they're uncomfortable with the idea of wearing their natural hair and that's a handy excuse.
I couple of years ago I heard similar comments from friends. That you needed to have your look "together" before doing a bc, going natural whatever. I acutally brought into that idea as well.

I thought I would need to at least clear up my skin, lose some lbs, keep my brows done and shop for some earrings before I even thought about doing a short natural chop.

Crazy thinking, glad I'm not *there* anymore. I think that mindset comes from believing you need to have a certain amount of socially accepted features/attibutes to even out the socially unaccepted feature (natural hair).

A BC is just like a short cut it doesn't suit everyone. That doesn't mean that their natural hair at a different length/style won't look good on them.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I have a big head (forehead, actually) and big eyes, so I wouldn't look good with a twa.

That doesn't mean I couldn't grow my hair out natural and wear styles for longer natural hair, but I think I look better with straight hair and hair framing my face or bangs.

I don't think I look good with hair shorter than a bob, natural or relaxed.
I can't speak for everyone but, here's my opinion. Every hairstyle isn't for every person. I have a big head (lol) and big eyes, so a short cut may not be the best option for me. If I were to go natural, I'd wait to have my growth to balance out my big features. So ladies with normal heads (lol) look super cute with short cuts - natural or relaxed. Just like there are hairstyles for face shapes, this applies to all hair styles across the board, not just relaxed or natural. HTH

OMG I totally agree! I have a monster head and huge eyes, and I just know that I can't pull off a BC. I'd look like the Gerber baby. :lachen:
...."You have the perfect face for BC/to go natural"...

I have never heard that expression in my life! Today is the first time. I can't imagine people actually saying that to another person. I can't wait to hear the responses to this thread. I am subscribing.

Sorry I wasn't any help!

ETA: I'm only on this board and NC and I've only been on for a year. So maybe that's why I haven't heard of this before today!
I have wondered about this myself. For years, I have mostly worn my hair back in a bun, with moderate earrings and light makeup. I am just adjusting to wearing my hair out shoulder length and curly, but when it gets "big" I feel like it is "wearing me". So I feel like I need bolder makeup and accessories...
I think some of the 'lose a few lbs, buy new earrings, get the skin ready' has to do with people preparing themselves for the expected onslaught of negative attention.

If you already know that so many other things about yourself are beyond reproach, it's that much easier to to know the person that called you nappy or asked about your lack of perm was just buggin or jealous.

I don't think it's bad - maybe a tad shallow, but not bad. We all do things like that to a certain extent to build confidence. Having short natural hair and dealing with the reactions can wreak havoc on a woman's self-esteem, and feeling good about other parts of your appearance helps counteract that. :yep:
Yeah, what MSA said. I think they're referring to short hair, not natural hair, when they say "the BC suits you."

I have natural (well -- unrelaxed) hair and I have for many years. I will not wear my hair short because I have kimoraneck (See any thread with Kimora Simmons in it) *shudders* -- and I need my hair to be at least shoulder length to cover it. When I returned to natural, I grew out my relaxer with gradual trims because I KNEW a BC wouldn't suit me.

I've heard from my aunt and my SO's mother (who's daughter also went natural) that a TWA looks good on me because I have a "small face" or "small features." Maybe it's because I'm all up in my face in the mirror everyday, but I don't see the smallness.

But ever since BC'ing, I have made a point to keep my eyebrows done (doing that today, actually!) and wear earrings, so it could also be that I look more feminine as well.

I think people say it AFTER someone has BC'ed because it makes their features stand out more, and you may not have noticed before. :yep:
I say I don't have the face to BC, what I really mean is my head is too big for really short hair with great amount of shrinkage.. I did not realize how big my head was until a few years ago, lmao...
Buuuuut, after reading a post I just thought about something. I wear my hair pulled back and pinned up, or like my avi every day. If you saw me from the front or the back you couldn't tell the true length of my hair. Maybe I wouldn't look too bad after all, lol
I didnt read every post so i dont know if this has been said, but i think many people become long term transitioners because they:
1. Dont like short hair
2. Dont think theyll look good with short hair
3. Its scary. (You know how u felt when u got a trim/cut)

Anyway to what is the perfect face i do think its true not every face shape can have every style, but i do think it depends on the person's personal preference and confidence. (You cant hide behind your hair and all anyone see is your face)

In the end there is not a formula for the perfect face,but some may feel it looks good on some but not themselves.

I must be one of the oddballs.

I don't think that short hair looks bad.

I mean, I have never seen anyone that made me say "she should just grow some hair because she looks tore up with short hair"

Especially when the hair is healthy and pretty.

I don't believe that short hair = ugly.

I personally don't need long hair to look/feel beautiful. Imo. Maybe some of you don't feel that I have the right face for my short hair. I have a man that comes home to me everday and thinks that I'm very beautiful. :) and I don't see any men in the street running the other way when I walk by.

So, I'm allright. Every single person doesn't have to think that I'm beautiful. If it wasn't my hair, it'd probably be something else. :lol:

I also think it's a personal decision. Transition vs. BC. It's a personal preference... but I dont think people should let what other people may think about short, natural hair stop them. :)
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I've heard from my aunt and my SO's mother (who's daughter also went natural) that a TWA looks good on me because I have a "small face" or "small features." Maybe it's because I'm all up in my face in the mirror everyday, but I don't see the smallness.

But ever since BC'ing, I have made a point to keep my eyebrows done (doing that today, actually!) and wear earrings, so it could also be that I look more feminine as well.

I think people say it AFTER someone has BC'ed because it makes their features stand out more, and you may not have noticed before. :yep:

I agree with the bolded. A short cut allows for facial focus so people will comment about the face. Hair can be the first thing one notices when it's longer so becomes the first focus. I think everyone has 'the face' for a short cut.
I have never said that someone has "the look" to go BC until after they BC. I don't believe that there is a certain feature (except for an odd shaped head) that would make me say you don't have the features for it.

When I say you have "the look" to BC I mean the look put together as a whole. Makeup, Brows, style... It has nothing to do with the features that God has given them. My mom has been BC length my whole life and it just fits her. But its not her features, even though she's beautiful, it's her style.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I have a big head (forehead, actually) and big eyes, so I wouldn't look good with a twa.

That doesn't mean I couldn't grow my hair out natural and wear styles for longer natural hair, but I think I look better with straight hair and hair framing my face or bangs.

I don't think I look good with hair shorter than a bob, natural or relaxed.

I think that is the reason that I haven't gone natural! I remember my natural hair from my childhood, and I don't recall curls. I have very thick 4b hair, and I can't handle the process of growing my natural hair to shoulder length. I will stay relaxed. :(
Taking the natural aspect out of it, since i am a strong believer that it's impossible for your god given hair texture to not 'fit' you...short hair in general may not be as flattering on some women. I always say, if you have a pretty face you can get away with a lot, including a low fade. It's more about the harmoniousness of facial features.
Once I cut my hair so short I was almost bald. When I came home
my brother palm my head like a basket ball. Gently twisted me head left and right and then said
"you got a good head shape for short hair"

I think all sistas look beautiful when embrace the way they were created. I think when a person says "You have a nice face to go natural" what they may be thinking is "But I don't" LOL just a thought
I don't know what people mean when they say that other than maybe that you're attractive and your face can pull off anything. Not everyone looks great with short hair, just like not everyone looks great with long hair.

IMO, when someone has really delicate features, a lot of hair is just distracting (Halle Berry is an example.)

I personally think that i look better with some sort of bang but I haven't had bangs in almost 10 years. LOL. I have big eyes, a big forehead, a short neck and an overall big face. But tell you what, I'm still fly with short hair. Just as fly as I am with longer hair. :)
I've heard from my aunt and my SO's mother (who's daughter also went natural) that a TWA looks good on me because I have a "small face" or "small features." Maybe it's because I'm all up in my face in the mirror everyday, but I don't see the smallness.

But ever since BC'ing, I have made a point to keep my eyebrows done (doing that today, actually!) and wear earrings, so it could also be that I look more feminine as well.

I think people say it AFTER someone has BC'ed because it makes their features stand out more, and you may not have noticed before. :yep:

Defo threading is my new BF! when I had bangs I did not need to keep my eyebrows in shape because they were hidden...but now!
Thank you ladies for your replies.

I am coming from a place where I just don't think that short hair can look bad on a person. Now can the cut in and of ITSELF be ugly, yeah..

You all woud br suprised how many black people say that rocking a TWA requires a womanto have a certain "look"

I think I need to clarify something.
For purposes of the thread I am not talking about short relaxed cutts, but I am speaking of a TWA or natural hair.
Defo threading is my new BF! when I had bangs I did not need to keep my eyebrows in shape because they were hidden...but now!

I get mine threaded too! I lot more control and way more precise than waxing. And so much more sanitary! I just need to find a way to make them darker, more defined; maybe a pencil?
Personally I think that I do not look good with my TWA because I don't have high cheekbones like my eldest sister who recently cut her hair and my mother when she had her hair cut.

So when people say you have the look for it I think everyone has their own "preference" I guess it kind how on ANTM Tyra chooses the girl with nice bone structure to have short hair something like that
I am a sz 14 with a LONG face AND naturally little to no eye brows (i fill them in) SO i do not think that short hair natural or relaxed will look good on me. my neice has a heart shaped face and every style loogs gook on her> I think people are refering to the face shape not complextion, features or other