The Baggy Method - Revisited

Lady Esquire

New Member
So what is in your baggy? Products?

Do you wear your baggy wet or dry?

How often do you wear yours?

Do you cover yours with a phony pony or just at home?

Tips for a baggy that will not cause damage?
I baggy my whole head at night. I usually have my hair saturated in conditioner, a DC or my homemade moisturizer.

During the day I wear my in wet bun. shoot my hair stays wet. I don't exp breakage though as I keep up with my protein.

It does not work for everybody but my hair is thriving. This is one of those things where it really depends on the individual. Not sure if you are relaxed or not but if so be careful as to not over moisturize your hair.
Not sure if you are relaxed or not but if so be careful as to not over moisturize your hair.

Noir, I am relaxed. I used to baggy for quite a while. I have had good and bad experiences with baggying.

I did in fact overmoisturize my hair, so I stopped. But I was very heavy-handed with products back then. I am revisiting the baggy again, but I want to get some feedback. I want to tweak my method to avoid breakage.
i've just been putting a plastic cap overnight with no products and my hair feels so good.

it doesnt come out as "wet" as when i used to put products (and baggy just the ends)

when i seal & comb through it feels so moisturised.

so far so breakage by the way.
I tried the baggy method with phony ponies when I first started but I ended up with my hair too moisturised and feeling too mushy. I didn't really like it back then. Now my hair is always wet and moisturised and bunned anyway so I don't really have to baggy with the phony ponies and all.
Hi Counselor! (assuming that is why you call yourself Lady ESQ.)

I baggy about 3-4 times a week and I have never had any problems. I am relaxed as well. I baggy with my DC (Humectress or AO HSR) and when I rinse in the morning it comes out just fine. I normally was my hair, apply condish, baggy, go to bed. Forgot to add that I also prepoo/baggy with AO HSR overnight on dry hair.

This has been especially beneficial since I am on the MT/OCT challenge and I henna. I see that someone posted that "baggy with no products", interesting. I may have to try that.

The way that I avoid any type of breakage is that after I comb through, I twist the end of my hair and pin it up with a hair roller clip

BTW - Your hair is beautiful
i've just been putting a plastic cap overnight with no products and my hair feels so good.

Without any products works for me too. My ends have been brittle lately, but that has more to do with the fact that I had not DC'd with heat in a while. Instead, I've been doing drive-by DCs and my hair needs more attention than that. Baggies without product would work if I get back on my intense DC regimen.

I tried the baggy method with phony ponies when I first started but I ended up with my hair too moisturised and feeling too mushy. I didn't really like it back then. Now my hair is always wet and moisturised and bunned anyway so I don't really have to baggy with the phony ponies and all.
I do not care to wear phony ponies often either. Have not done so in forever and never really got into that habit. But I am scared to wear my hair wet everyday, 'cause when I used to, it would break. I will experiment to find the right balance for me though.

Hi Counselor! (assuming that is why you call yourself Lady ESQ.)

I baggy about 3-4 times a week and I have never had any problems. I am relaxed as well. I baggy with my DC (Humectress or AO HSR) and when I rinse in the morning it comes out just fine. I normally was my hair, apply condish, baggy, go to bed. Forgot to add that I also prepoo/baggy with AO HSR overnight on dry hair.

The way that I avoid any type of breakage is that after I comb through, I twist the end of my hair and pin it up with a hair roller clip

BTW - Your hair is beautiful

Yep, I'm a mommy now, but I'll be a counselor again in late 2009. :lol: Thank you for the compliment. :kiss:

Clipping it definitely is less stress than constant bunning.
Since the change in weather, I've been baggying my ends when I get home then bunning in the mornings. What I use depends on my mood. Last night I used Afroveda CocoLatte Moisturizing Mask and sealed w/Hairveda Avosoya oil. The night before it was HE LTR leave-in sealed w/CoCasta oil.

I rub the moisturizer all thru my hair and brush thru, add more moisturizer to my ends, then apply the oil. I twist my ends, place a plastic bag over them and secure w/a hair tie. I then put on my satin scarf and bonnet and call it good until I wake up. Super lush, strong ends.
Since the change in weather, I've been baggying my ends when I get home then bunning in the mornings. What I use depends on my mood. Last night I used Afroveda CocoLatte Moisturizing Mask and sealed w/Hairveda Avosoya oil. The night before it was HE LTR leave-in sealed w/CoCasta oil.

I rub the moisturizer all thru my hair and brush thru, add more moisturizer to my ends, then apply the oil. I twist my ends, place a plastic bag over them and secure w/a hair tie. I then put on my satin scarf and bonnet and call it good until I wake up. Super lush, strong ends.

Eisani, :wave:
Okay bunning in the day and baggying ends at night. That sounds like a balance that would work for me to avoid over-moisturizing and the mushiness that led to breakage.
Eisani, :wave:
Okay bunning in the day and baggying ends at night. That sounds like a balance that would work for me to avoid over-moisturizing and the mushiness that led to breakage.
Hey LadyE :hiya:
This has been the best method for me for that very reason. It gives my hair a chance to breathe.
Since the change in weather, I've been baggying my ends when I get home then bunning in the mornings. What I use depends on my mood. Last night I used Afroveda CocoLatte Moisturizing Mask and sealed w/Hairveda Avosoya oil. The night before it was HE LTR leave-in sealed w/CoCasta oil.

I rub the moisturizer all thru my hair and brush thru, add more moisturizer to my ends, then apply the oil. I twist my ends, place a plastic bag over them and secure w/a hair tie. I then put on my satin scarf and bonnet and call it good until I wake up. Super lush, strong ends.

I love your breakdown Eisani!
I've been doing this for the past couple days...great moisture retention! :yep:
Noir, I am relaxed. I used to baggy for quite a while. I have had good and bad experiences with baggying.

I did in fact overmoisturize my hair, so I stopped. But I was very heavy-handed with products back then. I am revisiting the baggy again, but I want to get some feedback. I want to tweak my method to avoid breakage.
You could do the dry bagging that was mentioned in a few posts above. I do it sometimes when I wear my hair flat ironed straight and it works just as well. The heat from my head makes my hair feel slightly moist. The only thing is it makes my hair puffy so I don't do it that much when I wear my hair straight.

Or you can do what I and some others do - only baggy at night time.
So what is in your baggy? Products?
No products.

Do you wear your baggy wet or dry?

How often do you wear yours?
Full baggy every night and under hats or scarves

Do you cover yours with a phony pony or just at home?
I am yet to do a partial baggy so I haven't covered mine with a phony puff. I don't just wear it at home. I wear it out too under hats or scarves.

Tips for a baggy that will not cause damage?
Don't really have tips but I just make sure the elastic of my cap isn't rubbing against my hairline by pulling some of the plastic underneath the elastic. This also prevents me from getting an elastic mark.
I've never tried dry hair baggying...Has anyone baggied dry hair in a wrap?! :scratchch

What wrap are you talking about? Saran? That would be me! :wave: I sleep in a baggy every night--ever since jheri curl days (minus relaxed days)--and sometimes if I don't have a plastic cap, I'll use Saran wrap. I don't use products so all I do at night is wrap my head or put on a cap and call it a night. No problems whatsoever.
What wrap are you talking about? Saran? That would be me! :wave: I sleep in a baggy every night--ever since jheri curl days (minus relaxed days)--and sometimes if I don't have a plastic cap, I'll use Saran wrap. I don't use products so all I do at night is wrap my head or put on a cap and call it a night. No problems whatsoever.
Well, I meant more of a "wrap" wrap lol. I wrap my hair at night, and wondered if I covered my wrap with a bag or saran would that make a difference? Ala the silkwrap but just overnight...
So what is in your baggy? Products?
No products.

Tips for a baggy that will not cause damage?
Don't really have tips but I just make sure the elastic of my cap isn't rubbing against my hairline by pulling some of the plastic underneath the elastic. This also prevents me from getting an elastic mark.

thanks for pointing this out........

my hairline has been breaking and i've done stuff to combat not combing it as much as possible.....

it is amazing that i havent thought about the damage the plastic caps cause because of the elastic......its the one thing i NEVER considered

i think i'm gonna start using cling wrap (saran wrap???) & see if it makes a difference......

Thanks very much for that point Nonie!!!!
I baggy my ends at night with moisturizer and castor oil and alittle of that placed in the saran wrap. I tie the saran wrap with string and put my silk bonnet on to bed.
I sometimes baggy with a conditioner overnight on my whole head,

but I've recently started Saran wrapping my "dry" hair after I've moisturized and then I
ll put on a sleep cap... works WONDERS for moisture retention without making my hair too damp! "D