How long can set with the GHE or Baggy on my hair?


Well-Known Member
How long can I set with the GHE or Baggy method on my hair?

How many hours can I GHE or Baggy my hair? I want to baggy all day and not mess with it tonight. Will this cause moisture overload or any breakage?
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When I do it, I would keep the plastic cap on all night. The key for me, is to not use too much product. When I take the cap off, my hair is moist but never wet.
As long as you use some form of protein in your regimen, you shouldn't suffer from moisture overload. For instance, if you moisturize and baggy nightly or daily...maybe try incorporating a light protein treatment like Aphogee 2 min Reconstructer weekly.
It can cause moisture overload, but it truly depends on your hair's properties before hand, porosity, and the products you may or may not be using.
You have to monitor your hair and do what you think it needs. I alternate between protein and moisture. If you are not sure, try finding something with a balance of moiture and protein. I only baggy at night but if I was home all day, I would not take off my plastic cap.
When I do it, I would keep the plastic cap on all night. The key for me, is to not use too much product. When I take the cap off, my hair is moist but never wet.
As long as you use some form of protein in your regimen, you shouldn't suffer from moisture overload. For instance, if you moisturize and baggy nightly or daily...maybe try incorporating a light protein treatment like Aphogee 2 min Reconstructer weekly.

Thank you, I will try to incorporate protein into my regimen. I been doing the GHE method under a sew-in (by far it been going good) and I afraid that protein may make my braids ruff. I don't want my hair to be hard and the hair is ruff to comb out when taking down my sew-in. I may keep using the method, because it working wonderfully. It getting cold outside and I like how it keeps my hair moist by far.
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It can cause moisture overload, but it truly depends on your hair's properties before hand, porosity, and the products you may or may not be using.

Yeah, I agree with you. I think I may have to lay off on the co-washing a little bit. I am just going to co-wash once every week or two weeks. My hair thrives with GHE and Baggy method better.
The GHE and the plain 'o baggy method are both different according to RealQueens. Years ago I use a moisturiser leave in and did the baggy method overnight and the risk was that you could get moisture overload which is not good. However, with the GHE you're using oils and water only (no moisturiser that perhaps have chemicals) and you can do the GHE all the time without risking your hair becoming overloaded with moisture. I too love the GHE. I do it at least 11-12 hours every day and I'm going to continue doing it for about a year. I'm doing low manipulation, so I wash my hair once a month, deep condition, and then I use oil, butter and water on my hair only, plait my hair and proceed with GHE. Every PM I spray my plaits lightly with water and oil mix and then put on my plastic cap, satin cap, and silk beanie. You can go to her video and she will explain the difference between the GHE and baggying. The video is long so you can fast forward to that section I believe is 20:19 where she answers that question.

Hope this helps
I have up my light/medium protein treatments and I only use water w/ a silk amino acid to spray my before wearing the plastic cap (no moisturizers). Just pay attention to your hair and see if there is any change good or bad.
What's GHE?


It call the Green House Effect, it like baggy, but you just put the plastic cap on your head and tie it with a scarf or use a bonnet to release natural heat. This cause your scalp to create better stimulation and increase more sebum on your scalp.

Read these two challenges. I think they explain it a little better and have more information on the GHE.
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