I know I am jumping the gun but has anyone started thinking about 08 challenges

Like that challenge. Would have to do research on the benefits of silica and the amino acid but I would join that challenge....

If we can all agree on an order, I will post a little info piece each month on each thing. I can include past thread links and a little info snippit.
I am thinking about some ideas for personal challenges for 08. I also might have to bring back the Glover BBQ Club.
If we can all agree on an order, I will post a little info piece each month on each thing. I can include past thread links and a little info snippit.

:yay: Go gymfreak, go gymfreak, go gymfreak... go go! *starts raising the roof* *starting backin' it up* *starts doing the snake*
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LadyZ, you should start a thread, i will definitely join.
When is the first day of winter?

I am thinking about the first of November, that when Most people will start wearing sweaters and jackets...
What do you think?... I think it should last until we peel off the big heavy coats and scraves, say around March...That would make it a 5/6 month challenge... Long, but worth it to protect our hair from the harsh weather...
I am thinking about the first of November, that when Most people will start wearing sweaters and jackets...
What do you think?... I think it should last until we peel off the big heavy coats and scraves, say around March...That would make it a 5/6 month challenge... Long, but worth it to protect our hair from the harsh weather...
sounds fantastic, now don't forget.
I'm down with the vitamin challenge. i really need to be taking my vitamins. I will probally need a buddy to remain me because I'm horrible at taking pills

Great.... I will start recruiting the end of Oct...

:phone: :orders: :armyhat: :sekret: :whip: :detective: :goodcop:

Awesome. There is an old thread with the rules from the last challenge, i think its called bun challenge with a twist. Maybe the rules could come from that thread? Winter protection, Good idea!
I would like to see a "Bun For The Whole Winter Challenge"... Protect those ends from Ol' Man Winter, scarves, and coats...:yep:

I like this challenge especially since wool tends to irritate the hair and cause friction. Ladies can put silk scarves over their collar to prevent nape breakage or irritation.
Um...I nominate gymfreak as vita challenge chairperson. :yep:

I second that! :sekret:

Or anyone who is knowledgeable about what all the vitamins do. I have heard about lots of them but don't have alot of knowledge about what 'particular' vitamins do, if it's better to take certain one's in combination with others, etc. etc.
*I love how this chick said, "Me too", and she started the challenge... :lol:

I'm on HT's BSL in 2008 challenge. That's more than enough for me...:ohwell:

*Mo goes back to looking at Sareca's and zz's curly siggy pics and drools*

Alright, you got me!:Blush2: :lol:
**Note to self: nothing slips past ML**
I want 2008 to be my hair year!!! I am 21 weeks into my current stretch and I am pretty certain that I have hit APL, and in 3 weeks I'll know for sure.

Therefore, my goal is to make BSL in '08, possibly in mid to late '08.

This year, I started my vitamin regimen, and I plan to stay on top of it more consistently. Also, I will be working out, which I have been putting off, not to lose weight but to tighten and tone up, which will also help with the health of my hair.

Keep working at my rollersetting skills...to perfect the bouncy salon look.

If I return to the workforce, I plan to wear my hair out more often.
I'm on the following challenges for '08:
BSL 08 Challenge (hopefully reached by 5/08) need 6 inches
MBL 08 Challenge (hopefully reached by 12/08)

This fall/winter I'll be moisturizing,sealing and bunning to reach those goals..Hopefully I will meet and surpass them :grin:
Awesome. There is an old thread with the rules from the last challenge, i think its called bun challenge with a twist. Maybe the rules could come from that thread? Winter protection, Good idea!


Great.... all we have to do is find it, then go from there...
I like this challenge especially since wool tends to irritate the hair and cause friction. Ladies can put silk scarves over their collar to prevent nape breakage or irritation.

Me too... I want to protect my hair this winter and keep it moisturized also...