The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover's Uses ONLY!


New Member
The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

I now call this meeting of the BHC to order!
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

Update - I started using the liquid Glover's just recently (the one containing pine tar oil). Have only applied it once so far. I had a faint scent of Glover's in my hair from (Saturday) when I applied it, until Thursday when I washed my hair again. And let me tell you, even after shampooing my hair twice yesterday (Thur), it STILL had a faint scent until I applied all my other products,e.g. conditioner, leave-in, etc.
(Faint scent=you could smell if if you held my hair to your nose, not really detectable otherwise.)

That stuff IS PO-WER-FUL!

I was going to use it everytime I wash (twice a week), but now I think I'm only going to use it once a week or every third wash. And probably before "weekend" washes only as I won't have the time for the "Glover's marinade" Mon-Fri.
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

**Creeps into thread**

OK I'm not using the Glovers, but I am using the DAX Kocatah which smells of Burnt BBQ sausages and contains pine tar oil and petroleum. So I'm using a genric (I think) version of the product as I can't get Glover's over here and I remembered that DAX made a stinky product and checke out the ingredients last night. So I thought I'd give it a try.

LAWD did my pillow and hands stink las night. I could only smell it when I walked and it caught in the air around my house.
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

Does the DAX contain sulfur? This is the main reason everyone is using the Glover's as sulfur is supposed to promote hair growth. The pine tar oil is supposed help the sulfur penetrate I think. You should probably add some sulfur powder to your DAX.

(Note to self: We are going to have to have a password for entry into the clubhouse!) /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

Nope no sulfer **DAMN**

**makes note to go to the store AGAIN!!** /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

Just checking in to the BBQHC. I am using the floral stuff still. Sniff. I have betrayed you all. I couldn't help it! I have a lot of close talkers at my job. That stuff DOES linger! It lingers like a bad boy!!!
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ON

just checking in,
I am using the glovers in the yellow jar, and blue top. Mine does not contain pine tar oil, but it does contain 5% sulfer. I have not been faithful, and only use it about twice a week and I wash out in the morning.
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ON

What kind of results are ya'll getting?

Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ON

OK does anyone know the purpose of the Pine Tar then? Is sulfer supposed to work better with the PT? Or is the sulfer the active ingredient? If sulfer is the active ingredient then why does the PT need to be present?

I hope this makes sense. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ON

Ok, ladies, I added a few drops of Peppermint EO to the Sauce (Glover's) /images/graemlins/laugh.gif . It didn't do much for the smell but it did tingle on my scalp which felt good to me.

It's been about a month now since I joined the BBQ Club and I see my temple area thickening. So, I am attributing that to "The Sauce" that's the only thing different that's been added to my regimen.


Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ON

I can attest to results. My fiance noticed it !
I am currently wearing my hair in corn rows, while wearing a scarf over it, until I can get my hair braided. I don't remember when I started the Glovers, but I remember that it was the same week as Crys. Well today I washed and corn rowed my hair. My sweetie helped me detangle it and he commented on how healthy and long it is getting /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I added MSM powder, sulfer 8 and perfectiv to my Glovers . In the first two weeks I was consistent, but I got lazy, and only apply it about 2-3 times a week now.
I also do sage & rosemary rinses once a week and this has helped with the dryness. I plan to keep doing this for about 6 months so that hopefully I will have more obvious results.
<font color="purple"> </font color> <font color="purple"> </font color>
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

Hey's me....Crys! Just checking in with y'all. I've been using the combination of Glovers and Sulfur 8 for a while now, and things are going great. I've had about an inch of new growth in the past 5 weeks, though I have to admit, I started slacking towards the end. I'm inspired now to start being more out Lady Godiva....mochalolita is coming for ya!

Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

Honestly, I can't really tell if I'm seeing any results or not. My hair had about 1/2 an inch of new growth when I started the challenge. I'm getting my hair touched up on Monday so I plan to do the challenge for 5 weeks after that and then hopefully I will see an improvement. I'll keep you posted! /images/graemlins/grin.gif <font color="blue"> </font color>

Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

So, refresh my memory,
How are you ladies using this stuff. For those using just the glover's liquid, and for Mochalolita , using the mixture?

Are you applying it every night, are you washing it out?
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ON

well i know that i can't wait until december so i can apply my bbq sauce. didn't someone say that they put the sauce in msm lotion?
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

Hey schedule's gotten a little more hectic, and there are times that I can't wash my hair in the morning to get the glovers out, so on those days, I use sulfur 8...i figure that way, I will have some sort of sulfur on my hair at all times. Hope that helps /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ON

It's official. This stuff really does work. I gave my self a much needed touch up. (Whew, I can comb again /images/graemlins/wink.gif) Anyway, I measured and since using Glovers (2x week) In most areas, I had an inch of growth but in some areas it measured an inch and a half. This is the only thing different in my regimen.

So, ladies keep Q-ing!!!!! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ON

Ok NOW I'm curious.... I know this is a big secret but ummm.. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME! lol What is Glovers and how am I supposed to be applying it? /images/graemlins/confused.gif Please oh Please let me in on this one.
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON

Hi, Ennyaa!

Glover's is "Glover's Dandruff Hair Medicine". It comes in a jar (pomade), as a shampoo, or as a liquid "treatment." I personally use the treatment as it is applied to the scalp BEFORE shampooing for 15 minutes-1hour + then rinsed out.

Some of the other girls use the pomade. Glover's really, really smells though, so I don't think that anyone leaves it in their hair (even if they use the pomade). The active ingredients in the Glover's are SULFUR (promotes hair growth) and PINE TAR OIL (acts as an emulsifier for the sulfur).

Glover's can be found at drugstores and beauty supply shops. It costs under $4 or $5. There is a "floral" version also, but I hear that still stinks AND that version does not contain pine tar oil (which may decrease its effectiveness).

Hope this helped! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON


When you say that the Pine Tar Oil acts as an emulsifier for the sulfer, does the sulfer then work better with the PTO or is it just as effective on its own?
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON

Thank you so much for the explanation BlkMane (you know I'mma run out and get some tonight right? *chuckle*) Especially after seeing some of these growth testimonials (from women I'd actually believe). Maybe I won't have to plunk down money to try viviscal after all.

I read that some ladies are mixing it with MSM powder or lotion or something.... Are they mixing it into the actual jar/bottle or upon application?
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON

Ennyaa- I don't mix any sulfur or MSM powder into my Glover's so you'll have to ask someone else about that.

LondonDiva- I think the Pine Tar OIl helps the sulfur penetrate BETTER, so I figure it's best to get the Glover's WITH the pine tar oil.
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON


I was just looking on the internet and came across a site that sells PINE TAR OIL SOAP. (My parents buy this.) The site claimed that Pine Tar Oil contains sulfur. Go figure!
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON

BlkMane or any other BBQHC members...

After reading numerous testimonials last month I went out and bought the Glover's liquid.
*Just couldn't pass it up w/out a try* /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Anyway's, I'm wondering if you mix your liquid with anything? Or apply direct as is?

Man this Glovers Mange thing is a staight "throwback" to my childhood days. /images/graemlins/grin.gif Thanks for the help.
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON

I guess I'm now officially a member of the Barbeque Hair Club! I was browsing Walmart this weekend and ran across the liquid. needless to say, I bought it. Then I went to sallys and ran across the ointement (blue top). So what I'm doing is using the ointment on my hair and leaving it and applying the ointment (liquid) right before I wash. I'll let yall know how it works.

I noticed that the sulfur content in the ointment is higher than in the stinky liquid. 5% compared to 2.5%. Once I run out of the liquid, I'm gonna stick with the ointment cause it has more sulfur and I don't have to rinse it out because the smell is not so strong.
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON

Hey Armyqt I picked mine up tonight as well and I noticed exactly what you were saying. I bought a little baby jar of the ointment because I saw that there was more sulfur in it and the stinky one too. I used the liquid tonight because the ointment didn't have the pine tar oil and I thought that might help it to be absorbed better, but maybe next time I'll just stick with the ointment. It's probably easier to apply than the liquid too.
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON

Hi Enyaa, so I guess we both have the same start date. I plan onusing it 2x per wk when I wash and the ointment I'll aplly 2x perweek and leave it in. How do u plan to use it?
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s User ON

That sounds like a good plan. I'll be wearing long twists for the next two months (gettin them Saturday) Since I washed and used the stuff last night I'll do it again on Thursday evening. I didn't realize you could leave the ointment in. Cool... I'll probably start with that on Sat morning then right b4 I get the twists. They should really be able to help me gauge my growth. (not to mention keep the comb and brush out of my hair.)

Sheesh I need to start gettin more spray bottles for all this stuff I'm using.
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

I guess I'm the newest BBHC member. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
TsAngel's "testimony" about 1 1/2" of new growth sent me straight to Wal-Mart! I couldn't decide between the ointment or the liquid so I whipped out the Mastercard and got them both. I "greased my scalp" with the ointment, put the liquid into a plastic bottle with an applicator tip and then applied that to my scalp, too. I put on a plastic cap and a terry turban and went to sleep. I slept on the sofa with an old towel under my head because I didn't want my bed smelling like Glover's for the rest of the week. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
I washed it out that morning but the smell was still in my hair! Out of courtesy to the people that have to share a room with me I won't do it twice a week. /images/graemlins/grin.gif I'm going to do it once a week for a few months and see what happens. I found a product today that masks the odor: Kemi Oyl Shea Butter Pomade. It has a very loud sweet candy smell. I'd rather smell like penny candy than marinade any day! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Re: The Barbeque Hair Club -- for Glover\'s Uses ONLY!

I am so easily influenced!! LOLOL! But I figure, I don't have a man right now, so if Immo try it, I betta do it now /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Besides, from my pj days, I have a bottle of this that I need to use. So I got my hair cornrowed yesterday, and then applied the Glover's today. My friend came over and said I smelled like Bacon.

Now, I am aware that something applied topically isn't going to penetrate the roots, but the oil may be stimulating plus the massage, so I might as well use it up. If there are major results I will post. I plan on using this nightly, except for Wed. of this week because I have a meeting coming up /images/graemlins/grin.gif